Loreau M. & de Mazancourt C.
(2013) - Biodiversity and ecosystem stability: a synthesis of underlying mechanisms. - Ecology Letters 16, Supplement 1: 106–115 -
Loreau M., Daufresne T., Gonzalez A., Gravel D., Guichard F., Leroux S.J., Loeuille N., Massol F. & Mouquet N.
(2013) - Unifying sources and sinks in ecology and Earth sciences. - Biological Reviews 88: 365–379 -
Cherif M. & Loreau M.
(2013) - Plant–herbivore–decomposer stoichiometric mismatches and nutrient cycling in ecosystems. - Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 280: 20122453 -
Richard, M., Massot, M., Clobert, J., Meylan, S.
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(2012) - Diversity-dependence brings molecular phylogenies closer to agreement with the fossil record - Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279, 1300-1309 -
Haegeman B., Weitz J.S.
(2012) - A neutral theory of genome evolution and the frequency distribution of genes - BMC Genomics 13, 196 -
Etienne R.S., Haegeman B.
(2012) - A conceptual and statistical framework for adaptive radiations with a key role for diversity-dependence - The American Naturalist 180, E75-E89 -
Goudard A. & Loreau M.
(2012) - Integrating trait-mediated effects and non-trophic interactions in the study of biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. - Trait-Mediated Indirect Interactions: Ecological and Evolutionary Perspectives, T. Ohgushi, O. J. Schmitz & R. D. Holt Eds, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom pp. 414–432. -
Lekevicius E. & Loreau M.
(2012) - Adaptability and functional stability in forest ecosystems: a hierarchical conceptual framework. - Ekologija 58: 391–404 -
Loreau M., Sapijanskas J., Isbell F. & Hector A.
(2012) - Niche and fitness differences relate the maintenance of diversity to ecosystem function: comment. - Ecology 93: 1482–1487 -
Cardinale B.J., Duffy J.E., Gonzalez A., Hooper D.U., Perrings C., Venail P., Narwani A., Mace G.M., Tilman D., Wardle D.A., Kinzig A.P., Daily, G.C., Loreau M., Grace J.B., Larigauderie A., Srivastava D.S. & Naeem S.
(2012) - Biodiversity loss and its impact on humanity. - Nature 486: 59–67 -
Long Z.T., Leroux S.J., Faninger T. & Loreau M.
(2012) - Interactive effects of nutrient enrichment and the manipulation of intermediate hosts by parasites on infection prevalence and food web structure. - Ecological Modelling 228: 1–7 -
Leroux S.J. & Loreau M.
(2012) - Dynamics of reciprocal pulsed subsidies in local and meta-ecosystems. - Ecosystems 15: 48–59 -
Pillai P., Gonzalez A. & Loreau M.
(2012) - Evolution of dispersal in a predator-prey metacommunity. - The American Naturalist 179: 204–216 -
Haegeman B., Etienne R.S.
(2011) - Independent species in independent niches behave neutrally - Oikos 120, 961-963 -
Etienne R.S., Haegeman B.
(2011) - The neutral theory of biodiversity with random fission speciation - Theoretical Ecology 4, 87-109 -
Kislyuk A.O., Haegeman B., Bergman N.H., Weitz J.S.
(2011) - Genomic fluidity: An integrative view of gene diversity within microbial populations - BMC Genomics 12, 32 -
Pillai P., Gonzalez A. & Loreau M.
(2011) - Metacommunity theory explains the emergence of food web complexity. - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 108: 19293–19298 -
Brännström A., Loeuille N., Loreau M. & Dieckmann U.
(2011) - Emergence and maintenance of biodiversity in an evolutionary food-web model. - Theoretical Ecology 4: 467–478 -
Isbell F., Calcagno V., Hector A., Connolly J., Harpole W.S., Reich P.B., Scherer-Lorenzen M., Schmid B., Tilman D., van Ruijven J., Weigelt A., Wilsey B.J., Zavaleta E.S. & Loreau M.
(2011) - High plant diversity is needed to maintain ecosystem services. - Nature 477: 199-202