One major axis of my research focuses on understanding the evolution of phenotypic plasticity as a trait; its limits, constraints, and fitness costs. Past as well as current climate shifts offer the opportunity to investigate and measure trends of variations of reaction norms (shape, direction, amplitude), trade-offs (between plastic traits, or between plastic and non-plastic traits), as well as the evolution of plasticity itself (i.e. increase in plasticity levels or at the opposite genetic assimilation of previously plastic traits).
Adaptive phenotypic plasticity is increasingly recognised as well suited to the adaptation of organisms to current climate and habitat changes worldwide. My work has focused on understanding the evolutionary dynamics of phenotypic changes during the colonisation of Australian offshore islands by snake populations. This work has shown that while plasticity is often the initial response, fitness costs of plasticity may favour the genetic assimilation of plastic traits over a few generations and hard-wired genetic divergence with source populations. Furthermore, we showed that in the early stages of colonisation, adaptive plasticity and directional selection may combine and generate accelerated evolution towards an “optimal” phenotype, providing the first empirical support to the Baldwin effect. These novel findings have important consequences for global biodiversity since colonisation of new habitats is expected to increase as global changes force increased movement of individuals to new locations. Recently, this work has continued with new collaborations with research groups from the University of Adelaide and the University of Perpignan. This collaborative effort will consider the epigenetic nature of changes in plasticity levels among island and mainland populations of Tiger snakes as well as the relationship to the evolution rates in body size, venom composition and colouration.
My team is also investigating the effect of warming temperatures on the physiology, behaviour and morphology and overall ecology of ectotherms. We have been using 8 ectotherm species (amphibians, lizards and snakes) as bio-indicators of climate change along altitudinal gradients in the Pyrenees.
Another interest has been embryo to embryo communication in reptilian eggs, and the consequences on hatchling morphology, performance and social behaviour. We recently showed that snake embryos are able to register the heart rates of neighbouring eggs (a proxy for metabolic levels) and tune development rates to foster hatching synchrony within and amongst clutches and that eggs incubated alone produced less-sociable young snakes, potentially highlighting a novel example of “informed dispersal”.
My research is conceptually driven, mostly empirical with an experimental back-bone and involves a range of amphibians, lizards and snakes models.
Professional Experience
Researcher (CR2/CR1/CRCN). 2009 – current at Station d’Ecologie Théorique et Expérimentale, CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) (Theoretical and Experimental Ecology Station, National Scientific Research Centre)
Primary research focus: phenotypic plasticity, climate-change impacts on life histories and adaptive capacity, reptilian embryo communication.
Roles: Project primary investigator (INTERREG POCTEFA ECTOPYR, MARIE CURRIE PODARCIS, PEPS CNRS EPIGENETIGRE) and partner investigator (ANR AQUATHERM). Work place safety officer (first aid). Teaching and training (master students, PhD students and Post-docs).
Australian Post-doctoral Fellowship. 2006 – 2008 - School of Biological Sciences, Sydney University, AUSTRALIA
Project title: The role of phenotypic plasticity in facilitating colonisation events
PhD: 2001 - 2005 double badge Degree from University of Poitiers, France and University of Western Australia, Australia. High Distinction.
Honours degree: 1999-2000 « Extreme environment physiology » University Claude Bernard, Lyon (France).
Master degree: 1994-1998 University of Nantes (France).
Funding Awards
- 2017
- Research grant PEPS INEE « Adaptation Adaptabilité » EPIGENETIGRE, Chief Investigator. 14500 Euros
- Research grant ANR PRC 2017 AQUATHERM (2017-2021), Partner investigator. 498674 Euros
- Research grant MARIE SKŁODOWSKA-CURIE H-2020 PODARCIS. 2017-2019, Chief Investigator. 185076 Euros
- 2016
- Research grant INTERREG POCTEFA ECTOPYR, Chief Investigator. 1400000 Euros
- Research grant TULIP OXIGENE, Chief Investigator. 10000 Euros
- 2014
- Research grant, Contrat de Recherche Laboratoire TRAM-MIDPYR – Entreprise Midi-Pyrénées. Partner Investigator. 282000 Euros
- 2012
- Research grant LabEx TULIP, Partner Investigator. 9000000 Euros
- Research grant Université Paul Sabatier EXUVIE, Chief Investigator. 14500 Euros
- Research grant ANR Blanche INDHET, Partner investigator. 719546 Euros
- 2010
- International Visiting Research Fellowship (IVRF) Round 1 - Biological Sciences. Chief Investigator. 11500 AUD
- Research grant PEPS CNRS, Chief Investigator. 9800 Euros
- 2007
- Research Travel Grant CNRS à Moulis, Chief Investigator 2500 AUD
- 2006
- ARC Australian Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Chief Investigator. 375000 AUD
- 2005
- Best PhD student publication award (Aubret et al. 2004 Nature). Graduate school, University of Western Australia. 250 AUD
- 2004
- Travel grant Australian Academy of Sciences. 2500 AUD
- Research grant University of Western Australia. 7110 AUD
- 2002
- Travel grant, University of Western Australia. 1700 AUD
- 2001
- PhD scholarship, Region Poitou-Charentes. 32025 Euros
- Add-on scholarship, Département des Deux-Sèvres. 1500 Euros
- PhD research grant, University of Western Australia. 10000 AUD
- Aubret F, Bonnet X and Shine R (2002)- Fat is sexy for females, but not males: the influence of body reserves on reproduction in snakes (Vipera aspis, viperidae). Hormones and Behavior 42: 135-147.
- Aubret F, Bonnet X, Shine R & Maumelat S (2003)- Clutch size manipulation, hatching success and offspring phenotype in the ball python (Python regius). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 78: 263-272.
- Bonnet X., Aubret F & Ladyman M (2003)- Water, food and energy: Plasticity on islands. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A Molecular & Integrative Physiology 134A: S127
- Aubret F (2004)- Aquatic locomotion and behaviour in two disjunct populations of Western Australian Tiger snakes, Notechis ater occidentalis. Australian Journal of Zoology 52: 357-368.
- Aubret F, Shine R & Bonnet X (2004)- Adaptive developmental plasticity in snakes. Nature 43: 261-262.
- Aubret F, Bonnet X, Maumelat S, Bradshaw D & Schwaner T (2004)- Diet divergence, jaw size and scale counts in two neighbouring populations of Tiger snakes (Notechis scutatus). Amphibia-Reptilia 25: 9-17.
- Aubret F, Bonnet X, Shine R & Maumelat S (2005)- Why do female ball pythons (Python regius) coil so tightly around their eggs? Evolutionary Ecology Research 7: 743-758.
- Aubret F, Bonnet X, Shine R & Maumelat S (2005)- Energy expenditure for parental care may be trivial for brooding pythons, Python regius. Animal Behaviour 69: 1043-1053.
- Aubret F, Bonnet X, Harris M & Maumelat S (2005)- Sex differences in body size and ectoparasite load in the ball python, Python regius. Journal of herpetology 39 (2): 315-320.
- Aubret F, Bonnet X & Maumelat S (2005)- Tail amputation, body condition and swimming performances in Tiger snakes, Notechis scutatus. Journal of Experimental Zoology 303: 894-903.
- Aubret F & Bonnet X (2005)- Influence of body reserves and eye-opacity on foraging behaviours of Tiger snakes. The Journal of Experimental Zoology 303:1075-1084.
- Aubret F, Bonnet X, Pearson D & Shine R. (2005)- How can blind Tigersnakes (Notechis scutatus) forage successfully? Australian Journal of Zoology 53: 283-288.
- Aubret F, Bonnet X, Shine R & Maumelat S (2005)- Swimming and pregnancy in Tiger snakes, Notechis scutatus. Amphibia-Reptilia 26: 396-400.
- Bonnet X, Aubret F, Lourdais O, Ladyman M, Bradshaw D & Maumelat S (2005)- Do “quiet” places make animals placid? Island versus mainland Tiger snakes. Ethology 111(6): 573-592.
- Aubret F Aipysurus pooleorum Avian predation. Herpetological Review 37(1): 93.
- Aubret F, Bonnet X, Maumelat S, Burghardt G & Bradshaw D (2006)- Feeding preferences in two disjunct populations of Tiger snakes, Notechis scutatus. Behavioral Ecology 17(5): 716-725.
- Aubret F. (2007)- Notechis scutatus (Australian Tiger snake), Cannibalism. Herpetological Review, 38(3):341.
- Aubret F & Shine R (2007)- Rapid prey-induced shift in body size in an isolated snake population (Notechis scutatus, elapidae). Austral Ecology 32: 889-899.
- Aubret F, Bonnet X & Shine R. (2007)- A role for adaptive plasticity in a major evolutionary transition: early aquatic experience affects locomotor performance of terrestrial snakes. Functional Ecology 21(6): 1154–1161.
- Aubret F, & Shine R. (2007)- The origin of evolutionary innovations: locomotor consequences of tail shape in aquatic snakes. Functional Ecology 22: 317–322.
- Aubret, F., Bonnet, X. and Bradshaw, D. (2007)- Food versus risk: foraging decision in young Tiger snakes, Notechis scutatus. Amphibia-Reptilia 28:304-308.
- Aubret F, & Shine R. (2008)- Early experience influences both habitat choice and locomotor performance in Tiger snakes. The American Naturalist, 171: 524-531.
- Aubret, F. and J. Thomas (2009)- Notechis scutatus Herpetological Review 40 (1): 100-101.
- Aubret F, & Shine R. (2009)- Causes and consequences of aggregation by neonatal tiger snakes (Notechis scutatus, Elapidae). Austral Ecology, 34: 210-217.
- Aubret F, and Shine R. (2009)- Genetic assimilation and the post-colonisation erosion of phenotypic plasticity in island Tiger snakes. Current Biology, 19(22): 1932-1936.
- Aubret F, and Shine R. (2009)- Thermal plasticity in young snakes: how will climate change affect the thermoregulatory tactics of ectotherms? Journal of Experimental Biology, 213(2): 242-248.
- Aubret F, and Shine R. (2010)- Research Highlights Biology: Snakes face the heat. Nature, 463:138-138.
- Aubret F, and Shine R (2010)- Fitness costs may explain the post-colonisation erosion of phenotypic plasticity. Journal of Experimental Biology, 213, 735-739.
- Aubret F, Michniewicz RJ and Shine R (2010)- Correlated geographic variation in predation risk and antipredator behaviour within a wide-ranging snake species (Notechis scutatus, Elapidae). Austral Ecology 36(4): 446-452.
- Aubret F, and Michniewicz RJ (2010)- Warming up for cold water: influence of habitat type on thermoregulatory tactics in a semi-aquatic snake. Amphibia Reptilia 31:525–531.
- Bonnet X, Lorioux S, Pearson D, Aubret F, Bradshaw D, Delmas V, Fauvel T (2011)- Which proximate factor determines sexual size dimorphism in Tiger snakes? The Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 103:668-680.
- Durand , Michniewicz R.J., Legrand A., Coulon A. & Aubret F. (2011)- Effects of geographic isolation on anti-predatory responses in the wall lizard, Podarcis muralis. Amphibia Reptilia 33:199–206.
- Aubret F. (2012)- Body size evolution on islands: are adult size variations in Tiger snakes a non-adaptive consequence of selection on birth size? The American Naturalist 179(6):756-67.
- Aubret F., Tort, M. & Blanvillain, G. (2013)- A non-invasive method of measuring heart rates in small reptiles and amphibians. Herpetological Review 44, 421–423.
- Aubret F. (2013)- Heart rates increase after hatching in two species of natricine snakes. Scientific Reports 3, doi:10.1038/srep03384.
- Bestion, E., Teyssier, E., Aubret, F., Clobert, J. & Cote, J. (2014)- Maternal exposure to predator scents: how to prepare offspring to a risky natal environment? Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B., in press.
- Aubret, F. & Mangin, A. (2014)- The snake hiss: potential acoustic mimicry in a viper-colubrid complex. The Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 113(4): 1107-1114.
- Aubret F, Tort M, Michniewicz RJ, Blanvillain G and Coulon A (2014)- Cooperate or compete? Influence of sex and body size on sheltering behaviour in the wall lizard, Podarcis muralis. Behaviour 151: 1903-1920.
- Aubret, F. (2015)- Island colonisation and the evolutionary rates of body size in insular neonate snakes. Heredity 115(4): 349-56.
- Michaelides S, Cornish N, Griffiths R, Groombridge J, Zajac N, Walters GJ, Aubret F, While GM and Uller T. (2015)- Phylogeography and conservation genetics of the common wall lizard, Podarcis muralis, on islands at its northern range margin. PlosOne 10(2), e0117113.
- Aubret F, Tort M & Sarraude T. (2015)- Evolution of alternative foraging tactics driven by water temperature and physiological constraints in an amphibious snake. The Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 115(2), 411-422.
- Aubret F, Blanvillain G & Kok PJR (2015)- Myth busting? Effects of embryo positioning and egg rolling on hatching success in the water snake Natrix maura. Scientific reports, 5: 13385.
- Kok PJR, Ratz S, Tegelaar M, Aubret F & Means DB (2015)- Out of taxonomic limbo: a name for the species of Tepuihyla (Anura: Hylidae) from the Chimantá Massif, Pantepui region, northern South America. Salamandra 51(4): 283-314.
- Aubret F, Blanvillain G, Bignon F. & Kok PJR (2016)- Heartbeat, embryo communication and hatching synchrony in snake eggs. Scientific reports 6, 23519 (doi:10.1038/srep23519).
- Kok PJR, Russo VG, Ratz S, & Aubret F. (2016)- On the distribution and conservation of two “Lost World” tepui « summit endemic frogs, Stefania ginesi Rivero, 1968 and S. satelles » Señaris, Ayarzagüena and Gorzula, 1997. Amphibian Research Conservation 10(1), 5-12.
- Aubret F. (2016)- Effect of sudden loss of vision on foraging behavior in captive born Tiger snakes Notechis scutatus (Serpentes: Elapidae). Phyllomedusa: Journal of Herpetology 15(1), 75-78.
- Michaelides SN, While GM, Zajac N, Aubret F, Calsbeek B, Sacchi R, Zuffi MAF, Uller T (2016)- Loss of genetic diversity and increased embryonic mortality in non-native lizard populations. Molecular Ecology 25(17), 4113-4125.
- Kok PJR, Russo VG, Ratz S, Means DB, MacCulloch RD, Lathrop A, Aubret F, and Bossuyt F. (2016)- Evolution in the South American “Lost World”: insights from multilocus phylogeography of stefanias (Anura, Hemiphractidae, Stefania). Journal of Biogeography, 44(1), 170-181.
- Aubret F, Bignon F, Kok PJR & Blanvillain G (2016)-Only child syndrome in snakes: Eggs incubated alone produce asocial individuals. Scientific Reports 6, 35752 (doi:10.1038/srep35752).
- Souchet J & Aubret F (2016)- Revisiting the fear of snakes in children: the role of aposematic signalling. Scientific Reports, 6.
- Vickers M, Aubret F & Coulon A (2016)- Using GAMM to examine inter-individual heterogeneity in thermal performance curves for Natrix natrix indicates bet hedging strategy by mothers. Journal of Thermal Biology, 63, 16-23.
- Feiner N, Uller T & Aubret F. (2017)- Podarcis muralis (Common Wall Lizard). Parasite load. Herpetological Review 47(4): 673.
- Legrand A, Frondas A, Aubret F, Corre A, Flamant C, Simon L, Desrobert C, Rozé JC. (2017)- Randomised controlled trial shows that co-bedding twins may reduce birthweight recovery delay, parenteral nutrition weaning time and hospitalisation. Acta Paediatrica 106(12): 2055-2059
- Aubret F, Bignon F, Bouffet-Halle A, Blanvillain G, Kok PJR & Souchet J. (2017)- Yolk removal generates hatching asynchrony in snake eggs. Scientific Reports, 7.
- Kok PJR , Ratz S, MacCulloch RD, Lathrop A, Dezfoulian R, Aubret F, and Means DB. (2017)- Historical biogeography of the paleoendemic toad genus Oreophrynella (Amphibia: Bufonidae) sheds a new light on the origin of the Pantepui endemic terrestrial biota. Journal of Biogeography, 45(1), 26-36.
- Cordero GA, Andersson BA, Souchet J, Micheli G, Noble DWA, Gangloff EJ, Uller* T , Aubret F. (2017)- Physiological plasticity in lizard embryos exposed to high-altitude hypoxia. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A, 327(7):423-432. *shared senior authorship.
- Moulherat S, Chaine A, Mangin A, Aubret F, Sinervo B, Clobert J (2017)- The roles of plasticity versus dominance in maintaining polymorphism in mating strategies. Scientific Reports, 7: 15939.
- Trochet A, Dupoué A, Souchet J, Bertrand R, Deluen M, Murarasu S, Calvez O, Martinez-Silvestre A, Verdaguer-Foz I, Darnet E, Le Chevalier H, Mossoll-Torres M, Guillaume O, Aubret F. (2018)- Variation of preferred body temperatures along an altitudinal gradient: a multi-species study. Journal of Thermal Biology, 77: 38-44.
- Trochet A, Deluen M, Bertrand R, Calvez O, Martinez-Silvestre A, Verdaguer-Foz I, Mossoll-Torres M, Souchet J, Darnet E, Le Chevalier H, Guillaume* O, Aubret* F. (2019)- Body Size Increases with Altitude in Pyrenean Brook Salamanders (Calotriton asper). Herpetologica, in press. *shared senior authorship.
- Gangloff EJ, Sorlin M, Cordero GA, Souchet J, Aubret F. (2019)- Lizards at the peak: Physiological plasticity does not maintain performance in lizards transplanted to high altitude. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, in press.
- Uller T., LaakkonenH., MichaelidesS., While G.M., Coulon A. & Aubret F. (2019)- Genetic differentiation predicts body size divergence between island and mainland populations of common wall lizards (Podarcis muralis) » The Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, in press.
- Sorlin MV, Gangloff EJ, Kouyoumdjian L, Cordero GA & Aubret F (2019)- Podarcis muralis (Common Wall Lizard). TAIL BIFURCATION. Herpetological review, In press.
- Grassini S, Valli K, Souchet J, Aubret F, Segurini GV, Revonsuo A & Koivisto M (2019)- Pattern matters: snakes exhibiting triangular and diamond-shaped skin patterns modulate electrophysiological activity in human visual cortex. Neuropsychologia, In press.
- Kouyoumdjian L, Gangloff EJ, Souchet J, Cordero GA, Dupoue A and Aubret F (2019)- Transplanting gravid lizards to high elevation alters maternal and embryonic oxygen physiology, but not reproductive success or hatchling phenotype. Journal of Experimental Biology, in press.
- Le Chevalier H, Marí-Mena N, Carro B, Prunier JG, Bossu C, Darnet E, Souchet J, Guillaume O, Calvez O, Bertrand R, Barthe L, Pottier G, Martínez-Sylvestre A, Verdaguer-Foz I, Mossoll-Torres M, Trochet A & Aubret F. (2019)- Isolation and characterization of fourteen polymorphic microsatellite markers in the viperine snake Natrix maura. Ecology and Evolution, in press.
- Feiner N, de Souza-Lima S, Jorge F, Naem S, Aubret F, Uller T and Nadler SA 2020. Vertical transmission of a nematode from female lizards to the brains of their offspring. The American Naturalist,195.5 (2020): 918-926..
- de Carvalho Augusto R, Minoda A, Rey O, Cosseau C, Chaparro C, Vidal-Dupiol J, Allienne JF, Duval D, Pinaud S, Tönges S, Andriantsoa R, Luquet E, Aubret F, Sow MD, David P, Thomson V, Federico D, Joly D, Gomes Lima M, Danchin E & Grunau C 2020. Chromatin structure changes in Daphnia populations upon exposure to environmental cues-or-The discovery of Wolterecks » Matrix ». bioRxiv, 824789. doi:
- Lettoof D, von Takach Dukai B, Bateman PW, Gagnon M & Aubret F. 2020. Investigating the role of urbanisation, wetlands and climatic conditions in nematode parasitism in a large Australian elapid snake. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife, 11, 32-39.
- Lettoof D, Bateman P, Aubret F & Gagnon MM 2020. The broad-scale analysis of contaminants (heavy metals, organochlorine pesticides and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) in wetlands along an urban gradient, and the use of a high trophic snake as a bioindicator. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 1-15.
- Dupoué A, Sorlin M, Richard M, Le GalliardJF, Lourdais O, Clobert J*, Aubret F* 2020. Mother-offspring conflict for water is mitigated in the oviparous form of the bimodal lizard Zootoca vivipara. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 129(4), 888-900. * shared last authorship.
- Souchet J, Gangloff EJ, Micheli G, Bossu C, Trochet A, Bertrand R, Clobert J, Calvez O, Martinez-Silvestre A, Darnet E, Le Chevalier H, Guillaume O, Mossoll-Torres M, Barthe L, Pottier G, Philippe H & Aubret F. 2020. High-elevation hypoxia impacts perinatal physiology and performance in a potential montane colonizer. Integrative Zoology, In press.
- Feiner N & Aubret F 2020. NATRIX NATRIX (Grass snake). Parasites. Herpetological Review, In press.
- Lucati F, Poignet M, Miró A, Trochet A, Aubret F, Barthe L, Bertrand R, Buchaca T, Calvez O, Caner J, Darnet E, Denoël M, Guillaume O, Le Chevalier H, Martínez-Silvestre A, Mossoll-Torres M, O’Brien D, Osorio V, Pottier G, Richard M, Sabás I, Souchet J, Tomàs J & Ventura M. 2020. Linking phylogeographic history and contemporary dispersal dynamics:Multiple glacial refugia and restricted but effective present-day gene flow shape the genetic structure of an endemic newt from the Pyrenees. Molecular Ecology, 29(15):2904-2921..
- Abalos J, Pérez i de Lanuza G, Bartolomé A, Liehrmann O, Laakkonen H, Aubret F, Uller T, Carazo P, Font E. 2020. Don’t judge a lizard by its colour: no evidence for differential socio-sexual behaviour and space use in the colour morphs of the European common wall lizard (Podarcis muralis). Ecology and Evolution, In press.
- Aubret F, Kouyoumdjian L, Gangloff EJ. 2020. IBEROLACERTA BONNALI (Pyrenean Rock Lizard). Fishing hook swallowed. Herpetological Review, In press.
- Lettoof D, Cornelis J, Harvey-Hall J & Aubret F. 2020. NOTECHIS SCUTATUS OCCIDENTALIS (Western Tiger Snake). Diet. Herpetological Review, In press.
- Souchet J, Bossu C, Darnet E, Le Chevalier H, Poignet M, Trochet A, Bertrand R, Calvez O, Martinez-Silvestre A, Mossoll-Torres M, Guillaume O, Clobert J, Barthe L, Pottier G, Philippe H, Gangloff EJ & Aubret F. 2020. High temperatures limit developmental resilience to high-elevation hypoxia in the snake Natrix Maura (Squamata: Colubridae). The Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, In press.
- Lettoof DC, Aubret F, Spilsbury F, Bateman PW, Haberfield J, Vos J & Gagnon MM. 2020. Baseline plasma biochemistry profile of wild Western tiger snakes (Notechis scutatus occidentalis) before and after captivity. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, In press.
- Dupoué A, Trochet A, Richard M, Sorlin M, Teulière Quillet J, Vallé C, Rault C, Berroneau M, Berroneau M, Lourdais O, Blaimont P, Bertrand R, Guillon M, Pottier G, Calvez O, Guillaume O, Le Chevalier H, Souchet J, Le Galliard JF, Clobert J # & Aubret F #. 2020 Genetic and demographic trends from rear to leading edge are explained by climate and forest cover in a cold adapted ectotherm. 2020 Diversity and Distributions, In press. # shared senior authorship.
- Bertrand R, Aubret F, Grenouillet G, Ribéron A and Blanchet S. 2020. Comment on “Forest microclimate dynamics drive plant responses to warming”. Science 370 (6520): DOI: 10.1126/science.abd3850.
- Lettoof DC, Rankenburg K, McDonald BJ, Evans NJ, Bateman PW, Aubret F& Gagnon M 2020 Snake scales record environmental metal contamination. Environmental Pollution, In press.
- de Carvalho Augusto R, Cosseau C, Chaparro C, Vidal-Dupiol J, Allienne JF, Duval D, Pinaud S, Tönges S, Andriantsoa R, Luquet E, Aubret F, Sow MD, David P, Thomson V, Joly D, Gomes Lima M, Federico D, Danchin E, Minoda A & Grunau C. 2020. A simple ATAC-seq protocol for population epigenetics. Wellcome Open Research, 5(121): 121.
- Martínez-Silvestre A, Trochet A, Calvez O, Poignet M, Le Chevalier H, Souchet J, Darnet E, Guillaume O, Aubret F, Bertrand R, Mossoll-Torres M, Lucati F; Tomàs J; O’Brien D; Miró A, Ventura M, Barthe L, Pottier G, Marschang RE & Bosch J 2020. Presence of the Fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, but not Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans, in Wild Pyrenean Brook Newts (Calotriton asper) in Spain and France. Herpetological Review 51(4): 738-743.
- Gangloff EJ, Spears S, Kouyoumdjian L, Pettit C & Aubret F 2021 Does hyperoxia restrict Pyrenean rock lizards Iberolacerta bonnali to high elevations? Diversity 13(5): 200.
- Abalos J, Pérez i de Lanuza G, Bartolomé A, Aubret F, Uller T & Font E 2021 Viability, behavior, and color expression in the offspring of matings between common wall lizard Podarcis muralis color morphs. Current Zoology 2021: 1–15. doi: 10.1093/cz/zoab039
- Yang W, Feiner N, Salvi D, Laakkonen H, Jablonski D, Pinho C, Sacchi R, Zuffi MAL, Scali S, Plavos K, Pafilis P, Schulte U, Aubret F, Badiane A, Carazo P, Perez I de Lanuza G, While GM & Uller T 2021. Population genomics of wall lizards reflects the dynamic history of the Mediterranean Basin. bioRxiv.
- Lettoof DC, Thomson VA, Cornelis J, Bateman PW, Aubret F, Gagnon MM, von Takach B 2021 Top predator snake shows genomic signatures of natural and anthropogenic barriers to gene flow. PLOS ONE, in press
Other publication outputs
- Aubret F., Bonnet X & Maumelat S. (2000)- La ponte des pythons : Pourquoi les animaux adultes prennent soin de leurs œufs. Pour la Science 274.
- Aubret F., Maumelat S & Bonnet X. (2001)- Les tiques des pythons. Pour la Science 279.
- Aubret F., Maumelat S, Bonnet X & Bradshaw D. (2003)- Ecailles et taille des proies. Pour la science 311.
- “Under the sign of the snake”. (2004)- Production: Mona-Lisa – France 5 - Discovery Asia - GA & A – TéléQuébec ; Director: Luc Jacquet.
- “Snakes challenge nature vs nurture debate”. 17 September (2004)-. Australian Broadcasting Corporation Judy Skatssoon ABC Science Online.
- “Capacité adaptative des serpents tigres : l'acquis aussi serait déterminé génétiquement.“ Communiqué de Presse CNRS 16 Septembre (2004)
- Dossier « Evoluer ». « Le serpent Tigre, as de l’adaptation ». Science et Vie Junior. September (2014).
Communication at conferences
1. Aubret F., Bonnet X, Lourdais O & Naulleau G. (1999)- Déterminants de l'accouplement chez Vipera aspis : Approche expérimentale. 27ème congrès annuel de la Société Herpétologique de France.
2. Bonnet X, Aubret F., Naulleau G & Lourdais O. (1999)- Activité et vulnérabilité de la couleuvre verte et jaune à la circulation routière. 27ème congrès annuel de la Société Herpétologique de France.
3. Lourdais O, Aubret F., Bonnet X & Shine R. (1999)- Dimorphisme sexuel : un problème d'aménagement intérieur chez les serpents. 27ème congrès annuel de la Société Herpétologique de France.
4. Aubret F., Bonnet X, Shine R & Maumelat S. 2002. Costs and benefits of brooding behaviour in the ball python, Python regius. Australian Society of Herpetology, 29th general meeting, Birrigai, ACT.
5. Aubret F., Aubret F & Ladyman M. 2003. Water, food, and energy: Plasticity on islands. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology part a (134), s1-s128.
6. Aubret F. & Bonnet X. 2003. State-dependent “decision”: body reserves, predator avoidance and foraging in immature Tiger snakes. Australian Society of Herpetology, 30th general meeting. Darwin, NT.
7. Aubret F. (2005)- Comparaison de deux populations de serpents tigres Notechis scutatus occidentalis: l’influence de la plasticité phénotypique sur les traits d’histoire de vie. Soutenance de Thèse. 12 Septembre 2005, Centre d’Etudes Biologiques de Chizé.
8. Aubret F., Burghardt GM, Maumelat S, Bonnet X & Bradshaw D. (2006)- Feeding preferences in two disjunct populations of tiger snakes, Notechis scutatus (Elapidae). Australian Society of Herpetology, 32th general meeting. Healesville, Victoria.
9. Aubret F., Burghardt GM, Maumelat S, Bonnet X, & Bradshaw D. (2006)- Feeding preferences in two disjunct populations of tiger snakes, Notechis scutatus (Elapidae). 11th Congress of the International Society for Behavioral Ecology, Tours, France.
10. Aubret F. & Shine R. (2007)- A cost to adaptive plasticity: prey size and head shape in young tigersnakes, Notechis scutatus. Society for the study of Evolution. Christchurch, New-Zeland.
11. Aubret F. & Shine R. (2007) - A cost to adaptive plasticity: prey size and head shape in young tigersnakes, Notechis scutatus. Austral Ecology Society, Adelaide, Australia.
12. Aubret F. & Shine R. (2007)- A cost to adaptive plasticity: prey size and head shape in young tigersnakes, Notechis scutatus. European Society of Herpetology, Porto, Portugal.
13. Aubret F., & Shine R. 2007 Early experience influences both habitat choice and locomotor performance in tigersnakes. Australian Society of Herpetology, 33th general meeting. Albany, Western Australia.
14. Aubret F., & Shine R. 2008 The origin of evolutionary innovations: locomotor consequences of tail shape in aquatic snakes. 6th World Congress of Herpetology –Manaus – Amazonas – Brazil
15. Aubret F., & Shine R. 2008 The origin of evolutionary innovations: locomotor consequences of tail shape in aquatic snakes. 12th Evolutionary Biology Meeting at Marseilles, September 24-28, 2008 Marseilles, France
16. Aubret F., and Shine R. 2009 Genetic assimilation and the post-colonisation erosion of phenotypic plasticity in island Tiger snakes. 15th European Congress of Herpetology. September 28th - October 2nd, 2009. Kusadasi, Turkey.
17. Aubret F. 2012. Body size evolution on islands: are adult size variations in Tiger snakes a non-adaptive consequence of selection on birth size? World Congress of Herpetology, August 8-14th Vancouver, Canada.
18. Aubret F. 2012. The post-colonisation erosion of adaptive plasticity in island snakes. Symposium on phenotypic plasticity in Lund: November 26-27 2012. Invité.
19. Aubret F. 2013. The post-colonisation erosion of adaptive plasticity in island snakes. Australian Society of Herpetology, 37th general meeting. Point Wolstoncroft, New South Wales.
20. Aubret F. 2013. Evolution of alternative foraging tactics driven by water temperature and physiological constraints in an amphibious snake. Audition des porteurs de projets AO1, Université Paul Sabatier. 9 Juillet 2013.
21. Aubret F. 2014. The snake hiss: potential acoustic mimicry in a viper–colubrid complex. Australian Society of Herpetology, 38th general meeting. Greenhills Conference Centre, ACT.
22. Aubret F. 2014. Interaction between adaptive plasticity and habitat imprinting: an evolutionary driver? Journées GREC "du comportement et de la génétique/épigénétique ». 13 Novembre 2014.
23. Aubret F. 2015. Do you speak Egglish? Australian Society of Herpetology, 38th general meeting. Eildon, Victoria.
24. Aubret F., Blanvillain G & Bignon F. 2015. Communication embryonnaire chez un serpent ovipare: mécanisme et conséquences. 43ieme congrès de la Société Herpétologique de France. 1 au 3 octobre 2015, Toulouse.
25. Aubret F. 2015. ECTOPYR: Pyrenean lizards. Podarcis Symposium, Lund.
26. Aubret F. 2015. Le Langage du coeur: communication embryonnaire chez les oeufs de serpents. Congrès de la Société Herpétologique de France. Namur.
27. Aubret F. 2016. Colonisation altitudinale et adaptabilité à l’hypoxie : une contrainte ignorée du changement climatique sur la biodiversité. Congrès de la Société Herpétologique de France. Namur.
28. Aubret F. 2017. Journées d’Ecologie Fonctionnelle, AnaE France ; la grande motte. Altitudinal colonization and adaptability to hypoxia.
29. Aubret F. 2017. Museum de Lausanne. Le Langage du cœur: communication et autres bizarreries embryonnaires chez l‘œuf de reptile.
30. Aubret F. 2017. Université de Perpignan. The post-colonisation erosion of adaptive plasticity in island snakes.
31. Aubret F. 2017. Ecole d’été TULIP; Lesposse. Altitudinal colonization and adaptability to hypoxia.
32. Aubret F. 2017. Hobart, Tasmania. Altitudinal colonisation and adaptability to hypoxia: an ignored constraint of climate change on biodiversity. Australasian Evolution Society and Phylomania Combined Meeting.
33. Aubret F. 2018. Genetic assimilation and the post-colonisation erosion of adaptive plasticity in island Tiger snakes. Second Joint conference on Evolutionary Biology 2018. August 19-22, Montpellier, France.
34. Aubret F. 2018. The molecular basis of adaptation to environmental change: Linking epigenetics, plasticity and genetic assimilation using geographically isolated populations of Tiger snakes. Joint Meeting of the Australian Society of Herpetologists (ASH) and the Society for Research on Amphibians and Reptiles in New Zealand (SRARNZ). 10–13 December, 2018 Kindilan, Redland Bay, south-eastern Queensland.
Master and Honour students
- Jonas Durand (M1 Comportement Animal et Humain, Université Rennes 1) 2009: Anti-predatory behaviour in the Wall lizard Podarcis muralis.
- Anaïs Fauché (M1 - Master STS – ETE - Biologie des Organismes et des Populations, University de Bourgogne) 2010: Polymorphism in the Wall lizard.
- Hélène Malcuit (Voluntary internship) 2010: Polymorphism in the Wall lizard.
- Julian Wittische (Stage L3; Université Paul Verlaine, Metz) 2010: Colour polymorphism in the Wall lizard.
- Alice Thiney (M1, Université de Bourgogne) 2011: Influence of polymorphism on life history traits and hierarchical relationships in the Wall Lizard Podarcis muralis.
- Elise Mazé Guilmo (M2 Gestion des Habitats et des Bassins Versants, Université Rennes 1) 2011: Plasticity of the mobility trait in the caterpillars of Pieris brassicae: role of density and competition between relatives.
- Lucas Biais (L2 Biologie des organismes UPPA: UFR Sciences et techniques de la côte basque) 2011: Ecology of a population of Natrix Maura viperine snakes, performance in the aquatic environment and thermoregulation profiles.
- Mélodie Tort (M1 STS-ETE Université de Bourgogne) 2011: Spatial and temporal evolution of color polymorphism in the wall lizard (Podarcis muralis): causes and consequences.
- Tom Sarraude (Undergraduate project) 2011: Ecology of a population of Natrix Maura viperine snakes, performance in the aquatic environment and thermoregulation profiles.
- Lucas Biais (L3 Université d’Anglet, 1 month) 2011: Ecology of a population of Natrix Maura viperine snakes, performance in the aquatic environment and thermoregulation profiles.
- Elouana Gharnit (M1 EFCE) 2012: Spatial and temporal evolution of color polymorphism in the wall lizard (Podarcis muralis): causes and consequences.
- Tristan Juette (M1 EFCE) 2012: Spatial and temporal evolution of color polymorphism in the wall lizard (Podarcis muralis): causes and consequences.
- Mélodie Tort (M2 STS-ETE Université de Bourgogne) 2012: Behavioral and physiological plasticity in response to water temperature in viperine snake Natrix maura.
- Tom Sarraude (L3 UFR Sciences & Techniques Côte Basque Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour) 2012: Behavioral and physiological plasticity in response to water temperature in viperine snake Natrix maura
- Elouana Gharnit (M2 Recherche - Biodiversité, Écologie, Évolution, Université Paul Sabatier): Locomotor performance and risk-taking in the Wall Lizard, Podarcis muralis.
- Elsa Muret 2013: Reptilian Eco-Ethology.
- Julia De Neimeyer Caldas (M1 Université Rennes 1) 2013: Temerity, prudence, and life histories in the lizard of the walls.
- Fawziah Limbada (M1 Paysage, Agro Campus Ouest, Angers) 2013: Eco-Ethologie des reptiles.
- Marie Francou (M1 master Ecologie, Biodiversité, Evolution à la faculté des sciences de Orsay de l’Université Paris Sud) 2014: hissing behaviour in the viperine snake Natrix Maura: anti-predatory behaviour or case of bahesian mimicry?
- Tom Sarraude (M2 UFR Sciences & Techniques Côte Basque Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour) 2014: hissing behaviour in the viperine snake Natrix Maura: anti-predatory behaviour or case of bahesian mimicry?
- Marine Audouy (M1 BIMOPOD, Université de Perpignan, Via Domitia) 2014: Study of the inter-individual variability of exploration movements in the Grass-snake.
- Florent Bignon (Voluntary internship) 2014: Reptilian Eco-Ethology.
- Eddy Kosmala (Voluntary internship) 2014: Reptilian Eco-Ethology.
- Jérémie Soucher (M2 SFA BEE Université de Poitiers) 2015: Study of the innate and / or acquired perception of the danger signs in children applied to animal aposematic signals
- Clelia Rizzi-Paillet (stage L3) Study of the innate and / or acquired perception of the danger signs in children applied to animal aposematic signals.
- Coralie Bossu (M1 Université de Rennes) 2016: Hypoxie d’altitude et dynamique de colonisation.
- Gaëlle Micheli (Voluntary internship) 2016: Altitude related Hypoxia and colonisation dynamics.
- Jérémie Souchet (Voluntary internship) 2016: Altitude related Hypoxia and colonisation dynamics
- Bea Angelica Andersson (Lund University) 2016: Altitude related Hypoxia and colonisation dynamics.
- Coralie Bossu. (M2 pro Université de Poitiers, INTERREG POCTEFA ECYPOYR Action 3) Gene flow in dendritic networks in viperine snake .
- Amandine Hibert (Master Université Paul sabatier) 2017: ECTOPYR Action 5.
- Sophie Murasaru (Master "ecologie biodiversité evolution") 2017: ECTOPYR Action 3.
PhD students
- Jérémie Souchet (2016-2020) (co-supervision ECTOPYR/TULIP; Director Dr Hervé Philippe). Colonisation altitudinale et adaptation à l'hypoxie : une contrainte ignorée du changement climatique.
- Damian Lettof (2018-2021) (co-supervision with Dr Bill Bateman, A/Prof Monique Gagnon, Dr Ruchira Somaweera). Parasite load and the ecology of metropolitan tiger snakes. Curtin University, Perth.
- Marine Deluen (2019-2022) (co-supervision with Dr Simon Blanchet). Thermal performance curve in the brook salamander Calotriton asper.
- Dr Mathews Vickers (2014-2016). Inter-individual Heterogenity and dispersal (ANR INDHET).
- Dr Antonio Cordero (2016-2018). Hypoxie d’altitude et dynamique de colonisation. Lund University. Shared supervision.
- Dr Eric Gangloff (2017-2019). MARIE SkŁodowska-CURIE Individual fellowship. Potential oxygen limitation of distributions and responses to changing climates in ectotherms.
- Dr Romain Bertrand (2017-2018). ECTOPYR Action modeling.
- Dr Audrey Trochet (2017-2018). ECTOPYR Action calotriton.
- Dr. Andreaz Dupoué (2017-2018). ECTOPYR Action vivipara.
Research assistants
- Hugo Le Chevalier (2017-2018) INTERREG POCTEFA ECTOPYR Action 3 “Couleuvre vipérine”
- Elodie Darnet (2017-2018) INTERREG POCTEFA ECTOPYR Action 5 « Lézards des Pyrénées »
- Pauline Clin (2019) INTERREG POCTEFA ECTOPYR Action 8 "modelisation"
Deluen M., Loot G., Bertrand R., Aubret F., Valentini A., Calvez O., Delmas C., Le Chevalier H., Muratet J., Pottier G., Ribéron A., Rolet S., Dubut V., Trochet A. and Blanchet S.
(2024) - Development of an environmental and faecal DNA tool for monitoring the spatial distribution and fish predation on the mountain amphibian Calotriton asper. - Aquatic Conservation 34: e70034Dupoué, A., Blaimont, P., Angelier, F., Ribout, C., Rozen-Rechels, D., Richard, M., Miles, D., de Villemereuil, P., Rutschmann, A., Badiane, A., Aubret, F., Lourdais, O., Meylan, S., Cote, J., Clobert, J., Le Galliard, J.-F.
(2022) - Lizards from warm and declining populations are born with extremely short telomeres. - Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 19 (33)Gangloff EJ, Spears S, Kouyoumdjian L, Pettit C & Aubret F
(2021) - Does hyperoxia restrict Pyrenean rock lizards Iberolacerta bonnali to high elevations? - Diversity 13(5): 200Yang W, Feiner N, Salvi D, Laakkonen H, Jablonski D, Pinho C, Sacchi R, Zuffi MAL, Scali S, Plavos K, Pafilis P, Schulte U, Aubret F, Badiane A, Carazo P, Perez I de Lanuza G, While GM & Uller T
(2021) - Population genomics of wall lizards reflects the dynamic history of the Mediterranean Basin - Molecular Biology and Evolution msab311Lettoof, D. C., Rankenburg, K., McDonald, B. J., Evans, N. J., Bateman, P. W., Aubret, F., & Gagnon, M. M.
(2021) - Snake scales record environmental metal (loid) contamination. - Environmental Pollution 274, 116547.Abalos J, Pérez i de Lanuza G, Bartolomé A, Aubret F, Uller T & Font E
(2021) - Viability, behavior, and color expression in the offspring of matings between common wall lizard Podarcis muralis color morphs. - Current Zoology 2021: 1–15. doi: 10.1093/cz/zoab039de Carvalho Augusto R, Cosseau C, Chaparro C, Vidal-Dupiol J, Allienne JF, Duval D, Pinaud S, Tönges S, Andriantsoa R, Luquet E, Aubret F, Sow MD, David P, Thomson V, Joly D, Gomes Lima M, Federico D, Danchin E, Minoda A & Grunau C.
(2020) - A simple ATAC-seq protocol for population epigenetics - Wellcome Open Research 5(121): 121Bertrand R, Aubret F, Grenouillet G, Ribéron A and Blanchet S.
(2020) - Comment on “Forest microclimate dynamics drive plant responses to warming”. - Science 10.1126/science.abd3850Abalos J., Pérez i de Lanuza G., Bartolomé A., Liehrmann O., Laakkonen H., Aubret F., Uller T., Carazo P. & Font E.
(2020) - Don’t judge a lizard by its colour: no evidence for differential socio-sexual behaviour and space use in the colour morphs of the European common wall lizard (Podarcis muralis). - Ecology and Evolution in pressDupoué A., Trochet A., Richard M., Sorlin M.V., Guillon M.,Teulieres-Quillet J., Vallé C., Rault C., Berroneau M., Berroneau M., Lourdais O., Blaimont P., Bertrand R., Pottier G., Calvez O., Guillaume O., Le Chevalier H., Souchet J., Le Galliard J.F., Clobert J., Aubret F.
(2020) - Genetic and demographic trends from rear to leading edge are explained by climate and forest cover in a cold adapted ectotherm. - Diversity and DistributionSouchet J., Gangloff E.J., Micheli G., Bossu C., Trochet A., Bertrand R., Clobert J., Calvez O., Martinez-Silvestre A., Darnet E., Le Chevalier H., Guillaume O., Mossoll-Torres M., Barthe L., Pottier G., Philippe H. & Aubret F.
(2020) - High-elevation hypoxia impacts perinatal physiology and performance in a potential montane colonizer. - Integrative Zoology 0: 1–14Lettoof D., von Takach Dukai B., Bateman P.W., Gagnon M. & Aubret F.
(2020) - Investigating the role of urbanisation, wetlands and climatic conditions in nematode parasitism in a large Australian elapid snake. - International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife in pressLucati F., Poignet M., Miró A., Trochet A., Aubret F., Barthe L., Bertrand R., Buchaca T., Calvez O., Caner J., Darnet E., Denoël M., Guillaume O., Le Chevalier H., Martínez-Silvestre A., Mossoll-Torres M., O’Brien D., Osorio V., Pottier G., Richard M., Sabás I., Souchet J., Tomàs J. & Ventura M.
(2020) - Linking phylogeographic history and contemporary dispersal dynamics:Multiple glacial refugia and restricted but effective present-day gene flow shape the genetic structure of an endemic newt from the Pyrenees. - Molecular Ecology 29 : 2904–2921Dupoué A., Sorlin M., Richard M., Le Galliard J.F., Lourdais O., Clobert J. & Aubret F.
(2020) - Mother-offspring conflict for water is mitigated in the oviparous form of the bimodal lizard Zootoca vivipara. - Biological Journal of the Linnean Society in pressDupoué A., Sorlin M., Richard M., Le GalliardJ-F., Lourdais O., Clobert J. & Aubret F.
(2020) - Mother-offspring conflict for water varies across altitude and is mitigated in the oviparous form of the bimodal lizard Zootoca vivipara - Biological Journal of the Linnean SocietyMartínez-Silvestre A., Trochet A., Calvez O., Poignet M. ,Le Chevalier H, Souchet J., Darnet E., Guillaume O., Fabien Aubret F., Bertrand R., Mossoll-Torres M., Lucati F. , Tomàs J. , David O'Brien D., Miró A. , Ventura M., BarthL. , Pottier G., Marschang R.E., Bosch J.
(2020) - Presence of the Fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, but not B. salamandrivorans, in Wild Pyrenean Brook Newts (Calotriton asper) in Spain and France - Herpetological ReviewMartínez-Silvestre A, Trochet A, Calvez O, Poignet M, Le Chevalier H, Souchet J, Darnet E, Guillaume O, Aubret F, Bertrand R, Mossoll-Torres M, Lucati F; Tomàs J; O’Brien D; Miró A, Ventura M, Barthe L, Pottier G, Marschang RE & Bosch J
(2020) - Presence of the Fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, but not Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans, in Wild Pyrenean Brook Newts (Calotriton asper) in Spain and France. - Herpetological Review 51(4): 738-743.Lettoof D., Bateman P., Aubret F. & Gagnon M.M.
(2020) - The broad-scale analysis of contaminants (heavy metals, organochlorine pesticides and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) in wetlands along an urban gradient, and the use of a high trophic snake as a bioindicator. - Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology in pressFeiner N., de Souza-Lima S., Jorge F., Naem S., Aubret F., Uller T. & Nadler S.A.
(2020) - Vertical transmission of a nematode from female lizards to the brains of their offspring. - The American Naturalist in pressTrochet A., Deluen M., Bertrand R., Calvez O., Martinez-Silvestre A., Verdaguer-Foz I., Mossol-Torres M., Souchet J., Darnet E., Le Chevalier H., Guillaume O. and Aubret F.
(2019) - Body Size Increases with Altitude Elevation in Pyrenean Brook Salamanders (Calotriton asper) - Herpetologicade Carvalho Augusto R., Minoda A., Rey O., Cosseau C., Chaparro C., Vidal-Dupiol J., Allienne J.F., Duval D., Pinaud S., Tönges S., Andriantsoa R., Luquet E., Aubret F., Sow M.D., David P., Thomson V., Federico D., Joly D., Gomes Lima M., Danchin E. & Grunau C.
(2019) - Chromatin structure changes in Daphnia populations upon exposure to environmental cues-or-The discovery of Wolterecks » Matrix ». - bioRxiv 824789Uller T., Laakkonen H., Michaelides S., While G.M., Coulon A. & Aubret F.
(2019) - Genetic differentiation predicts body size divergence between island and mainland populations of common wall lizards (Podarcis muralis). - Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 127(4): 771-786Le Chevalier H., Marí‐Mena N., Carro B., Prunier J.G., Bossu C., Darnet E., Souchet J., Guillaume O., Calvez O., Bertrand R., Barthe L., Pottier G., Martinez-Silvestre A., Verdaguer-Foz I., Mossoll-Torres M., Trochet A. & Aubret F.
(2019) - Isolation and characterization of fourteen polymorphic microsatellite markers in the viperine snake Natrix maura. - Ecology and Evolution 00: 1-5Gangloff E.J., Sorlin M., Cordero G.A., Souchet J. & Aubret F.
(2019) - Lizards at the peak: Physiological plasticity does not maintain performance in lizards transplanted to high altitude. - Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 92(2): 189-200Grassina S., Vallia K., Souchet J., Aubret F., Segurini G.V., Revonsuo A. & Koivisto M.
(2019) - Pattern matters: Snakes exhibiting triangular and diamond-shaped skin patterns modulate electrophysiological activity in human visual cortex - Neuropsychologia 131: 62-72Sorlin M.V., Gangloff E.J., Kouyoumdjian L., Cordero G.A., Darnet E. & Aubret F.
(2019) - Podarcis muralis: Tail Bifurcation. - Herpetological Review 50: 2Kouyoumdjian L., Gangloff E.J., Souchet J., Cordero G.A, Dupoué A. & Aubret F.
(2019) - Transplanting gravid lizards to high elevation alters maternal and embryonic oxygen physiology, but not reproductive success or hatchling phenotype. - Journal of Experimental Biology 222: jeb206839Kok P.J.R., Ratz S., MacCulloch R.D., Lathrop A., Dezfoulian R., Aubret F. & Means D.B.
(2018) - Historical biogeography of the paleoendemic toad genus Oreophrynella (Amphibia: Bufonidae) sheds a new light on the origin of the Pantepui endemic terrestrial biota. - Journal of Biogeography 45(1): 26-36Gangloff E.J., Sorlin M., Cordero AG, Souchet J. & Aubret F.
(2018) - Lizards at the peak: Physiological plasticity does not maintain performance in lizards transplanted to high altitude. - Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 92(2): 189-200Trochet A., Dupoué A., Souchet J., Bertrand R., Deluen M., Murarasu S., Calvez O., Martinez-Silvestre A., Verdaguer-Foz I., Darnet E., Le Chevalier H., Mossoll-Torres M., Guillaume O. and Aubret F.
(2018) - Variation of preferred body temperatures along an altitudinal gradient: a multi-species study - Journal of Thermal Biology 77: 38-44Cordero G.A., Andersson B.A., Souchet J., Micheli G., Noble D.W.A., Gangloff E.J., Uller T. & Aubret F.
(2017) - Physiological plasticity in lizard embryos exposed to high-altitude hypoxia. - Journal of Experimental Zoology 327(7): 423-432Feiner N., Uller T. & Aubret F.
(2017) - Podarcis muralis (Common Wall Lizard). Parasite load. - Herpetological Review 47(4): 673Legrand A., Frondas A., Aubret F., Corre A., Flamant C., Simon L., Desrobert C. & Rozé J.C.
(2017) - Randomised controlled trial shows that co-bedding twins may reduce birthweight recovery delay, parenteral nutrition weaning time and hospitalisation. - Acta Paediatrica 106(12): 2055-2059Moulherat S., Chaine A.S., Mangin A., Aubret F., Sinervo B. & Clobert J.
(2017) - The roles of plasticity versus dominance in maintaining polymorphism in mating strategies. - Scientific Reports 7: 15939Aubret F., Bignon F., Bouffet-Halle A., Blanvillain G., Kok P.J.R & Souchet J.
(2017) - Yolk removal generates hatching asynchrony in snake eggs. - Scientific Reports 7: 3041Aubret F.
(2016) - Effect of sudden loss of vision on foraging behavior in captive born Tiger snakes Notechis scutatus (Serpentes: Elapidae) Phyllomedusa. - Journal of Herpetology 15(1): 75-78Kok P.J.R., Russo V.G., Ratz S., Means D.B., MacCulloch R.D., Lathrop A., Aubret F. & Bossuyt F.
(2016) - Evolution in the South American “Lost World”: insights from multilocus phylogeography of stefanias (Anura, Hemiphractidae, Stefania). - Journal of Biogeography 44: 170-181Aubret F., Blanvillain G., Bignon F. & Kok P.J.R.
(2016) - Heartbeat, embryo communication and hatching synchrony in snake eggs. - Scientific Reports 6: 23519Michaelides S.N., While G.M., Zajac N., Aubret F., Calsbeek B., Sacchi R., Zuffi M.A.F. & Uller T.
(2016) - Loss of genetic diversity and increased embryonic mortality in non-native lizard populations. - Molecular Ecology 25(17): 4113-4125Kok P.J.R., Russo V.G., Ratz S., & Aubret F.
(2016) - On the distribution and conservation of two “Lost World” tepui «summit endemic frogs, Stefania ginesi Rivero, 1968 and S. satelles » Señaris, Ayarzagüena and Gorzula, 1997. - Amphibian and Reptile Conservation 10(1): 5-12Aubret F., Bignon F., Kok P.J.R. & Blanvillain G.
(2016) - Only child syndrome in snakes: Eggs incubated alone produce asocial individuals. - Scientific Reports 6: 35752Souchet J. & Aubret F.
(2016) - Revisiting the fear of snakes in children: the role of aposematic signalling - Scientific Reports 6: 37619Vickers M., Aubret F. & Coulon A.
(2016) - Using GAMM to examine inter-individual heterogeneity in thermal performance curves for Natrix natrix indicates bet hedging strategy by mothers. - Journal of Thermal Biology 63: 16-23Aubret F., Tort M. & Sarraude T.
(2015) - Evolution of alternative foraging tactics driven by water temperature and physiological constraints in an amphibious snake. - Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 115(2): 411-422Aubret F., Blanvillain G. & Kok P.J.R.
(2015) - Myth busting? Effects of embryo positioning and egg rolling on hatching success in the water snake Natrix maura. - Scientific Reports 5: 13385Kok P.J.R., Ratz S., Tegelaar M., Aubret F. & Means D.B.
(2015) - Out of taxonomic limbo: a name for the species of Tepuihyla (Anura: Hylidae) from the Chimantá Massif, Pantepui region, northern South America. - Salamandra 51(4): 283-314Michaelides S., Cornish N., Griffiths R., Groombridge J., Zajac N., Walters G.J., Aubret F., While G.M. & Uller T.
(2015) - Phylogeography and conservation genetics of the common wall lizard, Podarcis muralis, on islands at its northern range margin. - Plos One 10(2): e0117113Aubret F., Tort M., Michniewicz R.J., Blanvillain G. & Coulon A.
(2014) - Cooperate or compete? Influence of sex and body size on sheltering behaviour in the wall lizard, Podarcis muralis. - Behaviour 151: 1903-1920Aubret F.
(2014) - Island colonisation and the evolutionary rates of body size in insular neonate snakes. - Heredity 115(4): 349-56Bestion E., Teyssier A., Aubret F., Clobert J. & Cote J.
(2014) - Maternal Exposure to Predator Scents: Offspring Phenotypic Adjustment and Dispersal - Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 281(1792): 20140701Aubret F. & Mangin A.
(2014) - The snake hiss: potential acoustic mimicry in a viper-colubrid complex. - Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 113(4): 1107-1114BOOKS
- Aubret F. (2016) - Pleasure and Pain: Island Tiger Snakes and Sea-birds in Australia; In “Islands and Snakes”. Oxford University Press. In press.
- Aubret F. (2013) - Role and Evolution of Adaptive Plasticity during the Colonization of Novel Environments. In Phenotypic Plasticity, Molecular Mechanisms, Evolutionary Significance and Impact on Speciation. Janet B. Valentino and Patricia C. Harrelson Eds. Novinka, New−York. Pp1−34