Gladys Barragan-Jason , Maxime Cauchoix, Paula A. Diaz-Valencia, Arielle Syssau-Vaccarella, Solène Hemet, Camilo Cardozo, Suzanne M. Skevington, Philipp Heeb, Camille Parmesan
(2024) - Human–nature connectedness and sustainability across lifetimes: A comparative cross-sectional study in France and Colombia - People and Nature Barragan‐Jason, G., Cauchoix, M., Diaz‐Valencia, P. A., Syssau‐Vaccarella, A., Hemet, S., Cardozo, C., ... & Parmesan, C. (2024). Human–nature connectedness and sustainability across lifetimes: A comparative cross‐sectional study in France and Colombia. People and Nature.Maxime Cauchoix, Gladys Barragan Jason, Arnauld Biganzoli, Jérôme Briot, Vincent Guiraud, Nory El Ksabi, David Lieuré, Julie Morand‐Ferron, Alexis S Chaine
(2022) - The OpenFeeder: A flexible automated RFID feeder to measure interspecies and intraspecies differences in cognitive and behavioural performance in wild birds -Culina, A., F. Adriaensen, L. D. Bailey, M. D. Burgess, A. Charmantier, E. F. Cole, T. Eeva, E. Matthysen, C. R. Nater, B. C. Sheldon, B.-E. Sæther, S. J. G. Vriend, Z. Zajkova, P. Adamík, L. M. Aplin, E. Angulo, A. Artemyev, E. Barba, S. Barišić, E. Belda, C. C. Bilgin, J. Bleu, C. Both, S. Bouwhuis, C. J. Branston, J. Broggi, T. Burke, A. Bushuev, C. Camacho, D. Campobello, D. Canal, A. Cantarero, S. P. Caro, M. Cauchoix, A. Chaine, M. Cichoń, D. Ćiković, C. A. Cusimano, C. Deimel, A. A. Dhondt, N. J. Dingemanse, B. Doligez, D. M. Dominoni, C. Doutrelant, S. M. Drobniak, A. Dubiec, M. Eens, K. E. Erikstad, S. Espín, D. R. Farine, J. Figuerola, P. K. Gülbeyaz, A. Grégoire, I. R. Hartley, M. Hau, G. Hegyi, S. Hille, C. A. Hinde, B. Holtmann, T. Ilyina, C. Isaksson, A. Iserbyt, E. Ivankina, W. Kania, B. Kempenaers, A. Kerimov, J. Komdeur, P. Korsten, M. Král, M. Krist, M. Lambrechts, C. E. Lara, A. Leivits, A. Liker, J. Lodjak, M. Mägi, M. C. Mainwaring, R. Mänd, B. Massa, S. Massemin, J. Martínez‐Padilla, T. D. Mazgajski, A. Mennerat, J. Moreno, A. Mouchet, S. Nakagawa, J.-Å. Nilsson, J. F. Nilsson, A. C. Norte, K. van Oers, M. Orell, J. Potti, J. L. Quinn, D. Réale, T. K. Reiertsen, B. Rosivall, A. F. Russell, S. Rytkönen, P. Sánchez‐Virosta, E. S. A. Santos, J. Schroeder, J. C. Senar, G. Seress, T. Slagsvold, M. Szulkin, C. Teplitsky, V. Tilgar, A. Tolstoguzov, J. Török, M. Valcu, E. Vatka, S. Verhulst, H. Watson, T. Yuta, J. M. Zamora‐Marín, and M. E. Visser
(2021) - Connecting the data landscape of long-term ecological studies: The SPI-Birds data hub. - Journal of Animal Ecology 90: 2147–2160Barragan-Jason G., Cauchoix M., Regnier A., Bourjade M., Hopfensitz A.and Chaine A.S.
Cauchoix M., Chaine A.S. & Barragan-Jason G.
(2020) - Cognition in context: Plasticity in cognitive performance in response to ongoing environmental variables. - Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8: 106Lynton-Jenkins J.G., Bruendl A., Cauchoix M., Lejeune L., Salle L., Thiney A., Russell A.F., Chaine A.S. & Bonneaud C.
(2020) - Contrasting the seasonal and elevational prevalence of generalist avian haemosporidia in co-occurring host species. - Ecology and Evolution 00:1–15 Barragan-Jason G., Atance C.M., Hopfensitz A., Stieglitz J., Cauchoix M.
Cauchoix M., …, Chaine A.S. and Morand-Ferron J.
(2018) - The repeatability of cognitive performance: a meta-analysis. - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 373: 20170281Barragan-Jason G., Atance C., Stieglitz J., Hopfensitz A. and Cauchoix M.
(2018) - Commentary: Revisiting the Marshmallow Test: A Conceptual Replication Investigating Links Between Early Delay of Gratification and Later Outcomes - Frontiers in Psychology 9, 2719Hermer E., Cauchoix M., Chaine A.S. & Morand-Ferron J.
(2018) - Elevation related difference in serial reversal learning ability in a non-scatter hoarding passerine. - Behavioral Ecology 29(4): 840–847Cauchoix M., Chow P.K.Y, Van Horik J.O., Atance C.M., Barbeau E.J., Barragan-Jason G., Bize P., Boussard A., Severine D Buechel S.D., Cabirol A., Cauchard L., Claidière N.,Dalesman S., Devaud J.M., Didic M., Doligez B., Fagot J., Fichtel C., Henke-Von Der Malsburg J., Hermer E., Huber L., Huebner F ., Kappeler P.M., Klein S., Langbein J., Langley E.J.G., Lea S.E.G., Lihoreau M., Lovlie H., Matzel L.D. , Nakagawa S., Nawroth C., Oesterwind S., Sauce B., Smith E.A., Sorato E., Tebbich S., Wallis L.J. , Whiteside M.A., Wilkinson A., Chaine A.S. , Morand-Ferron J.
(2018) - The repeatability of cognitive performance: a meta-analysis - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological SciencesCauchoix M., Hermer E., Chaine A.S. & Morand-Ferron J.
(2017) - Cognition in the field: comparison of reversal learning performance in captive and wild passerines. - Scientific Reports 7: 12945Cauchoix M., Crouzet S.M., Fize D. & Serre T.
(2016) - Fast ventral stream neural activity enables rapid visual categorization. - NeuroImage 125: 280-290Cauchoix M. & Chaine A. S.
(2016) - How Can We Study the Evolution of Animal Minds? - Frontiers in Psychology 7: 358Devost I., Jones T. B., Cauchoix M., Montreuil-Spencer C. & Morand-Ferron J.
(2016) - Personality does not predict social dominance in wild groups of black-capped chickadees. - Animal Behaviour 122: 67-76Barragan-Jason G., Cauchoix M., & Barbeau E.J.
(2015) - The neural speed of familiar face recognition. - Neuropsychologia 75: 390-401Cauchoix M., Barragan-Jason G., Serre T. & Barbeau E. J.
(2014) - The neural dynamics of face detection in the wild revealed by MVPA. - Journal of Neuroscience 34(3): 846-854