Résumé de mon parcours de recherche
Au cours des quinze dernières années, mes recherches ont porté sur les relations dynamiques entre les plantes et leur environnement. J'ai utilisé une approche fonctionnelle de l'écologie et abordé les aspects de l'écologie des plantes et des écosystèmes, de l'organisme à l'échelle mondiale. Mes recherches s'articulent autour de trois axes thématiques : (1) la diversité des stratégies et des réponses plastiques des plantes à l'environnement ; (2) la diversité des effets des plantes sur le fonctionnement des écosystèmes ; et (3) l'impact de l'homme sur le fonctionnement des (agro-)écosystèmes.
Au cours de ma carrière de chercheur, mes travaux de Master m'ont familiarisé avec les sciences du sol et les concepts de fonctions et services écosystémiques. Mon doctorat m'a formé aux approches fonctionnelles de l'écophysiologie végétale et du fonctionnement des écosystèmes. Mon post-doctorat m'a permis d'aborder les aspects plastiques de la réponse des communautés végétales et plus largement l'écologie des écosystèmes en situation de changement environnemental. Enfin, mon travail de recherche indépendante au CNRS a contribué à développer mes connaissances sur l'écologie racinaire et les relations biodiversité-fonctionnement des écosystèmes. La complémentarité de ces différentes phases de ma formation en recherche découle d'une forte motivation personnelle à continuer d'explorer de nouveaux domaines de recherche. Elle reflète mon large intérêt pour de nombreux aspects de l'écologie des écosystèmes.
Mes recherches actuelles se concentrent essentiellement sur deux thèmes complémentaires : L'écologie des racines et les relations entre la biodiversité et le fonctionnement des écosystèmes. J'étudie principalement ces thèmes dans des contextes agro-écologiques. Mes perspectives de recherche pour les années à venir seront de rapprocher ces deux principaux axes de recherche en les intégrant dans une approche interdisciplinaire combinant l'écologie des écosystèmes, l'écophysiologie végétale, l'écologie mycorhizienne et les sciences du sol.
Mots clés: Interactions plantes-sols, écologie racinaire, biodiversité, cycle des matières organiques, fonctionnement des écosystèmes
Summary of my research path
Over the last fifteen years my research has focused on the dynamic relationships between plants and their environment. I have used a functional approach to ecology and addressed aspects of plant and ecosystem ecology from the organism to the global scale. My research can be broadly structured around three thematic axes, (1) The diversity of plant strategies and plant plastic responses to the environment; (2) The diversity of plant effects on ecosystem functioning, and (3) Human impact on (agro-)ecosystem functioning.
During my research career, my Master's work made me familiar with soil sciences and the concepts of ecosystem functions and services. My doctorate trained me in functional approaches to plant ecophysiology and ecosystem functioning. My post-doctorate allowed me to address the plastic aspects of plant community response and more broadly the ecology of ecosystems in situations of environmental change. Finally, my work as an independent research at CNRS was instrumental in developing my knowledge of root ecology and biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationships. The complementarity of these different phases of my research training stem from a strong personal motivation in keeping exploring new fields or research. It reflects my broad interest in many aspect of ecosystem ecology.
My current research focuses essentially on three complementary themes: root ecology, plant effects on soil organic matter cycling and biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationships. I mostly study these themes in agro-ecological settings. My research perspectives for the coming five to ten years will be to bridge two of these main research axes by integrating them within an interdisciplinary approach combining ecosystem ecology, plant ecophysiology, mycorrhizal ecology and soil science. Over the longer term, one of my overarching aim is to integrate further my research on ecological theories to meet societal demand for more sustainable farming practices.
Key words: Plant-soil interactions, root ecology, biodiversity, organic matter cycling, ecosystem functioning
Ongoing projects - Research themes
Integrative approach to the study of plant effects on soil carbon
My current research on plant effects on soil organic matter cycling is showing particularly unexpected and promising results. Such results contradict two of the most dominant theories in this field of research. First, we are finding that, for a large range of plant species, the net effect of litter-induced soil priming is essentially negative in the long-term, especially for root litter. This counter-intuitive result suggests that on the long-term, soil over-mineralisation actually promotes carbon storage in soils, potentially by over-using soil available resources on the short-term. Second, we are observing that recalcitrant compounds associated to the latter phase of litter decomposition play a stronger role in the stabilization of new SOM than, as recently suggested by other works, the labile compounds associated with early decomposition phases. These results, together, call for a re-evaluation of the current theoretical framework describing the potential effects of plant litter on soil carbon accrual. In this context, I am currently reflecting on the substantial implications that these results will have for this field of research, in order to set the bases for an in-depth reconsideration of current theories, and to propose a meaningful continuation of these research. Additionally, I want expand the scope of these findings by exploring three preliminary avenues. First, integrating aspects of temporal repetition in fresh organic matter inputs, in order to describe more accurately the reality of processes occurring in-situ. Second, looking into the respective role of root and mycorrhizal chemistry in driving the very positive effect of (mycorrhizal) root litter on soil carbon accrual. Third, summarizing the co-occurring effects of live roots and root litter shedding on soil organic matter formation, stabilization and priming by looking at the interaction between the two processes. Overall, I anticipate that the original contribution made by the field of functional ecology will keep bringing exciting new insights for soil sciences for several coming decades and help the shaping a renewed view of soil organic matter cycling.
Developing a multivariate approach to plant plasticity
My research has been decisive in highlighting how diverse can be plant plastic adjustments to the same environmental variation among co-occurring species. Particularly, my work emphasizes how changes in multiple traits both above and belowground are simultaneously influencing the capacity of plant to overcome a constraint or acquire a resource, and how important it is to consider the sum of all these changes to understand the whole plant adaptation to a constraint. In this context, I am planning to deepen further my research activities in this area by reconsidering a range of pioneer works conducted in the 90’s. While these works on the whole plant response to, for instance, soil resource limitation, are sound and of high value to our current understanding of plant plastic adjustments, they lack a truly integrative approach on plant’s capacity to acquire soil resources. Also, their models and conclusions are based on too limited sets of plants, that do not adequately represent the diversity of plant functional strategies towards resource acquisition. Finally, such works did not go as far as explaining how plastic adjustments may or may not be under control of plant strategies. My main research perspectives are therefore to fill a range of conceptual gaps that limit our capacity to establish a renewed, comprehensive view on the multivariate nature of plant responses to environmental constraints. Particularly, I want to find out how extensive is this diversity of plastic adjustments across species, how much of it can be nonetheless summarized within “syndromes” of adjustments, that is, coordinated adjustments at the whole-plant level, and to what extent plant functional strategies are determinant in constraining such plastic adjustments. I strongly feel that such conceptual work will represent a keystone for a range of research fields, including plant ecophysiology, plant community assembly, crop selection and biodiversity-ecosystem functioning.
Regarding the latter, one major but overlooked aspect of plant diversity is indeed the diversity in species responses to environmental change. Particularly, in conditions of plant species mixture, that is, of potential competition with neighbouring plants, the capacity of diverse plants to adjust in contrasting ways to the same environmental constraint may be key in maximizing the complementarity of resource use, the diversity of resistance to biotic or abiotic threats, or the effects of plants on soil properties. As such, I want explore how useful this diversity is for plant community and ecosystem functioning. My gut feeling is that this overlooked aspect of plant diversity can be a powerful tool in the design and management of future agro-systems.
When ecological theories meet farming practices
Farming practices are currently undergoing major changes. A more sustainable agriculture is being developed to respond to the current ecological challenges of pollution, climate change, loss of biodiversity and population growth. For many years, scientific ecology has been exploring the fundamental principles on the role of biodiversity in ecosystems and agrosystems. In particular, research on the link between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning has demonstrated the effects of species complementarity on production, on the control of crop pests and on soil structure. However, bringing diversity into the farming fields currently hits the wall of reality of the socio-economic and crop management constraints of farmers.
Finding an area of convergence between the crop management (sequences, tools, etc.) of farmers and promising ecological mechanisms is a particularly exciting challenge. I would like to meet this challenge in the context of the reintroduction of plant diversity and mycorrhizal diversity in agrosystems. On the one hand, the ecological literature describes a range of mechanisms that may benefit the practices of farmers, if adequate plant associations are set up and appropriate sets of mycorrhizal symbionts are present. On the other hand current farming practices can give us hints on where to look for successful plant associations (and negative ones) and the mechanisms behind this positive (or negative) effects of diversity. As such, confronting ecological science to the reality on the (farming) ground is likely to give us insights into both ecological theories and applied farming practices.
In this context, the central research questions that I want address are: how fundamental ecological rules are applicable to farming systems, and how can they help shape a better use of resources while maintaining or improving a range of ecosystem functions?
Such questions are not novel but are currently hotly debated and of high importance for the society. Besides, the novelty of this project lies in the way I am planning to answer these questions:
· First, I am considering including aspects of both spatial and temporal diversity of plant associations.
· Second, by deepening my research on plant ecophysiology and interactions with the soil, I want to set a strong focus on elucidating the mechanisms behind the links between plant traits and ecosystem functioning.
· Third, I would like to pursue my current approaches by assessing the value of plant associations by the impact that they have on a large set of ecosystem services.
· Fourth, by studying the grey literature on agronomical trials and expert farming knowledge, and conducting surveys with farmers, I want to draw inspiration for the identification of mechanisms at play in the positive and negative impact of plant diversity in agrosystems (and natural ecosystems).
· Fifth, I will initiate collaborations with sociologists, in order to survey and model the mental maps of farmers regarding their practices and identify mental barriers towards the adoption of new concepts and aspects of new farming practices most likely to be implemented.
Finally, but of prime importance, I would like to focus my attention on largely overlooked but particularly interesting agrosystems: market gardening systems. Whereas most studies of agrosystems focus on prairie and forest plants, market gardening systems are high-yielding agricultural systems that are particularly suited to the use of spatial and temporal diversity of plants.
Market gardening as a high-diversity study system
Market gardening agroecosystems are particularly interesting systems for an ecologist like myself due to the use of rapid and varied crop rotations, and the great diversity of plants used. While associations of several plants within the same area is a common practice among market gardeners, it is currently mostly limited to temporal associations, suggesting a strong potential for the development of innovative spatial associations. Also, the large diversity of plants used yields considerable potentialities for mixing species and improving functioning. Furthermore, the relatively small surfaces managed and the (potentially) lower mechanization of these practices make market gardening a good candidate for ecological intensification practices. Finally, the current conceptualization of mechanisms behind positive and negative effects of plant associations is particularly coarse and calls for in-depth mechanistic studies.
The study of such system also poses a number of challenges due to their very intensive management, in space and time, and the massive input of exogenous organic matter. Setting up realistic experiments imposes to take in to account a series of constraints related to farmers’ practices and tools for tillage, sowing, weed and crop pest control, harvesting, etc., as well as to the specific growing seasons of each crop. Also, massive organic matter input and short-term rotations prevent the follow-up of the residual effect of plants on ecosystem properties.
Nonetheless, I make the bet that market gardening systems create more opportunities than constraints to study the role of diversity in ecosystem functioning. Of high interest to us researchers, market gardening systems are renowned for the inventiveness of its farmers and the diversity of its practices, and will most likely offer fertile ground for gaining exciting new insights into the field of biodiversity-ecosystem functioning.
2019 - présent – Chargé de recherche CNRS. SETE Moulis, France
2016 - 2017 – Visiteur, Chargé de recherche CNRS. Universität Freiburg, Germany
2013 - 2018 – Chargé de recherche CNRS. CEFE Montpellier, France
2011 - 2013 – Chercheur post-doctorant. SLU Umea, Sweden
2007 - 2011 – Doctorant. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands
In the list of publications below:
Authors highlighted in green are undergraduate, PhD or post-doctorate students that I have supervised or co-supervised
Articles flagged in red have received over 50 citations (Google Scholar, Aug 2023)
Journal impact factors (IF) 2021 are displayed.
1. Articles in peer-reviewed Journals
(71) Weigelt A., Mommer L., Andraczek K., Iversen C.M., Bergmann J., Bruelheide H., Freschet G.T., Guerrero-Ramírez N.R., Kattge J., Kuyper T.W., Laughlin D.C., Meier I.C., van der Plas F., Poorter H., Roumet C., van Ruijven J., Sabatini F.M., Semchenko M., Sweeney C.J., Valverde-Barrantes O.J., York L.M., McCormack M.L. (2023). The importance of trait selection in ecology. Nature 618: E29–E30. (IF= 49.9)
(70) Bourget M.Y., Fanin N., Fromin N., Hättenschwiler S., Roumet C., Shihan A., Huys R., Sauvadet M., Freschet G.T. (2023). Plant litter chemistry drives long-lasting changes in the catabolic capacities of soil microbial communities. Functional Ecology 37: 2014–2028. (IF=5.6)
(69) Chao L., Liu Y., Zhang W., Wang Q., Guan X., Yang Q., Chen L., Zhang J., Hu B., Liu Z., Wang S., Freschet G.T. (2023). Root functional traits determine the magnitude of the rhizosphere priming effect among eight tree species. Oikos, 2023, e09638. (IF=3.9)
(68) Huys R., Poirier V., Bourget M.Y., Hättenschwiler S., Roumet C., Fromin N., Munson A.D., Freschet G.T. (2022). Plant litter chemistry controls coarse-textured soil carbon dynamics. Journal of Ecology, 110, 2911-2928. (IF=6.3)
(67) Cornelissen J.H.C., Cornwell W.K., Freschet G.T., Weedon J.T., Berg M.P., Zanne A.E. (2022). Co-evolutionary legacies on plant decomposition. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 38, 44-54. (IF=17.7)
(66) Rixen C., Wipf S., Rumpf S.B., Giejsztowt J., Millen J., Morgan J.W., Nicotra A.B., Venn S., Zong S., Dickinson K.J.M., Freschet G.T., Kurzböck C., Li J., Pan H., Pfund B., Quaglia E., Su X., Wang W., Wang X., Yin H., & Deslippe J.R. (2022). Intraspecific trait variation in alpine plants relates to their elevational distribution. Journal of Ecology, 110, 860-875. (IF=6.3)
(65) Díaz S., Kattge J., Cornelissen J.H.C., Wright I.J., Lavorel S., Dray S., Reu B., Kleyer M., Wirth C. Prentice C., Garnier E., Bönisch G., Westoby M., Poorter H., Reich P., Moles A.T., et al. (2022). The global spectrum of plant form and function: enhanced species-level trait dataset. Scientific Data, 9, 755. (IF=6.4)
(64) Mahmoud R., Casadebaig P., Hilgert N., Alletto L., Freschet G.T., de Mazancourt C., Gaudio N. (2022) Species choice and N fertilization influence yield gains through complementarity and selection effects in cereal-legume intercrops. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 42: 12. (IF=5.8)
(63) Yan H., Freschet G.T., Wang H., Hogan J.A., Lia S., Valverde-Barrantes O.J., Fu X., Wang R., Daia X., Jianga L., Menga S., Yanga F., Zhang M., Kou L. (2022). Mycorrhizal symbiosis pathway is a key determinant of the root economics space among tree species. New Phytologist, 234, 1639-1653. (IF=10.2)
(62) Weemstra M., Roumet C., Cruz-Maldonado N., Anthelme F., Stokes A., Freschet G.T. (2022). Environmental variation drives the decoupling of leaf and root traits within species along an elevation gradient. Annals of Botany, 130, 419-430 (IF=4.4)
(61) Hernández-Cáceres D., Stokes A., Angeles-Alvarez G., Abadie J., Anthelme F., Bounous M., Freschet G.T., Roumet C., Weemstra M., Merino-Martín L., Reverchon F. (2022) Vegetation creates microenvironments that influence soil microbial activity and functional diversity along an elevation gradient. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 165, 108485 (IF=7.6)
(60) Wambsganss J., Freschet G.T., Beyer F., Bauhus J., Scherer-Lorenzen M. (2022). Tree diversity, initial litter quality, and site conditions drive early-stage fine-root decomposition in European forests. Ecosystems, 25, 1493-1509. (IF=4.2)
(59) Seethepalli A., Dhakal K., Griffiths M., Guo H., Freschet G.T. & York L.M. (2021). RhizoVision Explorer: Open-source software for root image analysis and measurement standardization. AoB PLANTS, 13, plab056. (IF=3.3) Highly cited article
(58) Sauvadet M., Trap J., Damour G., Plassard C., Van den Meersche K., Achard R., Allinne C., Autfray P., Bertrand I., Blanchart E., Deberdt P., Enock S., Essobo J.-D., Freschet G.T., Hedde M., et al. (2021). Agroecosystem diversification with legumes or non-legumes improves differently soil fertility according to soil type. Science of The Total Environment, 795, 148934. (IF=8.0)
(57) Weigelt A., Mommer L., Andraczek K., Iversen C.M., Bergmann J., Bruelheide H., Fan Y., Freschet G.T., Guerrero-Ramírez N.R., Kattge J., Kuyper T.W., Laughlin D.C., Meier I.C., van der Plas F., Poorter H., Roumet C., van Ruijven J., Sabatini F.M., Semchenko M., Sweeney C.J., Valverde-Barrantes O.J., York L.M. & McCormack M.L. (2021). An integrated framework of plant form and function: The belowground perspective. New Phytologist, 232, 42-59. (IF=10.2) Highly cited article
(56) Wambsganss J., Freschet G.T., Beyer F., Goldmann K., Prada-Salcedo L.D., Scherer-Lorenzen M., Bauhus J. (2021). Tree species mixing causes a shift in fine-root soil exploitation strategies across European forests. Functional Ecology, 35, 1886-1902. (IF=5.6)
(55) Fanin N., Lin D., Freschet G.T., Keiser A.D., Augusto L., Wardle D.A., Veen G.F. (2021). Home-field advantage of litter decomposition: from the phyllosphere to the soil. New Phytologist, 231, 1353-1358. (IF=10.2)
(54) Laughlin D.C., Mommer L., Sabatini F.M., Bruelheide H., Kuyper T.W., McCormack M.L., Bergmann J., Freschet G.T., Guerrero-Ramírez N.R., Iversen C.M., Kattge J., Meier I.C., Poorter H., Roumet C., Semchenko M., Sweeney C.J., Valverde-Barrantes O.J., van der Plas F., van Ruijven J., York L.M., et al. (2021). Root traits explain plant species distributions along climatic gradients yet challenge the nature of ecological trade-offs. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 5, 1123-1134. (IF=15.5) Highly cited article
(53) Wambsganss J., Beyer F., Freschet G.T., Scherer-Lorenzen M. & Bauhus J. (2021). Tree species mixing reduces biomass but increases length of absorptive fine roots in European forests. Journal of Ecology, 109, 2678–2691. (IF=6.3)
(52) Freschet G.T., Pagès L., Iversen C.M., Comas L.H., Rewald B., Roumet C., Klimešová J., Zadworny M., Poorter H., Postma J.A. Adams T.S., Bagniewska-Zadworna A., Bengough A.G., Blancaflor E.B., Brunner I., Cornelissen J.H.C., Garnier E., Gessler A., Hobbie S.E., Meier I.C., Mommer L., Picon-Cochard C., Rose L., Ryser P., Scherer-Lorenzen M., Soudzilovskaia N.A., Stokes A., Sun T., Valverde-Barrantes O.J., Weemstra M., Weigelt A., Wurzburger N., York L.M., Batterman S.A., Gomes de Moraes M., Janeček Š., Lambers H., Salmon V., Tharayil N. & McCormack M.L. (2021). A starting guide to root ecology: strengthening ecological concepts and standardizing root classification, sampling, processing and trait measurements. New Phytologist, 232, 973-1122. (IF=10.2) Highly cited article
(51) Freschet G.T., Roumet C., Comas L.H., Weemstra M., Bengough A.G., Rewald B., Bardgett R.D., de Deyn G.B., Johnson D., Klimešová J. Lukac M., McCormack M.L., Meier I.C., Pagès L., Poorter H., Prieto I., Wurzburger N., Zadworny M., Bagniewska-Zadworna A., Blancaflor E.B., Brunner I., Gessler A., Hobbie S.E., Iversen C.M., Mommer L., Picon-Cochard C., Postma J.A., Rose L., Ryser P., Scherer-Lorenzen M., Soudzilovskaia N.A., Sun T., Valverde-Barrantes O.J., Weigelt A., York L. & Stokes A. (2021). Root traits as drivers of plant and ecosystem functioning: current understanding, pitfalls and future research needs. New Phytologist, 232, 1123-1158. (IF=10.2) Highly cited article
(50) Stokes A., Angeles G., Anthelme F., Aranda-Delgado E., Barois I., Bounous M., Cruz-Maldonado N., Decaëns T., Fourtier S., Freschet G.T., Gabriac Q., Hernández-Cáceres D., Jiménez L., Ma J., Mao Z., Marín-Castro B.E., Merino-Martín L., Mohamed A., Piedallu C., Pimentel-Reyes C., Reijnen H., Reverchon F., Rey H., Selli L., Siebe-Grabach C.D., Sieron K., Weemstra M. & Roumet C. (2021). Shifts in soil and plant functional diversity along an altitudinal gradient in the French Alps. BMC Research Notes 14, 54.
(49) Weemstra M., Freschet G.T., Stokes A., Roumet C. (2021). Patterns in intraspecific variation in root traits are species-specific along an elevation gradient. Functional Ecology, 35, 342-356. (IF=5.6) Highly cited article
(48) Guerrero-Ramirez N., Mommer L., Freschet G.T., Iversen C.M., McCormack M.L., Kattge J., Poorter H., van der Plas F., Bergmann J., Kuyper T.W., York L.M., Bruelheide H., Laughlin D.C., Meier I.C., Roumet C., Semchenko M., Sweeney C.J., van Ruijven J., Valverde-Barrantes O.J., Aubin I., et al. (2021). Global Root Traits (GRooT) Database. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 30, 25-37. (IF=7.1) Highly cited article
(47) Zeng W., Xiang W., Zhou B., Ouyang S., Zeng Y., Chen L., Freschet G.T., Valverde-Barrantes O.J., Milcu A. (2021). Positive tree diversity effect on fine root biomass: via density dependence rather than spatial root partitioning. Oikos, 130, 1-14. (IF=3.9)
(46) Duchene O., Celette F., Barreiro A., Dimitrova Mårtensson L.-M., Freschet G.T., David C. (2020) Introducing perennial grain in grain crops rotation: the role of rooting pattern in soil quality management. Agronomy, 10,1254. (IF=3.4)
(45) Bergmann J., Weigelt A., van der Plas F., Laughlin D.C., Kuyper T.W., Guerrero-Ramirez N., Valverde-Barrantes O.J., Bruelheide H., Freschet G.T., Iversen C.M., Kattge J., McCormack M.L., Meier I.C., Rillig M.C., Roumet C., Semchenko M., Sweeney C.J., van Ruijven J., York L.M. & Mommer L. (2020). The fungal collaboration gradient dominates the root economics space in plants. Science Advances 6: eaba3756. (IF=14.1) Highly cited article
(44) Fort F. & Freschet G.T. (2020) Plant ecological indicator values as predictors of fine-root trait variations. Journal of Ecology, 108, 1565-1577. (IF=6.3)
(43) Kattge J., Bönisch G., Díaz S., Lavorel S., Prentice I.C., Leadley P., Tautenhahn S., Werner G.D.A., Aakala T., Abedi M., Acosta A.T.R., Adamidis G.C., Adamson K., Aiba M., Albert C.H., Alcántara J.M., Alcázar C C., Aleixo I., Ali H., Amiaud B., Ammer C., Amoroso M.M., Anand M., et al. (2020) TRY plant trait database – Enhanced coverage and open access. Global Change Biology, 26, 119-188. (IF=10.9) Highly cited article
(42) Sauvadet M., Saj S., Freschet G.T., Essobo J.-D., Enock S., Becquer T., Tixier P. & Harmand J.-M. (2020) Cocoa agroforest multifunctionality explained by shade tree litter traits. Journal of Applied Ecology, 57, 476-487. (IF=6.5)
(41) Mahaut L., Fort F., Violle C. & Freschet G.T. (2020) Multiple facets of diversity effects on plant productivity: species richness, functional diversity, species identity and intraspecific competition. Functional Ecology, 34, 287-298. (IF=5.6) Highly cited article
(40) Eisenhauer N., Schielzeth H., Barnes A.D., Barry K., Bonn A., Brose U., Bruelheide H., Buchmann N., Buscot F., Ebeling A., Ferlian O., Freschet G.T., Giling D.P., Hättenschwiler S., Hillebrand H., Hines J., Isbell F., Koller-France E., König-Ries B., de Kroon H., Meyer S.T., Milcu A., Müller J., Nock C.A., Petermann J.S., Roscher C., Scherber C., Scherer-Lorenzen M., Schmid B., Schnitzer S.A., Schuldt A., Tscharntke T., Türke M., van Dam N.M., van der Plas F., Vogel A., Wagg C., Wardle D.A., Weigelt A., Weisser W.W., Wirth C. & Jochum M. (2019). A multitrophic perspective on biodiversity–ecosystem functioning research. Advances in Ecological Research, 61, 1-54. (IF=7.4) Highly cited article
(39) Chao L., Liu Y., Freschet G.T., Zhang W., Yu X., Zheng W., Guan X., Yang Q., Chen L., Dijkstra F.A. & Wang S. (2019). Litter carbon and nutrient chemistry control the magnitude of soil priming effect. Functional Ecology, 33, 876-888. (IF=5.6)
(38) Nijmeijer A., Lauri P.-E., Harmand J.-M., Freschet G.T., Essobo Nieboukaho J.-D., Fogang P.K., Enock S. & Saj S. (2019). Long-term dynamics of cocoa agroforestry systems established on lands previously occupied by savannah or forests. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 275, 100-111. (IF=5.6)
(37) Martín-Robles N., Morente-López J., Freschet G.T., Roumet C., Poorter H., Milla R. (2018). Root traits of herbaceous crops: pre-adaptation to cultivation or evolution under domestication? Functional Ecology, 33, 273-285. (IF=5.6)
(36) Hou S.L., Freschet G.T., Yang J.J., Zhang Y.H., Yin J.X., Hu Y.Y., Wei H.W., Han X.G., Lü X.T. (2018). Quantifying the indirect effects of nitrogen deposition on grassland litter quality. Biogeochemistry, 139: 1-13. (IF=4.8)
(35) Freschet G.T., Violle C., Bourget M.Y., Scherer-Lorenzen M., Fort F. (2018). Allocation, morphology, physiology, architecture: the multiple facets of plant above and belowground responses to resource stress. New Phytologist, 219: 1338-1352. (IF=10.2) Highly cited article
(34) Elumeeva T.G., Onipchenko V.G., Cornelissen J.H.C., Semenova G.V., Perevedentseva L.G., Freschet G.T., van Logtestijn R.S.P., Soudzilovskaia N.A. (2018). Is intensity of plant root mycorrhizal colonization a good proxy for plant growth rate, dominance and decomposition in nutrient poor conditions? Journal of Vegetation Science, 29: 715-725. (IF=2.7)
(33) Milcu A., Puga-Freitas R., Ellison A.M., Blouin M., Scheu S., Freschet G.T., Rose L., Barot S., Cesarz S., Eisenhauer N., Girin T., Assandri D., Bonkowski M., Buchmann N., Butenschoen O., Devidal S., Gleixner G., Gessler A., Gigon A., Greiner A., Grignani C., Hansart A., Kayler Z., Lange M., Lata J.-C., Le Galliard J.-F., Lukac M., Mannerheim N., Müller M.E.H., Pando A., Rotter P., Scherer-Lorenzen M., Seyhun R., Urban-Mead K., Weigelt A., Zavattaro L. & Roy J. (2018). Genotypic variability enhances the reproducibility of an ecological study. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2: 279-287. (IF=15.5) Highly cited article
(32) Bradford M.A., Veen G.F., Bonis A., Bradford E.M., Classen A.T., Cornelissen J.H.C., Crowther T.W., De Long J.R., Freschet G.T., Kardol P., Manrubia-Freixa M., Maynard D.S., Newman G.S., Logtestijn R.S.P., Viketoft M., Wardle D.A., Wieder W.R., Wood S.A. & van der Putten W.H. (2017). A test of the hierarchical model of litter decomposition. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 1: 1836-1845. (IF=15.5) Highly cited article
(31) Dignac M.-F., Derrien D., Barré P., Barot S., Cecillon L., Chenu C., Chevallier T., Freschet G.T., Garnier P., Guenet B., Hedde M., Klumpp K., Lashermes G., Maron P.-A., Nunan N., Roumet C. & Basile-Doelsch I. (2017) Increasing soil C storage: mechanisms, effects of agricultural practices and proxies. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 37: 1-27. (IF=5.8) Highly cited article
(30) Freschet G.T., Valverde-Barrantes O.J., Tucker C.M., Craine J.M., McCormack M.L., Violle C., Fort F., Blackwood C.B., Urban-Mead K.R.U., Iversen C.M., Bonis A., Comas L.H., Cornelissen J.H.C., Dong M., Guo D., Hobbie S.E., Holdaway R.J., Kembel S.W., Makita N., Onipchenko V.G., Picon-Cochard C., Reich P.B., De la Riva E.G., Smith S.W., Soudzilovskaia N.A., Tjoelker M., Wardle D.A. & Roumet C. (2017) Climate, soil and plant functional types as drivers of global fine-root trait variation. Journal of Ecology, 105: 1182-1196. (IF=6.3) Highly cited article
(29) Freschet G.T. & Roumet C. (2017) Sampling roots to capture plant and soil functions. Functional Ecology, 31: 1506-1518. (IF=5.6) Highly cited article
(28) Valverde-Barrantes O.J., Freschet G.T., Roumet C., Blackwood C.B. (2017) A worldview of root traits: the influence of ancestry, growth form, climate and mycorrhizal association on the functional trait variation of fine root tissues in seed plants. New Phytologist, 215: 1562-1573. (IF=10.2) Highly cited article
(27) Iversen C.M., McCormack M.L., Powell A.S., Blackwood C.B., Freschet G.T., Kattge J., Roumet C., Stover D.B., Soudzilovskaia N.A., Valverde-Barrantes O.J., van Bodegom P.M. & Violle C. (2017) Building a global Fine-Root Ecology Database to address important questions in root ecology. New Phytologist, 215:15-26. (IF=10.2) Highly cited article
(26) Derrien D., Dignac M.-F., Basile-Doelsch I., Barot S., Cecillon L., Chenu C., Chevallier T., Freschet G.T., Garnier P., Guenet B., Hedde M., Klumpp K., Lashermes G., Maron P.-A., Nunan N., Roumet C. & Barré P. (2016) Stocker du C dans les sols : quels mécanismes, quelles pratiques agricoles, quels indicateurs ? Etude et Gestion des Sols, 23, 193-224.
(25) Siefert A., Violle C., Chalmandrier L., Albert C.H., Taudiere A., Fajardo A., Aarssen L.W., Baraloto C., Carlucci M.B., Cianciaruso M.V., de L. Dantas V., de Bello F., Duarte L.D.S., Fonseca C.R., Freschet G.T., Gaucherand S., Gross N., Hikosaka K., Jackson B., Jung V., et al. (2015) A global meta-analysis of the relative extent of intraspecific trait variation in plant communities. Ecology Letters, 18, 1406-1419. (IF=9.5) Highly cited article
(24) Freschet G.T., Swart E.M. & Cornelissen J.H.C. (2015) Integrated plant phenotypic responses to contrasting above- and below-ground resources: key roles of specific leaf area and root mass fraction. New Phytologist, 206, 1247-1260. (IF=10.2) Highly cited article
(23) Kumordzi B.B., de Bello F., Freschet G.T., Le Bagousse-Pinguet Y., Lepš J. & Wardle D.A. (2015) Linkage of plant trait space to successional age and species richness in boreal forest understorey vegetation. Journal of Ecology, 103, 1610-1620. (IF=6.3)
(22) Freschet G.T., Kichenin E. & Wardle D.A. (2015) Explaining within-community variation in plant biomass allocation: a balance between organ biomass and morphology above versus belowground? Journal of Vegetation Science, 26, 431-440. (IF=2.7) Highly cited article
(21) Kumordzi B.B., Wardle D.A. & Freschet G.T. (2015) Plant assemblages do not respond homogenously to local variation in environmental conditions: functional responses differ with species identity and abundance. Journal of Vegetation Science, 26, 32-45. (IF=2.7)
(20) Lü X.-T., Freschet G.T., Kazakou E., Wang Z.-W., Zhou L.-S. & Han X.-G. (2015) Contrasting responses in leaf nutrient-use strategies of two dominant grass species along a 30-yr temperate steppe grazing exclusion chronosequence. Plant and Soil, 387, 69-79. (IF=4.2) Highly cited article
(19) Veen G.F., Freschet G.T., Ordonez A. & Wardle D.A. (2015) Litter quality and environmental controls of home-field advantage effects on litter decomposition. Oikos, 124, 187-195. (IF=3.9) Highly cited article
(18) Moles A.T., Perkins S.E., Laffan S.W., Flores-Moreno H., Awasthy M., Tindall M.L., Sack L., Pitman A., Kattge J., Aarssen L.W., Anand M., Bahn M., Blonder B., Cavender-Bares J., Cornelissen J.H.C., Cornwell W.K., Díaz S., Dickie J.B., Freschet G.T., Griffiths J.G., Gutierrez A.G., et al. (2014) Which is a better predictor of plant traits: temperature or precipitation? Journal of Vegetation Science, 25, 1167-1180. (IF=2.7) Highly cited article
(17) Freschet G.T., Östlund L., Kichenin E. & Wardle D.A. (2014) Aboveground and belowground legacies of native Sami land-use on boreal forest in northern Sweden 100 y after abandonment. Ecology, 95, 963-977. (IF=5.5) Highly cited article
(16) Kichenin E., Wardle D.A., Peltzer D.A., Morse C.W. & Freschet G.T. (2013) Contrasting effects of plant inter- and intraspecific variation on community-level trait measures along an environmental gradient. Functional Ecology, 27, 1254-1261. (IF=5.6) Highly cited article
(15) Freschet G.T., Cornwell W.K., Wardle D.A., Elumeeva T.G., Liu W., Jackson B.G., Onipchenko V.G., Soudzilovskaia N.A., Tao J. & Cornelissen J.H.C. (2013) Linking litter decomposition of above and belowground organs to plant-soil feedbacks worldwide. Journal of Ecology, 101, 943-952. (IF=6.3) Highly cited article
(14) Freschet G.T., Bellingham P.J., Lyver P.O’B., Bonner K.I. & Wardle D.A. (2013) Plasticity in above- and belowground resource acquisition traits in response to single and multiple environmental factors in three tree species. Ecology & Evolution, 3, 1065-1078. (IF=2.9) Highly cited article
(13) Freschet G.T., Aerts R. & Cornelissen J.H.C. (2012) Multiple mechanisms for trait effects on litter decomposition: moving beyond home-field advantage with a new hypothesis. Journal of Ecology, 100, 619-630. (IF=6.3) Highly cited article
(12) Freschet G.T., Aerts R. & Cornelissen J.H.C. (2012) A plant economics spectrum of litter decomposability. Functional Ecology, 26, 56-65. (IF=5.6) Highly cited article
(11) Freschet G.T., Weedon J.T., Aerts R., van Hal J.R. & Cornelissen J.H.C. (2012) Interspecific differences in wood decay rates: insights from a new short-term method to study long-term wood decomposition. Journal of Ecology, 100, 161-170. (IF=6.3) Highly cited article
(10) Lü X.-T., Freschet G.T., Flynn D. & Han X.-G. (2012) Plasticity in leaf and stem nutrient resorption proficiency potentially reinforces plant-soil feedbacks and micro-scale heterogeneity in a semi-arid grassland. Journal of Ecology, 100, 144-150. (IF=6.3) Highly cited article
(9) Cornelissen J.H.C., Sass-Klaassen U., Poorter L., van Geffen K.G., van Logtestijn R., van Hal J.R., Goudzwaard L., Sterck F.J., Klaassen R.K.W.M., Freschet G.T., van der Wal A., Eshuis H., Zuo J., de Boer W., Lamers T., Weemstra M., Cretin V., Martin R., Ouden J., Berg M., Aerts R., Mohren G. & Hefting M. (2012) Controls on coarse wood decay in temperate tree species: birth of the LOGLIFE experiment. Ambio, 41, 231-245. (IF=5.1) Highly cited article
(8) Freschet G.T., Dias A.T.C., Ackerly D.D., Aerts R., van Bodegom P.M., Cornwell W.K., Dong M., Kurokawa H., Liu G., Onipchenko V.G., Ordoñez J.C., Peltzer D.A., Richardson S.J., Shidakov I.I., Soudzilovskaia N.A., Tao J. & Cornelissen J.H.C. (2011) Global to community scale differences in the prevalence of convergent over divergent leaf trait distributions in plant assemblages. Global Ecology & Biogeography, 20, 755-765. (IF=7.1) Highly cited article
(7) Freschet G.T., Barthès B.G., Brunet D., Hien E. & Masse D. (2011) The use of near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) for predicting soil fertility and historical management. Communications in Soil Science & Plant Analysis, 42, 1692-1705. (IF=1.3)
(6) Kattge J., Díaz S., Lavorel S., Prentice I.C., Leadley P., Bönisch G., Garnier E., Westoby M., Reich P.B., Wright I.J., Cornelissen J.H.C., Violle C., Harrison S.P., van Bodegom P.M., Reichstein M., Enquist B.J., Soudzilovskaia N.A., Ackerly D.D., et al. (2011) TRY – a global database of plant traits. Global Change Biology, 17, 2905-2935. (IF=10.9) Highly cited article
(5) Liu G., Freschet G.T., Pan X., Cornelissen J.H.C., Li Y. & Dong M. (2010) Coordinated variation in leaf and root traits across multiple spatial scales in Chinese semi-arid and arid ecosystems. New Phytologist, 188, 543-553. (IF=10.2) Highly cited article
(4) Freschet G.T., Cornelissen J.H.C., van Logtestijn R.S.P. & Aerts R. (2010). Substantial nutrient resorption from leaves, stems and roots in a sub-arctic flora: what is the link with other resource economics traits? New Phytologist, 186, 879-889. (IF=10.2) Highly cited article
(3) Freschet G.T., Cornelissen J.H.C., van Logtestijn R.S.P. & Aerts R. (2010). Evidence of the ‘plant economics spectrum’ in a subarctic flora. Journal of Ecology, 98, 362-373. (IF=6.3) Highly cited article
(2) Freschet G.T., Masse D., Hien E., Sall S. & Chotte J.-L. (2008). Long-term changes of organic matter from manuring practice in a tropical cultivated soil and its consequences on soil ecosystem services. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 123, 175-184. (IF=5.6)
(1) Barthès B.G., Brunet D., Hien E., Enjalric F., Conche S., Freschet G.T., d'Annunzio R. & Toucet-Louri J. (2008). Determining the distributions of soil carbon and nitrogen in particle size fractions using near-infrared reflectance spectrum of bulk soil samples. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 40, 1533-1537. (IF=7.6) Highly cited article
2. Book chapters
(B4) Garbowski M., Freschet G.T., Jackson L.E., Brown C., Comas L.H. Soil Biology: Root form and function. Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment, Second Edition.
(B3) Manlay R.J., Freschet G.T., Abbadie L., Barbier B., Chotte J.-L., Feller C., Leroy M., Serpantié G. (2020) Séquestration du C et usage durable des terres en savane ouest-africaine : synergie ou antagonisme ? In Sall S., Bernoux M. & Brossard M. (Eds.) Carbone des sols d'Afrique et de Madagascar et pratiques de gestion.
(B2) Freschet G.T., Violle C., Roumet C., Garnier E. (2018) Interactions between soil and vegetation: structure of plant communities and soil functioning. In Lemanceau P. & Blouin M. (Eds.) Soils within the critical zone: ecology. ISTE editions, London, UK, 83-104.
(B1) Freschet G.T., Violle C., Roumet C., Garnier E. (2018) Interactions entre le sol et la végétation : structure des communautés de plantes et fonctionnement du sol. In Lemanceau P. & Blouin M. (Eds.) Les sols au cœur de la zone critique: écologie. ISTE editions, London, UK, 83-99.
3. Articles accepted, in revision or under review
(R1) Saito D., Beyer F., Freschet G.T., Klingler A., Nock C., Scherer-Lorenzen M., Bauhus J. Indirect effect of fertilization on tree overyielding via change in species dominance. Under revision for Functional Ecology
(R2) Wambsganss J., Huys R., Hättenschwiler S., Freschet G.T. The afterlife effects of leaf and root litter traits in soil N cycling. Under review in Functional Ecology
(R3) Zhao Q., Wang P., Reuben Smith G., Hu L., Liu X., Freschet G.T., Tao T., Ma M., Averill C., Crowther T.W., Hu S. Above- and belowground N retranslocation and seasonal trait fluctuation facilitate the temporal coupling between plant N demand and bioavailable N supply. Under review in New Phytologist
4. Articles in preparation
(P1) Zheng J., Li S., Wang H., Yan H., Jiang L., Ma N., Dai X., Meng S., Yang F., Fu X., Freschet G.T., Tedersoo L. & Kou L. A trait-based fine-root acquisition-defence-decomposition framework to account for mycorrhizal driven modulation of ecosystem nutrient cycling. In preparation
(P2) Huys R., Wambsganss J., Poirier V., Freschet G.T. Plant litter diversity modulate both soil C priming effect and stabilization of new soil organic matter. In preparation
(P3) Fort F., Violle, C., Mahaut L., Freschet G.T. Plant trait dissimilarity induces overyielding through competition imbalance rather than niche complementarity. In preparation
(P4) Saito D., Beyer F., Freschet G.T., Kawano S., Lajos D., Nock C., Scherer-Lorenzen M., Yamazaki E, Bauhus J. Tree diversity and fertilization effects on the above- and belowground nutrition of young tree communities. In preparation
(P5) Cornwell W.K., Weedon J.T., Freschet G.T., Zanne. A.E., Perez-Harguindeguy N. & Cornelissen J.H.C. Global macro-evolution of leaf litter decomposability. In preparation
(P6) Poirier V., Roumet C., Freschet G.T., Munson A.D. Species and root traits control carbon stabilization in the rhizospheric soil of a Mediterranean common garden experiment. In preparation
(P7) Zeng W., Freschet G.T., Milcu A. Earthworms’ presence and functional type only moderately affect the root systems of three crop species. In preparation
(P8) Barry K.E., Weigelt A., Hennecke J., Bergmann J., Bruelheide H., Freschet G.T., Iversen C.M., Kuyper T.W., Laughlin D.C., McCormack M.L., van der Plas F., Roumet C., van Ruijven J., & Mommer L. Functional consequences of the root economics space: a community approach. In preparation
(P9) Wambsganss J., Huys R., Hättenschwiler S., Bauhus J., Freschet G.T. The role of litter mixing in soil N cycling. In preparation
(P10) Beugnon R., Ashton L., Berg B., Bradford M., Buckeridge K., Fanin N., Freschet G.T., Hähn G., Hobbie S., Joly F.-X., Keuskamp J., Lehmann J., Lindo Z., Liu L., Müller J., Niemeyer J., Prescott C., Scherer-Lorenzen M., Seibold S., Zanne A.E., Eisenhauer N. & Hättenschwiler S. How to decompose? Conceptual and methodological frontiers in decomposition research. In preparation
Wang, D., Freschet, G.T., McCormack, M.L., Lambers, H., Gu, J.
(2025) - Nutrient resorption of leaves and roots coordinates with root nutrient-acquisition strategies in a temperate forest - New PhytologistWambsganss J., Huys R., Hättenschwiler S., Poirier V., Munson A., Freschet G.T.
(2025) - The afterlife effects of leaf and root litter traits in soil N cycling - Journal of Ecology in pressQin, Y., Valverde-Barrantes, O. J., Jin, G., Liu, Z., Freschet, G. T.
(2025) - Tree age affects key fine root morphological traits but does not interfere strongly with (ecto-)mycorrhizal traits - Annals of Botany in press(2024) - A trait-based root acquisition-defence-decomposition framework in angiosperm tree species - Nature Communications 15: 5311
Jiawen Hou, M Luke McCormack, Peter B Reich, Tao Sun, Richard P Phillips, Hans Lambers, Han YH Chen, Yiyang Ding, Louise H Comas, Oscar J Valverde-Barrantes, Emily F Solly, Gregoire T Freschet
(2024) - Linking fine root lifespan to root chemical and morphological traits - A global analysis - PNAS 121, e2320623121Zhao Q., Wang P., Reuben Smith G., Hu L., Liu X., Tao T., Ma M. Averill C., Freschet G.T., Crowther T., Hu S.
(2024) - Resolving the intricate effects of multiple global change drivers on root litter decomposition - Global Change Biology 30(10), e17547
(2023) - 2023. Plant litter chemistry drives long-lasting changes in the catabolic capacities of soil microbial communities - Functional Ecology
(2023) - Root functional traits determine the magnitude of the rhizosphere priming effect among eight tree species - Oikos e09638
(2023) - Soil Biology: Root form and function - Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment, Second Edition
(2023) - The importance of trait selection in ecology - Nature 618: E29–E30
Weemstra W, Roumet C, Cruz-Maldonado N, Anthelme F, Stokes A, Freschet GT
(2022) - Environmental variation drives the decoupling of leaf and root traits within species along an elevation gradient - Annals of Botany in press
(2022) - Plant litter chemistry controls coarse-textured soil carbon dynamics - Journal of Ecology 110, 2911-2928
Díaz, S., Kattge, J., Cornelissen, J.H.C., Freschet, G. & al.
(2022) - The global spectrum of plant form and function: enhanced species-level trait dataset - Scientific Data 9, 755Freschet, G.T., Pagès, L., Iversen, C.M., Comas, L.H., Rewald, B., Roumet, C., Klimešová, J., Zadworny, M., Poorter, H., Postma, J.A., Adams, T.S., Bagniewska-Zadworna, A., Blancaflor, E.B., Brunner, I., Cornelissen, J.H.C., Garnier, E., Gessler, A., Hobbie, S.E., Lambers, H., Meier, I.C., Mommer, L., Picon-Cochard, C., Rose, L., Ryser, P., Scherer-Lorenzen, M., Soudzilovskaia, N.A., Stokes, A., Sun, T., Valverde-Barrantes, O.J., Weemstra, M., Weigelt, A., Wurzburger, N., York, L.M., Batterman, S.A., Bengough, A.G., Gomes de Moraes, M., Janeček, Š., Salmon, V., Tharayil, N. & McCormack, M.L.
(2021) - A starting guide to root ecology: strengthening ecological concepts and standardizing root classification, sampling, processing and trait measurements - New Phytologist 232: 973-1122Sauvadet M, Trap J, Damour G, Plassard C, Van den Meersche K, Achard R, Allinne C, Autfray P, Bertrand I, Blanchart E, Deberdt P, Enock S, Essobo J-D, Freschet GT, Hedde M, de Melo Virginio Filho E, Rabary B, Rakotoarivelo M, Randriamanantsoa R, Rhino B, Ripoche A, Rosalie E, Saj S, Becquer T, Tixier P, Harmand J-M.
(2021) - Agroecosystem diversification with legumes or non-legumes improves differently soil fertility according to soil type - Science of The Total Environment 795: 148934.Weigelt A, Mommer L, Andraczek K, Iversen CM, Bergmann J, Bruelheide H, Fan Y, Freschet GT, Guerrero-Ramírez NR, Kattge J, Kuyper TW, Laughlin DC, Meier IC, van der Plas F, Poorter H, Roumet C, van Ruijven J, Sabatini FM, Semchenko M, Sweeney CJ, Valverde-Barrantes OJ, York LM, McCormack ML.
(2021) - An integrated framework of plant form and function: The belowground perspective - New Phytologist 232: 42-59Guerrero-Ramirez N., Mommer L., Freschet G.T., Iversen C.M., McCormack M.L., Kattge J., Poorter H., van der Plas F., et al.
(2021) - Global Root Traits (GRooT) Database - Global Ecology and Biogeography, 30, 25-37Fanin N., Lin D., Freschet G.T., Keiser A.D., Augusto L., Wardle D.A., Veen G.F.
(2021) - Home-field advantage of litter decomposition: from the phyllosphere to the soil - New Phytologist 231: 1353–1358Weemstra M., Freschet G.T., Stokes A., Roumet C.
(2021) - Patterns in intraspecific variation in root traits are species-specific along an elevation gradient - Functional Ecology, 35, 342-356Zeng W., Xiang W., Zhou B., Ouyang S., Zeng Y., Chen L., Freschet G.T., Valverde-Barrantes O.J., Milcu A.
(2021) - Positive tree diversity effect on fine root biomass: via density dependence rather than spatial root partitionin - Oikos, 130, 1-14Seethepalli A, Dhakal K, Griffiths M, Guo H, Freschet GT, York LM
(2021) - RhizoVision Explorer: Open-source software for root image analysis and measurement standardization - AoB PLANTS 13, plab056Freschet, G.T., Roumet, C., Comas, L.H., Weemstra, M., Bengough, A.G., Rewald, B., Bardgett, R.D., de Deyn, G.B., Johnson, D., Klimešová, J., Lukac, M., McCormack, M.L., Meier, I.C., Pagès, L., Poorter, H., Prieto, I., Wurzburger, N., Zadworny, M., Bagniewska-Zadworna, A., Blancaflor, E.B., Brunner, I., Gessler, A., Hobbie, S.E., Iversen, C.M., Mommer, L., Picon-Cochard, C., Postma, J.A., Rose, L., Ryser, P., Scherer-Lorenzen, M., Soudzilovskaia, N.A., Sun, T., Valverde-Barrantes, O.J., Weigelt, A., York, L. & Stokes, A.
(2021) - Root traits as drivers of plant and ecosystem functioning: current understanding, pitfalls and future research needs - New Phytologist 232: 1123-1158Laughlin DC, Mommer L, Sabatini FM, Bruelheide H, Kuyper TW, McCormack ML, Bergmann J, Freschet GT, Guerrero-Ramírez NR, Iversen CM, Kattge J, Meier IC, Poorter H, Roumet C, Semchenko M, Sweeney CJ, Valverde-Barrantes OJ, van der Plas F, van Ruijven J, York LM, Aubin I, Burge OR, Byun C, Ćušterevska R, Dengler J, Forey E, Guerin GR, Hérault B, Jackson RB, Karger DN, Lenoir J, Lysenko T, Meir P, Niinemets Ü, Ozinga WA, Peñuelas J, Reich PB, Schmidt M, Schrodt F, Velázquez E, Weigelt A.
(2021) - Root traits explain plant species distributions along climatic gradients yet challenge the nature of ecological trade-offs - Nature Ecology & Evolution 5: 1123-1134Stokes A., Angeles G., Anthelme F., Aranda-Delgado E., Barois I., Bounous M., Cruz-Maldonado N., Decaëns T., Fourtier S., Freschet G.T.
(2021) - Shifts in soil and plant functional diversity along an altitudinal gradient in the French Alps - BMC Research Notes 14: 54Wambsganss J, Freschet GT, Beyer F, Goldmann K, Prada-Salcedo LD, Scherer-Lorenzen M, Bauhus J.
(2021) - Tree species mixing causes a shift in fine-root soil exploitation strategies across European forests - Functional Ecology 35: 1886-1902.Wambsganss J., Beyer F., Freschet G.T., Scherer-Lorenzen M., Bauhus J.
(2021) - Tree species mixing reduces biomass but increases length of absorptive fine roots in European forests - Journal of Ecology 109: 2678–2691Eisenhauer, N., Schielzeth, H., Barnes, A.D., Barry, K., Bonn, A., Brose, U., Bruelheide, H., Buchmann, N., Buscot, F., Ebeling, A., Ferlian, O., Freschet, G.T., Giling, D.P., Hättenschwiler, S., Hillebrand, H., Hines, J., Isbell, F., Koller-France, E., König-Ries, B., de Kroon, H., Meyer, S.T., Milcu, A., Müller, J., Nock, C.A., Petermann, J.S., Roscher, C., Scherber, C., Scherer-Lorenzen, M., Schmid, B., Schnitzer, S.A., Schuldt, A., Tscharntke, T., Türke, M., van Dam, N.M., van der Plas, F., Vogel, A., Wagg, C., Wardle, D.A., Weigelt, A., Weisser, W.W., Wirth, C. & Jochum, M.
(2020) - A multitrophic perspective on biodiversity–ecosystem functioning research - Advances in Ecological Research, 61, 1-54Sauvadet M., Saj S., Freschet G.T., Essobo J.-D., Enock S., Becquer T., Tixier P. & Harmand J.-M.
(2020) - Cocoa agroforest multifunctionality explained by shade tree litter traits - Journal of Applied Ecology, 57, 476-487Duchene O., Celette F., Barreiro A., Dimitrova Mårtensson L.-M., Freschet G.T., David C.
(2020) - Introducing perennial grain in grain crops rotation: the role of rooting pattern in soil quality management - Agronomy 10(9), 1254Mahaut L., Fort F., Violle C. & Freschet G.T.
(2020) - Multiple facets of diversity effects on plant productivity: species richness, functional diversity, species identity and intraspecific competition - Functional Ecology, 34, 287-298Fort F. & Freschet G.T.
(2020) - Plant ecological indicator values as predictors of fine-root trait variations - Journal of Ecology, 108, 1565-1577Bergmann, J., Weigelt, A., van der Plas, F., Laughlin, D.C., Kuyper, T.W., Guerrero-Ramirez, N., Valverde-Barrantes, O.J., Bruelheide, H., Freschet, G.T., Iversen, C.M., Kattge, J., McCormack, M.L., Meier, I.C., Rillig, M.C., Roumet, C., Semchenko, M., Sweeney, C.J., van Ruijven, J., York, L.M. & Mommer, L.
(2020) - The fungal collaboration gradient dominates the root economics space in plants - Science Advances 6: eaba3756Kattge J., Bönisch G., Díaz S., Lavorel S., Prentice I.C., Leadley P., Tautenhahn S., Werner G.D.A., Aakala, T.,... Freschet G.T. ... et al.
(2020) - TRY plant trait database – Enhanced coverage and open access - Global Change Biology, 26, 119-188Chao, L., Liu, Y., Freschet, G.T., Zhang, W., Yu, X., Zheng, W., Guan, X., Yang, Q., Chen, L., Dijkstra, F.A. & Wang, S.
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