San-Jose LM, Bestion E, Pellerin F, Richard M, Di Gesu L, Salmona J, Winandy L, Legrand D, Bonneaud C, Guillaume O, Calvez O, Elmer KR, Yurchenko AA, Recknagel H, Clobert J, Cote J
(2023) - Investigating the genetic basis of vertebrate dispersal combining RNA-seq,RAD-seq and quantitative genetics - Molecular Ecology 32(12):3060-3075 Bestion E., San-Jose L.M., Di Gesu L., Richard M., Sinervo B., Côte J., Calvez O., Guillaume O., Cote J.
Bestion E., Teyssier A., Rangassamy M., Calvez O., Guillaume O., Richard M., Braem A., Zajitschek F., Zajitschek S., Cote J.
(2022) - Adaptive maternal effects shape offspring phenotype and survival in natal environments - The American NaturalistPottier G., Trochet A., Dalibard M., Laffaille P., Guillaume O. , Baillat B., Barbe F., Berroneau M., Bertrand R., Calvez O., Campredon F., Delmas C., de Massary JC., Goudédranche K., Lacaze V., Lapierre D., Le Roux B., Martin M., Muratet J., Rollet S., Barthe L.
(2021) - Systématique, biologie, écologie, répartition et statut de conservation du Calotriton des Pyrénées Calotriton asper (Dugès, 1852) (Amphibia, Urodela, Salamandridae) en France : vers un Plan National d'Actions. - HERP me! Société Herpétologique de France ISSN 2724-9468Dupoué A., Trochet A., Richard M., Sorlin M.V., Guillon M.,Teulieres-Quillet J., Vallé C., Rault C., Berroneau M., Berroneau M., Lourdais O., Blaimont P., Bertrand R., Pottier G., Calvez O., Guillaume O., Le Chevalier H., Souchet J., Le Galliard J.F., Clobert J., Aubret F.
(2020) - Genetic and demographic trends from rear to leading edge are explained by climate and forest cover in a cold adapted ectotherm. - Diversity and DistributionSouchet J., Gangloff E.J., Micheli G., Bossu C., Trochet A., Bertrand R., Clobert J., Calvez O., Martinez-Silvestre A., Darnet E., Le Chevalier H., Guillaume O., Mossoll-Torres M., Barthe L., Pottier G., Philippe H. & Aubret F.
(2020) - High-elevation hypoxia impacts perinatal physiology and performance in a potential montane colonizer. - Integrative Zoology 0: 1–14Lucati F., Poignet M., Miró A., Trochet A., Aubret F., Barthe L., Bertrand R., Buchaca T., Calvez O., Caner J., Darnet E., Denoël M., Guillaume O., Le Chevalier H., Martínez-Silvestre A., Mossoll-Torres M., O’Brien D., Osorio V., Pottier G., Richard M., Sabás I., Souchet J., Tomàs J. & Ventura M.
(2020) - Linking phylogeographic history and contemporary dispersal dynamics:Multiple glacial refugia and restricted but effective present-day gene flow shape the genetic structure of an endemic newt from the Pyrenees. - Molecular Ecology 29 : 2904–2921Martínez-Silvestre A., Trochet A., Calvez O., Poignet M. ,Le Chevalier H, Souchet J., Darnet E., Guillaume O., Fabien Aubret F., Bertrand R., Mossoll-Torres M., Lucati F. , Tomàs J. , David O'Brien D., Miró A. , Ventura M., BarthL. , Pottier G., Marschang R.E., Bosch J.
(2020) - Presence of the Fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, but not B. salamandrivorans, in Wild Pyrenean Brook Newts (Calotriton asper) in Spain and France - Herpetological ReviewMartínez-Silvestre A, Trochet A, Calvez O, Poignet M, Le Chevalier H, Souchet J, Darnet E, Guillaume O, Aubret F, Bertrand R, Mossoll-Torres M, Lucati F; Tomàs J; O’Brien D; Miró A, Ventura M, Barthe L, Pottier G, Marschang RE & Bosch J
(2020) - Presence of the Fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, but not Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans, in Wild Pyrenean Brook Newts (Calotriton asper) in Spain and France. - Herpetological Review 51(4): 738-743.Guillaume O., Deluen M., Raffard A., Calvez O. ,Trochet A.
(2020) - Reduction in the metabolic levels due to phenotypic plasticity in the Pyrenean newt, Calotriton asper, during cave colonization - Ecology and Evolution Manenti R. ,Melotto A. , Guillaume O. ,Ficetola G.F., Lunghi E.
Trochet A., Deluen M., Bertrand R., Calvez O., Martinez-Silvestre A., Verdaguer-Foz I., Mossol-Torres M., Souchet J., Darnet E., Le Chevalier H., Guillaume O. and Aubret F.
(2019) - Body Size Increases with Altitude Elevation in Pyrenean Brook Salamanders (Calotriton asper) - HerpetologicaLe Chevalier H., Marí‐Mena N., Carro B., Prunier J.G., Bossu C., Darnet E., Souchet J., Guillaume O., Calvez O., Bertrand R., Barthe L., Pottier G., Martinez-Silvestre A., Verdaguer-Foz I., Mossoll-Torres M., Trochet A. & Aubret F.
(2019) - Isolation and characterization of fourteen polymorphic microsatellite markers in the viperine snake Natrix maura. - Ecology and Evolution 00: 1-5Valbuena-Ureña E., Oromi,N., Soler-Membrives A., Carranza S., Amat F., Camarasa S., Denoël M., Guillaume O., Sanuy D., Loyau A., Schmeller D.S. and Steinfartz S.
(2018) - Jailed in the mountains: Genetic diversity and structure of an endemic newt species across the Pyrenees. - PLoS One 13:e0200214Lunghi E., Guillaume O., Blaimont P. and Manenti R.
(2018) - The first ecological study on the oldest allochthonous population of European cave salamanders (Hydromantes sp.) - Amphibia-Reptilia 39:113–119Mougin C., Azam D., Caquet T., Cheviron N., Dequiedt S., Le Galliard J.-F., Guillaume O., Houot S., Lacroix G., Maron P.-A., Michniewicz R., Pichot C., Ranjard L., Roy J., Zeller B., Clobert J. & Chanzy A.
(2015) - Coordinated set of ecosystem research platforms open to international research in ecotoxicology, AnaEE-France. - Environmental Science and Pollution Research 22: 16215–16228Guillaume O., Coulon A., Le Galliard J-F. & Clobert J.
(2012) - Animal-borne sensors to study the demography and behavior of small species - Sensors for ecology:Towards integrated knownledge of ecosystems, CNRS INEE (ed.)Legrand D, Guillaume O, Baguette M, Cote, Trochet A, Calvez O, Zajitschek S, Zajitschek F, Lecomte J, Bénard Q, Le Galliard JF & Clobert J.
(2012) - The Metatron :an experimental system to study dispersal and metaecosystems for terrestrial organisms. - Nature MethodsVoituron, Y., de Fraipont, M., Issartel, J., Guillaume, O. & J. Clobert
(2011) - Extreme lifespan for the human fish Proteus anguinus : a challenge for aging mecanisms - Biology Letters, 7(1) : 105-107.Mila B., Carranza S., Guillaume O., Clobert J.
(2010) - Marked genetic structuring and extreme dispersal limitation in the Pyrenean brook newt Calotriton asper (Amphibia: Salamandridae) revealed by genome-wide AFLP but not mtDNA - Molecular Ecology (2010) 19, 108–120Issartel, J., Voituron, Y., Guillaume, O. & J. Clobert
(2010) - Variation in metabolism during long fasting and refeeding between between cave and river populations from Calotriton asper - CBP A, 155 : 77-83Dreiss A.N., Guillaume O. , Clobert J.
(2009) - Diverging Cave- and River-Dwelling Newts Exert the Same Mate Preference in their Native Light Conditions - Ethology 115 (2009) 1–10Miaud C. & Guillaume O.
(2005) - Variation in age, body size and grouth among surface and cave-dwelling populations of the pyrenean newt Calotriton (Euproctus) asper (Amphibia, Urodela). - Herpetologica, 61(3): 241-249.Guillaume O.
(2000) - Role of chemical communication and behavioural interactions among conspecifics in the choice of shelters in the cave-dwelling salamander Proteus anguinus (Caudata, Proteidae). - Can. J. Zool., 78: 167-173.Guillaume, O
(2000) - The ventral tegumental glands: new additional cloacal glands in Proteus anguinus (Caudata, Proteidae). I. In female. - Acta Zool., 81: 213-221.Guillaume, O.
(2000) - The ventral tegumental glands: new additional cloacal glands in Proteus anguinus (Caudata, Proteidae). II. In male. - Acta Zool., 81(3): 223-234.Guillaume, O.
(1999) - Cloacal glands in Euproctus asper (Caudata, Salamandridae). - Mém. Biospéol., 26: 17-23.