I have started my research in the human movement sciences, with a particular interest in motor control and timing, motor coordination, learning, but also (perceptually-based) anticipation. I approached these topics from the perspective that motor behavior, which is by definition constituted by patterns that can be viewed as macroscopic relative to the scale of the ‘wetware’ within which it arises (i.e., the ‘stuff our bodies are made of, including muscle and neural tissue [at various levels of description]), and emerges due to the multitude of interactions on far smaller scales (i.e., those making up the ‘wetware’). In other words, I conceptualize motor behavior as a manifestation of self-organized pattern formation in open systems. Or, in James Gibson’s terms, “control without a controller”.
I formally switched from human movement science to ecology in 2021. (I am grateful to both my employer, the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique [French National Research Center] as well as the SETE, for having allowed, supported, and welcomed me.) My current research focuses first and foremost on the fate of organic matter, in particular carbon, as it decomposes, is respired to fuel photosynthesis, or interacts with the soil matrix by forming organo-mineral complexes through interactions with soil metals and minerals or find shelter from decomposer organisms in soil aggregates. In continuation herewith, I have started studying how plants, and more particularly, plant communities of varying specific as well as functional diversity interact with soils and co-determine their functioning.
Personal details
Name: Raoul Huys
Date of Birth: 7 July 1969
Place of Birth: Tegelen, the Netherlands
Education & Diplomas
1995: Masters Human Movement Science, University of Maastricht, the Netherland
2004: PhD Human Movement Science, Free University, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
2014: Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, Doctoral School of the Institute of Human Movement Sciences, Marseille, France
Academic positions
2004–2005: Post-doctoral Research Fellow in Motor Control, School of Sport and Exercise Science, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, UK.
2006–2009: Research Associate, Faculté des Sciences du Sport, CNRS & Université de la Méditerranée, Marseille, France.
2009–2012: CNRS Chargé de Recherche CR1, Faculté des Sciences du Sport, CNRS & Université de la Méditerranée, Marseille, France.
2012–2015: CNRS Chargé de Recherche CR1, Institut de Neurosciences des Systèmes, Aix-Marseille Université, Marseille, France.
2016–2021: CNRS Chargé de Recherche CR1, Centre de Recherche Cerveau & Cognition, Université Paul Sabatier III, Toulouse, France.
2021-present :CNRS Chargé de Recherche CR, Station d’Écologie Théorique et Expérimentale, Moulis, France.
Publications in international journals
Huys R, Poirier V, Bourget MY, Roumet C, Hättenschwiler S, Fromin N, Munson AD & Freschet G. (2022). Plant litter chemistry controls coarse-textured soil carbon dynamics Journal of Ecology.
Hervault M, Zanone PG, Buisson JC & Huys R (2022). Hold your horses: Differences in EEG correlates of inhibition in cancelling and stopping an action. Neuropsychologia 172: 108255.
Hervault M, Zanone PG, Buisson JC & Huys R (2021). Multiple brain sources are differentially engaged in the inhibition of distinct action types. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 34: 258-272.
Hervault M, , Zanone PG, Buisson JC & Huys R (2021). Cortical sensorimotor activity in the execution and suppression of discrete and rhythmic movements. Scientific Reports 11: 22364.
Hervault M, Huys R, Buisson JC, Francheteau M, Siguier P & Zanone PG (2021). To start or stop an action depends on which movement we perform: An appraisal of the horse–race model. Acta Psychologica 217: 103332.
Hou J-C, Thonnat M, Huys R, Bartolomei F, McGonial A (2020). Rhythmic rocking stereotypies in frontal lobe seizures: A quantified video study. Neurophysiologie Clinique 50: 75-80.
Knol H, Sleimen-Malkoun R, Huys R, Temprado JJ. (2019) Performance, complexity and dynamics of force maintenance and modulation in young and older adults. PloS One 14: e0225925
Jirsa VK, McIntosh A, Huys R (2019) Grand unified theories of the brain need better understanding of behavior: the two-tiered emergence of function. Ecological Psychology 31: 152-165.
Hervault M, Huys R, Farrer C, Buisson JC & Zanone PG (2019) Cancelling discrete and stopping ongoing rhythmic movements: Do they involve the same process of motor inhibition? Human Movement Science 64: 296-306.
Fernandez L, Huys R, Issartel J, Azulay J-P & Eusebio A. (2018). Movement speed-accuracy trade-off in Parkinson’s disease. Frontiers in Neurology. 9:897. doi:10.3389/fneur.2018.00897
De Vries S, Huys R & Zanone P-G. (2018). Keeping your eye on the target: Eye-hand coordination in a repetitive Fitts’ task. Experimental Brain Research
Kostrubiec V, Huys R & Zanone P-G. (2018) Joint dyadic actions: Error correction by two persons works better than by one alone. Human Movement Science 61: 1-18.
Huys R, Kolodziej A, Lagarde J, Farrer C, Darmana R & Zanone P-G. (2018) Individual and dyadic rope turning as a window into social coordination. Human Movement Science 58: 55-68.
Kostrubiec V, Huys R, Jas B & Kruck J. (2018) Age-dependent relationship between socio-adaptability and motor coordination in high functioning children with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 48: 209-224.
Vieluf S, Sleimen-Malkoun R, Voelcker-Rehage C, Jirsa VK, Reuter E-M, Godde B, Temprado JJ, Huys R (2017). Dynamical signatures of isometric force control as a function of age, expertise, and task constraints. Journal of Neurophysiology 118: 176-186.
Knol H, Huys R, Sarrazin J-C, Spiegler A, Jirsa VK (2017). Ebbinghaus figures that deceive the eye do not necessarily deceive the hand. Scientific Reports 6: 3111.
Courtiol J, Perdikis D, Petkoski S, Müller V, Huys R, Sleimen-Malkoun R, Jirsa VK (2016) The multiscale entropy: guidelines for use and interpretation in brain signal analysis. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 273: 175-190.
Vernooij CA, Rao G, Perdikis, D, Huys R, Jirsa VK, Temprado JJ (2016) Functional coordination of muscles underlying changes in behavioural dynamics. Scientific Reports 6: 27759.
Huys R, Jirsa VK, Darohkan Z, Valentiniene S, Roland PE (2016). Visually evoked spiking evolves while spontaneous ongoing dynamics persists. Frontiers System Neuroscience 9:183.
Knol H, Huys R, Sarrazin, JC, Jirsa VK (2015). Quantifying the Ebbinghaus figure effect: Target size, context size, and target-context distance determine the presence and direction of the illusion. Frontiers Psychology. doi: 01.3389/fpsyg.2015.01679.
Huys R, Knol H, Sleimen-Malkoun R, Temprado JJ, Jirsa VK (2015) Does changing Fitts' index of difficulty evoke transitions in movement dynamics? EPJ Nonlinear Biomedical Physics 3:8.
Sleimen-Malkoun R, Perdikis D, Müller V, Blanc JL, Huys R, Temprado JJ, Jirsa VK (2015) Brain Dynamics of Aging: Multiscale Variability of EEG Signals at Rest and during an Auditory Oddball Task. eNeuro 10.1523/ENEURO.0067-14.2015
Huys R, Perdikis D, Jirsa VK (2014). Functional architectures and Structured Flows on Manifolds: A dynamical framework for motor behavior. Psychological Review 121: 302-336.
Smeeton NJ, Huys R, Jacobs DM (2013) When les is more: reduced usefulness training for the learning of anticipation skill in tennis. PLoS One 8: e79811
Sleimen-Malkoun R, Temprado J-J, Huys, R, Jirsa, VK, & Berton, E (2012). Is Fitts’ law continuous in discrete aiming? PloS ONE 7: e41190.
Chauvière L, Doublet T, Ghestem A, Siyoucef SS, Wendling F, Huys R, Jirsa VK, Bartolomei F & Bernard C (2012) Changes in interictal spike features precede the onset of temporal lobe epilepsy. Annals of Neurology 7: 805-814.
Perdikis D, Huys, R & Jirsa VK (2011). Time scale hierarchies in the functional organization of complex behaviors. PLoS Computational Biology 7: e00210098
Smeeton NJ & Huys R. (2011) Anticipation of tennis-shot direction from whole-body movements: The role of movement amplitude and dynamics. Human Movement Science 30: 957-965.
Perdikis D, Huys, R & Jirsa VK (2011). Complex processes from dynamical architectures with time-scale hierarchy. PloS One 6: e16589
Calvin S, Huys, R & Jirsa VK. (2010) Interference effects in bimanual coordination are independent of movement type. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception & Performance 36: 1553-1564.
Huys R, Studenka BE, Zelazik HN & Jirsa VK. (2010) Distinct timing mechanisms are implicated in distinct circle drawing tasks. Neuroscience Letters 472: 24-28.
Huys R, Fernandez L, Bootsma R & Jirsa, VK. (2010) Fitts’ Law is not continuous in reciprocal aiming. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 277: 1179- 1184.
Williams AM, Huys R, Cañal-Bruland R, Hagemann N (2009). The dynamical information underpinning anticipation skill. Human Movement Science 28: 362-370.
Huys R, Cañal-Bruland R, Hagemann N, Smeeton NJ, Beek PJ & Williams AM (2009). Global information pick up underpins anticipation of tennis shot direction. Journal of Motor Behavior 41: 158-170.
Lamoth CJC, Daffertshofer A, Huys R & Beek PJ (2009) Steady and transient coordination structures of walking and running. Human Movement Science 28: 371-386.
Ford, P, Hodges N, Huys, R & Williams AM (2009). An Evaluation of End-Point Trajectory Planning During Skilled Kicking. Motor Control, 13: 1-24
Huys R, Studenka BE, Rheame N, Zelaznik HN, Jirsa, VK (2008). Distinct timing mechanisms produce discrete and continuous movements. PLoS Computational Biology 4: e1000061.
Huys R, Smeeton NJ, Hodges NJ, Beek PJ & Williams AM (2008). On the dynamic information underlying visual anticipation skill. Perception & Psychophysics 70: 1217- 1234.
De Oliveira RF, Huys R, Oudejans RR, van de Langenberg R & Beek PJ (2007) Basketball jump shooting is controlled on-line by vision. Experimental Psychology 54: 180-186.
Hayes SJ, Hodges NJ, Huys R & Williams AM (2007) End-point focus manipulations to determine what information is used during observational learning. Acta Psychologica 126: 120-137.
Ford P, Hodges NJ, Huys R & Williams AM. (2006) The role of external action-effects in the execution of a soccer kick: A comparison across skill-level. Motor Control 10: 386 - 404.
Huys R, Williams AM & Beek PJ (2005) Visual perception and gaze control in judging and producing phase relations. Human Movement Science 24: 403-428.
Daffertshofer A, Huys R & Beek, PJ (2004) Dynamical coupling between locomotion and respiration. Biological Cybernetics 90: 157-164.
Huys R, Daffertshofer A & Beek PJ (2004) Multiple time scales and multiform dynamics in learning to juggle. Motor control 8: 188-212.
Huys R, Daffertshofer A & Beek PJ (2004) Multiple time scales and subsystem embedding in the learning of juggling. Human Movement Science 23: 315-336.
Huys R, Daffertshofer A, Beek PJ, Saunderson D & Siegmund G (2004) Locomotion-respiration coupling – an account of the underlying dynamics. Journal of Applied Physiology 96: 2341-2341.
Huys R, Daffertshofer A & Beek PJ (2003) Learning to juggle: on the assembly of functional subsystems into a task-specific dynamical organization. Biological Cybernetics 88: 302- 318.
Huys R & Beek PJ (2002) The coupling between point-of-gaze and ball movements in three ball cascade juggling: the effects of expertise, tempo and pattern. Journal of Sport Sciences 20:171-186.
Adam JJ, Nieuwenstein JH, Huys R, Paas FGWC, Kingma H, Willems P & Werry M (2000) Control of rapid aimed hand movements: The one target-advantage. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 26: 295-312.
Adam JJ, Huys R, van Loon EM, Kingma H, & Paas FGWC (2000) Effects of spatial and symbolic precues on localization performance. Psychological Research 64: 66-80.
Book chapters
Perdikis D, Huys R, & Jirsa VK (2016) Functional Architectures for Complex Behaviors: Analysis and Modeling of Interacting Processes in a Hierarchy of Time Scales. In G Wunner, A Pelster (Eds) Selforganization in Complex Systems: The Past, Present, and Future of Synergetics, Springer, pp.339-344.
Jirsa VK, Huys R, Pillai A, Perdikis D, Woodman M (2012) Connectivity and dynamics of neural information processing. In MI Rabinovich, KJ Friston, P Varona (Eds) Principles of brain dynamics: global state interactions (pp) MIT Press
Woodman M, Perdikis D, Pillai AS, Dodel S, Huys R, Bressler S, & Jirsa VK (2011) Building neurocognitive networks with a distributed functional architecture. In C Hernández, R Sanz, J Gomez-Ramirez, LS Smith, A Hussain, A Chella, & I Alexander (Eds) From brains to systems: Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 718, pp 101-109.
Huys, R (2010) The dynamical organization of limb movements. In R Huys & VK Jirsa (Eds) Nonlinear dynamics in human behavior (pp.69-90). Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
Beek PJ, Jacobs D, Daffertshofer A & Huys R (2003) Expert performance in sport: Views from the joint perspectives of ecological psychology and dynamical systems theory. In J Starkes & AK Ericsson (Eds) Expert performance in sport (pp 321-344). Champaign-Urbana, Ill: Human Kinetic Publishers.
Huys R, Daffertshofer A & Beek PJ (2004) The evolution of coordination during skill acquisition: The dynamical systems approach. In AM Williams & NJ Hodges (Eds) Skill acquisition in sport: Research, theory and practice (pp 351-373). London: Routledge.
Huys R, Jirsa, VK, Studenka BE, Rheame N, Zelaznik HN (2008). Human trajectory formation: Taxonomy of movement based on phase flow topology. In A Fuchs & Jirsa VK (Eds) Coordination: Neural, Behavioral and Social Dynamics. Springer.
Hodges NJ, Huys R & Starkes JL (2007) A methodological review and evaluation of research of expert performance in sport. In G Tenenbaum & RC Eklund (Eds) Handbook of Sport Psychology (3rd ed). NY: Wiley Publishers.
Books (editor)
Huys R & Jirsa VK (2010) Non-linear dynamics in movement and cognitive sciences. Berlin-Heidelber, Springer Verlag.
Van den Burg JCE, Fong BF, Hijl MIJ, Huys R, Pijnappels M & Post AA (2001) Balance at all times: Proceedings of the fifth symposium of the Institute for Fundamental and Clinical Movement Sciences. Utrecht, The Netherlands: Digital Printing Partners BV
Wambsganss J., Huys R., Hättenschwiler S., Poirier V., Munson A., Freschet G.T.
(2025) - The afterlife effects of leaf and root litter traits in soil N cycling - Journal of Ecology in press(2023) - 2023. Plant litter chemistry drives long-lasting changes in the catabolic capacities of soil microbial communities - Functional Ecology
(2022) - Plant litter chemistry controls coarse-textured soil carbon dynamics - Journal of Ecology 110, 2911-2928