Twitter: @StaffanJacob
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My interests lie in understanding the drivers of variability in phenotypic traits and their implications for eco-evolutionary dynamics. I particularly focus on traits involved in communication, cooperation, dispersal and host-microbes interactions. Depending on the question, I use various model species from vertebrates to microorganisms, in order to perform empirical and theoretical research both in natural and experimental systems.
Currently, my two main projects focus on 1) the eco-evo of variability in dispersal strategies, and 2) the dynamics and function of protists in freshwater ecosystems (see below).
Eco-evo of variability in dispersal strategies
I am interested in understanding the drivers of dispersal movements and their consequences at the metapopulation and metacommunity levels. Individuals are increasingly recognized to adjust their dispersal decisions to their phenotype and the environmental conditions. Such non-random movements in the landscape might deeply alter meta-population, community and ecosystem functioning. Our understanding of the mechanisms and evolution of movement strategies is therefore crucial for our ability to understand and predict species and community evolution, especially under the current global environmental changes.
Involved people:
- Mathieu Brevet (PhD supervised by J. Clobert & S. Jacob; 2019-21)
- Estelle Laurent (PhD supervised by N. Schtickzelle & S. Jacob; 2015-21)
- Julie Campana (PhD supervised by S. Jacob & A. Chaine; 2020-22)
- Allan Raffard (Postdoc supervised by N. Schtickzelle & S. Jacob; 2020-23)
- ANR JCJC CHOOSE - Habitat choice: evolution and ecological consequences (S. Jacob; 2020-24)
- PDR FNRS - Dispersal and eco-evolutionary dynamics (N. Schtickzelle & S. Jacob; 2019-23)
Main collaborators: Delphine Legrand, Nicolas Schtickzelle, Jean Clobert, Alexis Chaine, Bart Haegeman, Michèle Huet
Other involved collaborators: Emanuel Fronhofer, Julien Cote, Chad Pearson, Hervé Philippe, Michel Loreau, Dries Bonte
Eco-evo dynamics and function of protists in high mountain lakes
Ciliates play major roles in the ecological dynamics of aquatic communities, including the (de-)regulation of trophic state. Their sensitivity to environmental changes and the subsequent consequences for aquatic ecosystems is however poorly understood. In a project coupling quantification of microbial communities dynamics through eDNA in mountain lakes, and experimental approaches in microcosms, we study the sensitivity of ciliate communities to environmental changes, the underlying mechanisms, and the role of these changes for ecosystem functioning.
Involved people:
- Côme Marchais (M2 supervised by S Jacob & D Legrand)
- PAPEL R&S Occitanie - Pressions Anthropiques et rôle des Protistes dans la régulation de l’Etat trophique des Lacs de montagne (S Jacob & D Legrand; 2020-22)
- ZA PYGAR (S Jacob & D Legrand; 2019)
Main collaborators: Delphine Legrand, Simon Blanchet, Didier Galop, Hervé Philippe, Bart Haegeman, Michèle Huet, Morgane Gilbert, Ludovic Orlando, Florence Mazier, Sylvain Morvan, Magali Philippe, Guirrez Ollivier
Dupont L, Thierry M, Zinger L, Legrand D, Jacob S
Jacob S, Dupont L, Haegeman B, Thierry M, Campana JLM, Legrand D, Cote J, Raffard A
Brevet M. , Jacob S., Rutschmann A., Richard M., Cote J., Clobert J.
(2024) - Social information use for spatial decision in the common lizard, Zootoca vivipara - Animal Behaviour Vol. 218, Pages 95-108Bestion E, Legrand D, Baines CB, Bonte D, Coulon A, Dahirel M, Delgado M, Deshpande JN, Duncan AB, Fronhofer EA, Gounand I, Jacob S, Kaltz O, Massol F, Mathyssen E, Parmentier T, Saade C, Schtickzelle N, Zilio G, Cote J.
(2024) - Species interactions affect dispersal: a meta-analysis - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 379: 20230127Thierry M, Cote J, Bestion E, Legrand D, Clobert J, Jacob S.
(2024) - The interplay between abiotic and biotic factors in dispersal decisions in metacommunities. - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 379: 20230137Derelle R, Verdonck R, Jacob S, Huet M, Akerman I, Philippe H, Legrand D
Koné DCE, Jacob S, Huet M, Philippe H, Legrand D
Dupont L, Thierry M, Zinger L, Legrand D, Jacob S
(2023) - Beyond reaction norms: the temporal dynamics of phenotypic plasticity - Trends in Ecology and EvolutionRaffard A, Campana J, Legrand D, Schtickzelle N, Jacob S
(2023) - Resident-disperser differences and genetic variability affect communities in microcosms - The American Naturalist 201 (3):363-375Julie L.M. Campana, Allan Raffard, Alexis S. Chaine, Michèle Huet, Delphine Legrand, Staffan Jacob
(2022) - Dispersal plasticity driven by variation in fitness across species and environmental gradients - Ecology Letters 25: 2410-2421Cote J, Dahirel M, Schtickzelle, Nicolas, Altermatt F, Ansart A, Blanchet S, Chaine A, De Laender F, De Raedt J, Haegeman B, Jacob S, Kaltz O, Laurent E, Little C, Madec L, Manzi F, Masier S, Pellerin F, Pennekamp F, Therry L, Vong A, Winandy L, Bonte D, Fronhofer E, Legrand D
(2022) - Dispersal syndromes in challenging environments: a cross-species experiment - Ecology Letters 25(12):2675-2687Verdonck R, Legrand D, Jacob S, Philippe H
(2022) - Phenotypic plasticity through disposable genetic adaptation in ciliates - Trends in Microbiology 30(2):120-130Cayuela H, Jacob S, Schtickzelle N, Verdonck R, Philippe H, Laporte M, Huet M, Bernatchez L, Legrand D
(2022) - Transgenerational plasticity of dispersal-related traits in a ciliate: genotype-dependency and fitness consequences - Oikos e08846Winandy L., Di Gesu L., Lemoine M., Jacob S., Martin J., Ducamp C., Huet M., Legrand D., Cote J.
(2021) - Maternal and personal information mediates the use of social cues about predation risk - Behavioral Ecology 32(3):518-528Jacob S., Legrand D.
(2021) - Phenotypic plasticity can reverse the relative extent of intra and interspecific variability across a thermal gradient - Proc R Soc B-Biol Sci 288:20210428Junker A.D., Jacob S., Philippe H., Legrand D., Pearson CG
(2021) - Plastic cell morphology changes during dispersal - IScience 24,102915Jacob S, Laurent E, Morel-Journel T, Schtickzelle N
(2020) - Fragmentation and the context‐dependence of dispersal syndromes: matrix harshness modifies resident‐disperser phenotypic differences in microcosms - Oikos 129, 158-169Laurent E., Schtickzelle N. & Jacob S.
(2020) - Fragmentation mediates thermal habitat choice in ciliate microcosms. - Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 287: 20192818Møller A.P., Jacob S ., Lambrechts M.
(2020) - Interaction of climate change with effects of conspecific and heterospecific density on reproduction - OikosBestion E., Soriano-Redondo A., Cucherousset J., Jacob S., White J., Zinger L., Fourtune L., Di Gesu L., Teyssier A. & Cote J.
(2019) - Altered trophic interactions in warming climates: consequences for predator diet breadth and fitness. - Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 286: 20192227Mortier F., Jacob S., Vandegehuchte M.L. & Bonte D.
(2019) - Habitat choice stabilizes metapopulation dynamics by enabling ecological specialization. - Oikos 128: 529–539Bestion E., Cote J., Jacob S., Winandy L. & Legrand D.
(2019) - Habitat fragmentation experiments on arthropods: what to do next? - Current Opinion in Insect Science 35Staffan J., Chaine A.S., Huet M., Clobert J. & Legrand D.
(2019) - Variability in dispersal syndromes is a key driver of metapopulation dynamics in experimental microcosms. - The American Naturalist in pressJacob S., Sallé S., Zinger L., Chaine A.S., Ducamp C., Boutault L., Russell A.F. & Heeb P.
(2018) - Chemical regulation of body feather microbiota in a wild bird. - Molecular Ecology 27: 1727-1738Møller A.P., Jacob S., ..., and Lambrechts M.
(2018) - Effects of interspecific co‐existence on laying date and clutch size in two closely related species of hole‐nesting birds - Journal of Animal Ecology. 87, 1738-1748.Jacob S., Laurent E., Haegeman B., Bertrand R., Prunier J.G., Legrand D., Cote J., Chaine A.S., Loreau M., Clobert J. and Schtickzelle N.
(2018) - Habitat choice meets thermal specialization: Competition with specialists may drive suboptimal habitat preferences in generalists - PNAS 11988–11993, vol. 115, no. 47Bestion E., Jacob S., Zinger L., Di Gesu L., Richard M., White J. & Cote J.
(2017) - Climate warming reduces gut microbiota diversity in a vertebrate ectotherm. - Nature ecology & evolution 1: 161Cote J., Bestion E., Jacob S., Travis J., Legrand D. and Baguette M.
(2017) - Evolution of dispersal strategies and dispersal syndromes in fragmented landscapes. - Ecography 40, 56-73Jacob S., Legrand D., Chaine A.S., Bonte D., Schtickzelle N., Huet M. & Clobert J.
(2017) - Gene flow favours local adaptation under habitat choice. - Nature Ecology & Evolution 1: 1407-1410Leclaire S., Jacob S., Greene L.K., Dubay G.R. & Drea C.M.
(2017) - Social odors covary with bacterial community in the anal secretions of wild meerkats. - Scientific Reports 7: 3240Jacob S., Wehi P., Clobert J., Legrand D., Schtickzelle N., Huet M. & al.
(2016) - Cooperation-mediated plasticity in dispersal and colonization. - Evolution 70: 2336–2345Vaugoyeau M., Jacob S. & Moller A.P.
(2016) - Intraspecific variation in the relationship between clutch size, laying date and intensity of urbanisation in four species of hole-nesting birds. - Ecology and Evolution 6: 5907-5920Jacob S., Bestion E., Legrand D., Clobert J. & Cote J.
(2015) - Habitat matching and spatial heterogeneity of phenotypes: implications for metapopulation and metacommunity functioning - Evolutionary Ecology 29(6): 851-871Jacob S., Parthuisot N., Vallat A., Ramon Portugal F., Helfenstein F. & Heeb P.
(2015) - Microbiome affects egg carotenoid investment, nestling development and adult oxidative costs of reproduction in Great tits. - Functional Ecology 29: 1048-1058Jacob S., Chaine A., Schtickzelle N., Huet M. & Clobert J.
(2015) - Social information from immigrants: multiple immigrant based sources of information for dispersal decisions in a ciliate. - Journal of Animal Ecology 29: 851−871Moller A., … Chaine A., … Jacob S., …, Gregoire A. & al.
(2014) - Clutch size variation in Western Palearctic secondary holenesting passerine birds in relation to nest box design. - Methods in Ecology and Evolution 5: 353–362