My research goal is to build the theoretical foundations of a new ecological synthesis that integrates the divergent perspectives of community ecology, evolutionary ecology and ecosystem ecology. I view theory as a powerful tool to generate, clarify and generalise new concepts and hypotheses; accordingly, I attach great importance to a tight interaction between the mathematical models I develop and empirical or experimental work on a wide range of ecosystems, both terrestrial and aquatic.
My main research theme during the past twenty years has been the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning and the ecological and societal consequences of biodiversity loss. This new field of research has experienced a dramatic growth to which I have contributed both through my scientific work and through my responsibilities in multiple national and international initiatives. I have also laid the theoretical foundations of three new research fields that address the spatial, and evolutionary and societal dimensions of biodiversity and ecosystem functioning: metacommunity and metaecosystem ecology, evolutionary ecosystem ecology, and the dynamics and sustainability of human-nature interactions. Lastly, I have championed an integrative biodiversity science that transcends disciplinary boundaries.
Science and policy
I also believe that science should become aware of its social responsibilities. Therefore, I have devoted significant efforts to fostering new research initiatives and linking science and policy in the area of biodiversity and ecosystem services internationally. I have been member of numerous national and international scientific committees. In particular, I initiated and chaired the Linking Community and Ecosystem Ecology programme of the European Science Foundation; I restructured and chaired DIVERSITAS, the international programme of biodiversity science; I chaired the International Conference Biodiversity Science and Governance organised by France under the high patronage of the President of the French Republic and the Director-General of UNESCO; and I initiated and chaired the consultative process towards an International Mechanism of Scientific Expertise on Biodiversity, which gave birth to the Intergovernmental science−policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES).
I am currently an emeritus researcher at the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) and adjunct professor at Peking University (Beijing, China). After obtaining my Ph.D. at the Free University of Brussels (Belgium), I was a research assistant at the National Fund for Scientific Research (Belgium), a lecturer at the Free University of Brussels, a programme manager at the Science Policy Office (Belgium), a professor at Pierre and Marie Curie University (Paris, France), a professor and Canada research chair in theoretical ecology at McGill University (Montreal, Canada), and a senior researcher at CNRS.
Awards and Distinctions
- Honorary Member of the British Ecological Society, 2020-present
- Member of Academia Europaea, 2013-present
- Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, 2010-present
- Highly cited researcher in the field of Ecology/Environment, Thomson Reuters and Clarivate Analytics, 2007-present
- Grand Prix of the French Society of Ecology and Evolution, 2019
- The Queen Elisabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal (Canada), 2013
- Per Brinck Oikos Award, 2011
- Silver Medal of the National Centre for Scientific Research (France), 2004
- International Ecology Institute Prize, 2002
- Max Poll Prize, Royal Academy of Belgium, 1993
- Agathon De Potter Prize, Royal Academy of Belgium, 1991
- Paul Brien Prize (Belgium), 1976
Editorial Boards
I have participated in the editorial and advisory boards of the best ecology journals, including Ecology Letters, Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, Ecology, Ecological Monographs, The American Naturalist, and Oecologia. I am currently a member of the editorial and advisory boards of PLoS Biology, and head of the section Community Ecology and Biodiversity of The Faculty of 1000.
Download a complete CV.
Pigot, A. L., Dee, L. E., Richardson, A. J., Cooper, D. L. M., Eisenhauer, N., Gregory, R. D., Lewis, S. L., Macgregor, C. J., Massimino, D., Maynard, D. S., Phillips, H. R. P., Rillo, M., Loreau, M. & Haegeman, B.
(2025) - Macroecological rules predict how biomass scales with species richness in nature - Science 387: 1272-1276Liang, M., Yang, Q., Chase, J. M., Isbell, F., Loreau, M., Schmid, B., Seabloom, E. W., Tilman, D. & Wang, S.
(2025) - Unifying spatial scaling laws of biodiversity and ecosystem stability - Science 387: 1271 & eadl2373Loreau, M.
(2024) - Biodiversité et stabilité des écosystèmes: nouvelles perspectives théoriques - In: Les Conséquences Ecologiques et Sociétales de la Perte de Biodiversité M. Loreau, A. Hector & F. Isbell Eds, ISTE, London, United Kingdom, pp. 167-187Wan, N., Dainese, M., Wang, Y. & Loreau, M.
(2024) - Cascading social-ecological benefits of biodiversity for agriculture - Current Biology 34: R587-R603Loreau M.
(2024) - Comment la terre vie en nous - Harmattan Edition 979-10-428-0419-0Zhao, M., Loreau, M., Ochoa-Hueso, R., Zhang, H., Yang, J., Zhang, Y., Liu, H., Jiang, Y. & Han, X.
(2024) - Decoupled responses of above- and below-ground beta-diversity to nitrogen enrichment in a typical steppe - Ecology Letters 27: e14339Zelnik, Y. R., Galiana, N., Barbier, M., Loreau, M., Galbraith, E. & Arnoldi, J.-F.
(2024) - How collectively integrated are ecological communities? - Ecology Letters 27: e14358Isbell, F., Hector, A. & Loreau, M.
Loreau, M., Hector, A. & Isbell, F. (Eds)
(2024) - Les Conséquences Ecologiques et Sociétales de la Perte de Biodiversité - ISTE, London, United KingdomZelnik, Y. R., Barbier, M., Shanafelt, D. W., Loreau, M. & Germain, R.
(2024) - Linking intrinsic scales of ecological processes to characteristic scales of biodiversity and ecosystem functioning patterns - Oikos 2024 : e10514.Dang, P., Zhang, M., Chen, X., Loreau, M., Duffy, J. E., Li, X., Wen, S., Han, X., Liao, L., Huang, T., Wan, C., Qin, X., Siddique, K. H. M. & Schmid, B.
(2024) - Plant diversity decreases greenhouse gas emissions by increasing soil and plant carbon storage in terrestrial ecosystems - Ecology Letters 27: e14469Desallais M.; Loreau M.; Arnoldi J.F.
(2024) - The distribution of distances to the edge of species coexistence - Oikos 2024: e11124Mori, A. S., Gonzalez, A., Seidl, R., Reich, P. B., Dee, L., Ohashi, H., Hautier, Y., Loreau, M. & Isbell, F.
(2024) - Urgent climate action is needed to ensure effectiveness of protected areas for biodiversity benefits - One Earth 7: 1874-1885Gonzalez, A., Vihervaara, P., Balvanera, P., Bates, A. E., Bayraktarov, E., Bellingham, P. J., Bruder, A., Campbell, J., Catchen, M. D., Cavender-Bares, J., Chase, J., Coops, N., Costello, M. J., Czucz, B., Delavaux, A., Dornelas, M., Dubois, G., Duffy, E. J., Eggermont, H., Fernandez, M., Fernandez, N., Ferrier, S., Geller, G. N., Gill, M., Gravel, D., Guerra, C. A., Guralnick, R., Harfoot, M., Hirsch, T., Hoban, S., Hughes, A. C., Hugo, W., Hunter, M. E., Isbell, F., Jetz, W., Juergens, N., Kissling, W. D., Krug, C. B., Kullberg, P., Le Bras, Y., Leung, B., Londoño-Murcia, M. C., Lord, J.-M., Loreau, M., Luers, A., Ma, K., MacDonald, A. J., Maes, J., McGeoch, M., Mihoub, J. B., Millette, K. L., Molnar, Z., Montes, E., Mori, A. S., Muller-Karger, F. E., Muraoka, H., Nakaoka, M., Navarro, L., Newbold, T., Niamir, A., Obura, D., O’Connor, M., Paganini, M., Pelletier, D., Pereira, H., Poisot, T., Pollock, L. J., Purvis, A., Radulovici, A., Rocchini, D., Roeoesli, C., Schaepman, M., Schaepman-Strub, G., Schmeller, D. S., Schmiedel, U., Schneider, F. D., Shakya, M. M., Skidmore, A., Skowno, A. L., Takeuchi, Y., Tuanmu, M.-N., Turak, E., Turner, W., Urban, M. C., Urbina-Cardona, N., Valbuena, R., Van de Putte, A., van Havre, B., Wingate, V. R., Wright, E. & Torrelio, C. Z.
(2023) - A global biodiversity observing system to unite monitoring and guide action - Nature Ecology & Evolution 7: 1947-1952Cazalis, V., Loreau, M. & Barragan-Jason, G.
(2023) - A global synthesis of trends in human experience of nature - Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 21: 85-93Henderson, K. & Loreau, M.
(2023) - A model of Sustainable Development Goals: challenges and opportunities in promoting human well-being and environmental sustainability - Ecological Modelling 475: 110164Li, W., Zhou, X., Xiang, Z., Li, J., Wang, S., Loreau, M. & Jiang, L.
(2023) - Biomass temporal stability increases at two spatial scales during secondary succession - Journal of Ecology 111: 1575-1586Dee, L. E., Ferraro, P. J., Severen, C. N., Kimmel, K. A., Borer, E. T., Byrnes, J. E. K., Clark, A. T., Hautier, Y., Hector, A., Raynaud, X., Reich, P. B., Wright, A. J., Arnillas, C. A., Davies, K. F., MacDougall, A., Mori, A. S., Smith, M. D., Adler, P. B., Bakker, J. D., Brauman, K. A., Cowles, J., Komatsu, K., Knops, J. M. H., McCulley, R. L., Moore, J. L., Morgan, J. W., Ohlert, T., Power, S. A., Sullivan, L. L., Stevens, C. & Loreau, M.
(2023) - Clarifying the effect of biodiversity on productivity in natural ecosystems with longitudinal data and methods for causal inference - Nature Communications 14: 2607Isbell, F., Balvanera, P., Mori, A. S., He, J.-S., Bullock, J. M., Regmi, G. R., Seabloom, E W., Ferrier, S., Sala, O. E., Guerrero-Ramírez, N. R., Tavella, J., Larkin, D. J., Schmid, B., Outhwaite, C. L., Pramual, P., Borer, E. T., Loreau, M., Omotoriogun, T. C., Obura, D. O., Anderson, M., Portales-Reyes, C., Kirkman, K., Vergara, P. M., Clark, A. T., Komatsu, K. J., Petchey, O. L., Weiskopf, S. R., Williams, L. J., Collins, S. L., Eisenhauer, N., Trisos, C. H., Renard, D., Wright, A. J., Tripathi, P., Cowles, J., Byrnes, J. E. K., Reich, P. B., Purvis, A., Sharip, Z., O’Connor, M. I., Kazanski, C. E., Haddad, N. M., Soto, E. H., Dee, L. E., Díaz, S., Zirbel, C. R., Avolio, M. L., Wang, S., Ma, Z., Liang, J., Farah, H. C., Johnson, J. A., Miller, B. W., Hautier, Y., Smith, M. D., Knops, J. M. H., Myers, B. J. E., Harmáčková, Z. V., Cortés, J., Harfoot, M. B. J., Gonzalez, A., Newbold, T., Oehri, J., Mazón, M., Dobbs, C. & Palmer, M. S.
(2023) - Expert perspectives on global biodiversity loss and its drivers and impacts on people - Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 21: 94-103Loreau, M.
(2023) - Nature That Makes Us Human: Why We Keep Destroying Nature and How We Can Stop Doing So - Oxford University Press, New YorkLoreau, M., Jarne, P. & Martiny, J. B. H.
(2023) - Opportunities to advance the synthesis of ecology and evolution - Ecology Letters 26, Supplement 1: S11-S15Tatsumi, S. & Loreau, M.
(2023) - Partitioning the biodiversity effects on productivity into density and size components - Ecology Letters 26: 1963-1973Barragan-Jason, G., Loreau, M., de Mazancourt, C., Singer, M. C. & Parmesan, C.
(2023) - Psychological and physical connections with nature improve both human well-being and nature conservation : a systematic review of meta-analyses - Biological Conservation 277: 109842Marshall, D. J., Cameron, H. E. & Loreau, M.
(2023) - Relationships between intrinsic population growth rate, carrying capacity and metabolism in microbial populations - The ISME Journal 17: 2140-2143Quévreux, P., Haegeman, B. & Loreau, M.
(2023) - Spatial heterogeneity of biomass turnover has contrasting effects on synchrony and stability in trophic metacommunities - Ecology Letters 26: 1817-1828Nie, S., Zheng, J., Luo, M., Loreau, M., Gravel, D. & Wang, S.
(2023) - Will a large complex system be productive? - Ecology Letters 26: 1325-1335V Cazalis, M Loreau, G Barragan‐Jason
(2022) - A global synthesis of trends in human experience of nature -Grace, J. B., Loreau, M. & Schmid, B.
(2022) - A graphical causal model for resolving species identity effects and biodiversity–ecosystem function correlations : comment - Ecology 103: e03378.
Loreau, M.
(2022) - Biodiversity and ecosystem stability: new theoretical insights - In "The Ecological and Societal Consequences of Biodiversity Loss", M. Loreau, A. Hector & F. Isbell Eds, ISTE, Londres, Royaume-Uni, et John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, Etats-Unis, pp. 147-166Loreau, M.
(2022) - Comment l’Erosion de la Biodiversité Met en Péril les Sociétés - Ebook in the Transition Environnementale Series, Le Virus de la Recherche Collection, GrenobleLiang, M., Baiser, B., Hallett, L. M., Hautier, Y., Jiang, L., Loreau, M., Record, S., Sokol, E. R., Zarnetske, P. L. & Wang, S.
(2022) - Consistent stabilizing effects of plant diversity across spatial scales and climatic gradients - Nature Ecology & Evolution 6: 1669-1675Loreau, M., Cardinale, B. J., Isbell, F., Newbold, T., O’Connor, M. I. & de Mazancourt, C.
(2022) - Do not downplay biodiversity loss - Nature 601: E27-E28Bengochea Paz, D., Henderson, K. & Loreau, M.
(2022) - Habitat percolation transition undermines sustainability in socialecological agricultural systems - Ecology Letters 25: 163-176Barragan-Jason, G., de Mazancourt, C., Parmesan, C., Singer, M. C. & Loreau, M.
(2022) - Human-nature connectedness as a pathway to sustainability: a global meta-analysis - Conservation LettersPortalier, S. M. J., Fussmann, G. F., Loreau, M. & Cherif, M.
(2022) - Inferring size-based functional responses from the physical properties of the medium - Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9: 761984.Loreau, M., Hector, A. & Isbell, F.
(2022) - Introduction - In "The Ecological and Societal Consequences of Biodiversity Loss", M. Loreau, A. Hector & F. Isbell Eds, ISTE, Londres, Royaume-Uni, et John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, Etats-Unis pp. xiii-xxiiiFeng, Y., Schmid, B., Loreau, M., Forrester, D. I., Fei, S., Zhu, J., Tang, Z., Zhu, J., Hong, P., Ji, C., Shi, Y., Su, H., Xiong, X., Xiao, J., Wang, S. & Fang, J.
(2022) - Multispecies forest plantations outyield monocultures across a broad range of conditions - Science 376: 865-868Theis, K., Quévreux, P. & Loreau, M.
(2022) - Nutrient cycling and self-regulation determine food web stability - Functional Ecology 36: 202-213Ghedini, G., Marshall, D. J. & Loreau, M.
(2022) - Phytoplankton diversity affects biomass and energy production differently during community development - Functional Ecology 36: 446-457Quévreux, P. & Loreau, M.
(2022) - Synchrony and stability in trophic metacommunities : when top predators navigate in a heterogeneous world - Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10: 865398.Loreau, M., Hector, A. & Isbell, F. (Eds)
(2022) - The Ecological and Societal Consequences of Biodiversity Loss - ISTE, Londres, Royaume-Uni, et John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, Etats-UnisBarbier, M., Wojcik, L. & Loreau, M.
(2021) - A macro-ecological approach to predation density-dependence - Oikos 130: 553-570Yuan Z., Ali A., Ruiz-Benito P., Mori A., Jucker T., Wang S., Zhang X., Li H., Hao Z., Wang X. & Loreau M.
(2021) - Above- and below-ground biodiversity jointly regulate temperate forest multifunctionality along a local-scale environmental gradient. - Journal of Ecology in pressHautier Y., Zhang P., Loreau M., Wilcox K. R., Seabloom E. W., Borer,E. T., Byrnes, J. E. K., Koerner S. E., Komatsu K. J., Lefcheck J. S., Hector, A., Adler P. B., Alberti J., Arnillas C. A., Bakker J. D., Brudvig L. A., Bugalho M. N., Cadotte M., Caldeira M. C., Carroll, O., Crawley M., Collins, S. L., Daleo P., Dee L. E., Eisenhauer N., Eskelinen A., Fay P. A., Gilbert B., Hansart A., Isbell F., Knops J. M. H., MacDougall A. S., McCulley R. L., Moore J. L., Morgan J. W., Mori A. S., Peri P. L., Pos E. T., Powe, S. A., Price J. N., Reich P. B., Risch A. C., Roscher C., Sankaran M., Schütz M., Smith M., Stevens C., Tognetti P. M., Virtanen R., Wardle G. M., Wilfhart P. A. & Wang S.
(2021) - Author Correction: General destabilizing effects of eutrophication on grassland productivity at multiple spatial scales - Nature Communications 12: 630Loreau, M., Barbier, M., Filotas, E., Gravel, D., Isbell, F., Miller, S. J., Montoya, J. M., Wang, S., Aussenac, R., Germain, R., Thompson, P. L., Gonzalez, A. & Dee, L. E.
(2021) - Biodiversity as insurance: from concept to measurement and application - Biological Reviews 96: 2333-2354Mori, A. S., Dee, L. E., Gonzalez, A., Ohashi, H., Cowles, J., Wright, A. J., Loreau, M., Hautier, Y., Newbold, T., Reich, P. B., Matsui, T., Takeuchi, W., Okada, K., Seidl, R. & Isbell, F.
(2021) - Biodiversity-productivity relationships are key to nature-based climate solutions - Nature Climate Change 11: 543-550Wang, S., Loreau, M., de Mazancourt, C., Isbell, F., Beierkuhnlein, C., Connolly, J., Deutschman, D. H., Doležal, J., Eisenhauer, N., Hector, A., Jentsch, A., Kreyling, J., Lanta, V., Lepš, J., Polley, H. W., Reich, P. B., van Ruijven, J., Schmid, B., Tilman, D., Wilsey, B. & Craven, D.
(2021) - Biotic homogenization destabilizes ecosystem functioning by decreasing spatial asynchrony - Ecology 102: e03332Galiana, N., Arnoldi, J.-F., Barbier, M., Acloque, A., de Mazancourt, C. & Loreau, M.
(2021) - Can biomass distribution across trophic levels predict trophic cascades? - Ecology Letters 24: 464-476Jaillard, B., Deleporte, P., Isbell, F., Loreau, M. & Violle, C.
(2021) - Consistent functional clusters explain the effects of biodiversity on ecosystem productivity in a long-term experiment - Ecology 102: e03441Xu, Q., Yang, X., Yan, Y., Wang, S., Loreau, M. & Jiang, L.
(2021) - Consistently positive effect of species diversity on ecosystem, but not population, temporal stability - Ecology Letters 24: 2256-2266Sanaei, A., Ali, A., Yuan, Z., Liu, S., Lin, F., Fang, S., Ye, J., Hao, Z., Loreau, M., Bai, E. & Wang, X.
(2021) - Context-dependency of tree species diversity, trait composition and stand structural attributes regulate temperate forest multifunctionality - Science of the Total Environment 757: 143724Yuan, Z., Ali, A., Loreau, M., Ding, F., Liu, S., Sanaei, A., Zhou, W., Ye, J., Lin, F., Fang, S., Hao, Z., Wang, X. & Le Bagousse-Pinguet, Y.
(2021) - Divergent above- and below-ground biodiversity pathways mediate disturbance impacts on temperate forest multifunctionality - Global Change Biology 27: 2883-2894Barbier M., de Mazancourt C., Loreau M., Bunin G.
(2021) - Fingerprints of high-dimensional coexistence in complex ecosystems - Physical Review X 11: 011009Clark, A. T., Arnoldi, J.-F., Zelnik, Y. R., Barabas, G., Hodapp, D., Karakoç, C., König, S., Radchuk, V., Donohue, I., Huth, A., Jacquet, C., de Mazancourt, C., Mentges, A., Nothaaß, D., Shoemaker, L. G., Taubert, F., Wiegand, T., Wang, S., Chase, J. M., Loreau, M. & Harpole, S.
(2021) - General statistical scaling laws for stability in ecological systems - Ecology Letters 24 : 1474-1486.Phillips, H. R. P., Bach, E. M., Bartz, M. L. C., Bennett, J. M., Beugnon, R., Briones, M. J. I., Brown, G., Ferlian, O., Gongalsky, K. B., Guerra, C. A., König-Ries, B., Krebs, J., Orgiazzi, A., Ramirez, K. S., Russell, D., Schwarz, B., Wall, D. H., Brose, U., Decaëns, T., Lavelle, P., Loreau, M., Mathieu, J., Mulder, C., van der Putten, W. H., Rillig, M. C., Thakur, M. P., de Vries, F. T., Wardle, D. A., Ammer, S., Arai, M., Ayuke, F. O., Baker, G. H., Baretta, D., Barkusky, D., Beauséjour, R., Bedano, J. C., Birkhofer, K., Blanchart, E., Blossey, B., Bolger, T., Bradley, R. L., Brossard, M., Burtis, J. C., Capowiez, Y., vavagnaro, T. R., Choi, A., Clause, J., Cluzeau, D., Coors, A., Crotty, F. V., Crumsey, J. M., Dávalos, A., Diaz Cosin, D. J., Dobson, A. M., Dominguez, A., Duhour, A. E., van Eekeren, N., Emmerling, C., Falco, L. B., Fernández, R., Fonte, S. J., Fragoso, C., Franco, A. L. C., Fusilero, A. T., Geraskina, A. P., Gholami, S., Gonzalez, G., Gundale, M. J., Gutiérrez López, M., Hackenberger, B. K., Hackenberger, D. K., Hernández, L. M., Hirth, J. R., Hishi, T., Holdsworth, A. R., Holmstrup, M., Hopfensperger, K. N., Huerta Lwanga, E., Huhta, V., Hurisso, T. T., Iannone, B. V. III, Iordache, M., Irmler, U., Ivask, M., Jesus, J. B., Johnson-Maynard J. L., Joschko, M., Kaneko, N., Kanianska, R., Keith, A. M., Kernecker, M. L., Koné, A. W., Kooch, Y., Kukkonen, S. T., Lalthanzara, H., Lammel, D. R., Lebedev, I. M., Le Cadre, E., Lincoln, N. K., Lopez-Hernandez, D., Loss, S. R., Marichal, R., Matula, R., Moos, J. H., Moreno, G., Morón-Ríos, A., Motohiro, H., Muys, B., Neirynck, J., Norgrove, L., Novo, M., Nuutinen, V., Nuzzo, V., Rahman P, M., Pansu, J., Paudel, S., Pérès, G., Pérez-Camacho, L., Ponge, J.-F., Prietzel, J., Rapoport, I. B., Rashid, M. I., Rebollo, S., Rodríguez, M. A., Roth, A. M., Rousseau, G. X., Rozen, A., Sayad, E., van Schaik, L., Scharenbroch, B. C., Schirrmann, M., Schmidt, O., Schröder, B., Seeber, J., Shashkov, M. P., Singh, J., Smith, S. M., Steinwandter, M., Szlavecz, K., Talavera, J. A., Trigo, D., Tsukamoto, J., Uibe-López, S., de Valença, A. W., Virto, I., Wackett, A. A., Warren, M. W., Webster, E. R., Wehr, N. H., Whalen, J. K., Wironen, M. B., Wolters, V., Wu, P., Zenkova, I. V., Zhang, W., Cameron, E. K. & Eisenhauer, N.
(2021) - Global data on earthworm abundance, biomass, diversity and corresponding environmental properties - Scientific Data 8: 136.O’Connor, M. I., Mori, A. S., Gonzalez, A., Dee, L. E., Loreau, M., Avolio, M., Byrnes, J. E. K., Cheung, W., Cowles, J., Clark, A. T., Hautier, Y., Hector, A., Komatsu, K., Newbold, T., Outhwaite, C. L., Reich, P. B., Seabloom, E., Williams, L., Wright, A. & Isbell, F.
(2021) - Grand challenges in biodiversity-ecosystem functioning research in the era of science-policy platforms require explicit consideration of feedbacks - Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288 : 20210783Montoya, D., Haegeman, B., Gaba, S., de Mazancourt, C. & Loreau, M.
(2021) - Habitat fragmentation and food security in crop pollination systems - Journal of Ecology 109: 2991-3006.Wang, S., Isbell, F., Deng, W., Hong, P ., Dee, L. E., Thompson, P. & Loreau, M.
(2021) - How complementarity and selection affect the relationship between ecosystem functioning and stability - Ecology 102: 03347 Barragan-Jason G., de Mazancourt C., Parmesan C., Singer M., Loreau M.
Wang, S., Brose, U., van Nouhuys, S., Holt, R. D. & Loreau, M.
(2021) - Metapopulation capacity determines food chain length in fragmented landscapes - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 118: e2102733118Quévreux, P., Pigeault, R. & Loreau, M.
(2021) - Predator avoidance and foraging for food shape synchrony and response to perturbations in trophic metacommunities - Journal of Theoretical Biology 528: 110836Zhang, C., Cadotte, M. W., Chiarucci, A., Loreau, M., Willis, C. G., Si, X., Li, L. & Cianciaruso, M. V.
(2021) - Scale-dependent shifts in functional and phylogenetic structure of Mediterranean island plant communities over two centuries - Journal of Ecology 109: 3513-3523Thompson, P. L., Kéfi, S., Zelnik, Y. R., Dee, L. E., Wang, S., de Mazancourt, C., Loreau, M. & Gonzalez, A.
(2021) - Scaling up biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationships: the role of environmental heterogeneity in space and time - Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288: 20202779Quévreux, P., Barbier, M. & Loreau, M.
(2021) - Synchrony and perturbation transmission in trophic metacommunities - The American Naturalist 197 : E188-E203Bideault A., Galiana N., Zelnik Y. R., Gravel D., Loreau M., Barbier M. & Sentis A.
(2021) - Thermal mismatches in biological rates determine trophic control and biomass distribution under warming - Global Change Biology 27: 257-269Sanaei, A., Yuan, Z., Ali, A., Loreau, M., Mori, A. S., Reich, P. B., Jucker, T., Lin, F., Ye, J., Fang, S., Hao, Z. & Wang, X.
(2021) - Tree species diversity enhances plant-soil interactions in a temperate forest in northeast China - Forest Ecology and Management 491: 119160Henderson, K. & Loreau, M.
(2021) - Unequal access to resources undermines global sustainability - Science of the Total Environment 763: 142981Ross, S. R. P.-J., Arnoldi, J.-F., Loreau, M., White, C. D., Stout, J. C., Jackson, A. L. & Donohue, I.
(2021) - Universal scaling of robustness of ecosystem services to species loss - Nature Communications 12: 5167Yuan, Z., Ali, A., Ruiz-Benito, P., Mori, A., Jucker, T., Mori, A. S., Wang, S., Zhang, X., Li, H., Hao, Z., Wang, X. & Loreau, M.
(2020) - Above- and below-ground biodiversity jointly regulate temperate forest multifunctionality along a local-scale environmental gradient - Journal of Ecology 108: 2012-2024Bengochea Paz D., Henderson K. & Loreau M.
(2020) - Agricultural land use and the sustainability of social ecological systems - Ecological Modelling 437: 109312Ghedini G., Loreau M. & Marshall D.J.
(2020) - Community efficiency during succession : a test of MacArthur’s minimisation principle in phytoplankton communities. - Ecology 101(6): e03015Hammond M., Loreau M., de Mazancourt C. & Kolasa J.
(2020) - Disentangling local, metapopulation and cross-community sources of stabilization and asynchrony in metacommunities. - Ecosphere 11: e03078Liautaud K., Barbier M. & Loreau M.
(2020) - Ecotone formation through ecological niche construction : the role of biodiversity and species interactions. - Ecography 43: 1–10Hautier Y., Zhang P., Loreau M., Wilcox K.R., Seabloom E.W., Borer E.T., Byrnes J.E.K., Koerner S.E., Komatsu K.J., Lefcheck J.S., Hector A., Adler P.B., Alberti J., Arnillas C.A., Bakker J.D., Brudvig L.A., Bugalho M.N.,Cadotte M., Caldeira M.C., Carroll O.,Crawley M., Collins S.L., Daleo P., Dee L.E.,Eisenhauer N., Eskelinen A., Fay P.A.,Gilbert B.,Hansar A., Isbell F., Knops J.M.H., MacDougall A.S., McCulley R.L., Moore J.L., Morgan J.W., Mori A.S., Peri P.L., Pos E.T., Power S.A., Price J;N., Reich P.B., Risch A.C., Roscher C., Sankaran M., Schütz M., Smith M., Stevens C., Tognetti P.M., Virtanen R., Wardle G.M., Wilfahrt P.A. & Wan S.
(2020) - General destabilizing effects of eutrophication on grassland productivity at multiple spatial scales - Nature communications 11: 5375Aubree F., David P., Jarne P., Loreau M., Mouquet N & Calcagno V.
(2020) - How community adaptation affects biodiversity–ecosystem functioning relationships - Ecology Letters 23: 1263–1275Franklin O., Harrison S. P., Dewar, R., Farrior C. E., Brännström A., Dieckmann U., Pietsch S., Falster D., Cramer W., Loreau M., Wang H., Mäkelä A., Rebel K. T., Meron E., Schymanski S. J., Rovenskaya E., Stocker B. D., Zaehle S., Manzoni S., van Oijen M., Wright I. J., Ciais P., van Bodegom P. M., Peñuelas J., Hofhansl F., Terrer C., Soudzilovskaia N. A., Midgley G. & Prentice, I. C.
(2020) - Organizing principles for vegetation dynamics - Nature Plants 6: 444-453Franklin O., Harrison S.P., Dewar R., Farrior C.E., Brännström A., Dieckmann U., Pietsch S., Falster D., Cramer W., Loreau M., Wang H., Mäkelä A., Rebel K.T., Meron E., Schymanski S.J., Rovenskaya E., Stocker B. D., Zaehle S., Manzoni S., van Oijen M., Wright I.J., Ciais P., van Bodegom P.M., Peñuelas J., Hofhansl F., Terrer C., Soudzilovskaia N.A., Midgley G. & Prentice I.C.
(2020) - Organizing principles for vegetation dynamics. - Nature Plants - in pressMontoya D., Gaba S., de Mazancourt C., Bretagnolle V. & Loreau M.
(2020) - Reconciling biodiversity conservation, food production and farmers’ demand in agricultural landscapes. - Ecological Modelling 416: 108889Gonzalez A., Germain R.M., Srivastava D.S., Filotas E., Dee L.E., Gravel D., Thompson P.L., Isbell F., Wang S., Kéfi S., Montoya J., Zelnik Y.R. & Loreau M.
(2020) - Scaling-up biodiversity ecosystem functioning research. - Ecology Letters 23: 757–776Loreau, M.
(2020) - The ecosystem: superorganism, or collection of individuals? - In: Unsolved Problems in Ecology, A. Dobson, R. D. Holt & D. Tilman Eds, Princeton University Press, Princeton, USA pp. 218–224Thakur M.P., Phillips H.R.P., Brose U., de Vries F.T., Lavelle P., Loreau M., Mathieu J., Mulder C., van der Putten, Rillig M.C., Wardle D.A., Bach E.M., Bartz M., Bennett J.M., Briones M.J.I., Brown G., Decaëns T., Eisenhauer N., Ferlian O., Guerra C.A., König-Ries B., Orgiazzi A., Ramirez K.S., Russell D.J., Rutgers M., Wall D.H. & Cameron E.K.
(2020) - Toward an integrative understanding of soil biodiversity. - Biological Reviews 95: 350–364Rotter P., Loreau M. & de Mazancourt C.,
(2020) - Why do forests respond differently to nitrogen deposition? A modelling approach. - Ecological Modelling 425: 109034Henderson K. & Loreau M.
(2019) - An ecological theory of changing human population dynamics - People and Nature 1: 31-43Burgess M.G., Fredston-Hermann A., Tilman D., Loreau M. & Gaines S.D.
(2019) - Broadly inflicted stressors can cause ecosystem thinning. - Theoretical Ecology 12: 207–223Phillips H.R P., Guerra C.A., Bartz M.L.C., Briones M.J.I., Brown G., Crowther T.W., Ferlian O., Gongalsky K.B., van den Hoogen J., Krebs J., Orgiazzi A., Routh D., Schwarz B., Bach E.M., Bennett J., Brose U., Decaëns T., König-Ries B., Loreau M., Mathieu J., Mulder C., van der Putten W.H., Ramirez K.S., Rillig M.C., Russell D., Rutgers M., Thakur M.P., de Vries26 F.T., Wall D.H., Wardle D.A., Arai M., Ayuke F.O., Baker G.H., Beauséjour R., Bedano J.C., Birkhofer K., Blanchart E., Blossey B., Bolger T., Bradley R.L., Callaham M.A., Capowiez Y., Caulfield M.E., Choi A., Crotty F.V., Dávalos A., Diaz Cosin D.J., Dominguez A., Esteban Duhour A., van Eekeren N., Emmerling C., Falco L.B., Fernández R., Fonte S.J., Fragoso C., Franco A.L.C., Fugère M., Fusilero A.T, Gholami S., Gundale M.J., Gutiérrez López M., Hackenberger D.K., Hernández L.M., Hishi T., Holdsworth A.R., Holmstrup M., Hopfensperger K.N., Huerta Lwanga E., Huhta V., Hurisso T.T., Iannone III B.V., Lordache M., Joschko M., Kaneko N., Kanianska B., Keith A.M., Kelly C.A., Kernecker M.L., Klaminder J., Koné A.W., Kooch Y., Kukkonen S.T., Lalthanzara H., Lammel D.R., Lebedev I.M., Li Y., Jesus Lidon J.B., Lincoln N.K., Loss S.R., Marichal R., Matula R., Hendrik Moos J., Moreno G., Morón-Ríos A., Muys B., Neirynck J., Norgrove L., Novo M., Nuutinen V., Nuzzo V., Rahman P M., Pansu J., Paudel S., Pérès G., Pérez-Camacho L., Piñeiro R., Ponge J.-F., Imtiaz Rashid M., Rebollo S., Rodeiro-Iglesias J., Rodríguez M.Á., Roth A.M., Rousseau G.X., RozenA., Sayad E., van Schaik L., Scharenbroch B.C., Schirrmann M., Schmidt O., Schröder B., Seeber J., Shashkov M.P., Singh J., Smith S.M., Steinwandter M., Talavera J.A., Trigo D., Tsukamoto J., de Valença A.W., Vanek S.J., Virto I., Wackett A.A., Warren M.W., Wehr N.H., Whalen J.K., Wironen M.B., Wolters V., Zenkova130 I.V., Zhang W., Cameron E.K. and Eisenhauer N.
(2019) - Global distribution of earthworm diversity. - Science 366: 480–485Wang Y., Cadotte M.W., Chen Y., Fraser L.H., Zhang Y., Huang F., Luo S., Shi N. & Loreau M.
(2019) - Global evidence of positive biodiversity effects on spatial ecosystem stability in natural grasslands. - Nature Communications 10: 3207Clark A.T., Barry K.E., Roscher C., Buchmann T., Loreau M. & Harpole W.S.
(2019) - How to estimate complementarity and selection effects from an incomplete sample of species. - Methods in Ecology and Evolution 10: 2141–2152Hatton I.A., Dobson A.P., Storch D., Galbraith E.D. & Loreau M.
(2019) - Linking scaling laws across eukaryotes. - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116: 43Pimm S., Donohue I., Montoya J.M.& Loreau M.
(2019) - Measuring resilience is essential to understand it. - Nature Sustainability 2: 895–897Yuan Z., Ali A., Jucker T., Ruiz‐Benito P., Wang S., Jiang L., Wang X., Lin F., Ye J., Hao Z. & Loreau M.
(2019) - Multiple abiotic and biotic pathways shape biomass demographic processes in temperate forests. - Ecology 100(5): e02650Zhang Y., Feng J., Loreau M., He N., Han X. & Jiang L.
(2019) - Nitrogen addition does not reduce the role of spatial asynchrony in stabilising grassland communities. - Ecology Letters 22: 563-571Loreau M. & Hector A.
(2019) - Not even wrong: Comment by Loreau and Hector - Ecology 100(10): e02794Song M.H., Zong N., Jiang J., Shi P.-L., Zhang X.-Z., Gao J.-Q., Zhou H.-K., Li Y.-K. & Loreau M.
(2019) - Nutrient-induced shifts of dominant species reduce ecosystem stability via increases in species synchrony and population variability. - Science of The Total Environment 692: 441-449Barbier M. & Loreau M.
(2019) - Pyramids and cascades: a synthesis of food chain functioning and stability - Ecology Letters 22: 405–419Montoya D., Gaba S., de Mazancourt C., Bretagnolle V. & Loreau M.
(2019) - Reconciling biodiversity conservation, food production and farmers’ demand in agricultural landscapes. - Ecological Modelling 416: 108889Gonzalez A., Germain R., Srivastava D., Filotas E., Dee L., Gravel D., Thompson P., Isbell F., Kefi S., Wang S., Montoya J., Zelnik Y. & Loreau M.
(2019) - Scaling-up biodiversity-ecosystem functioning research. - Ecology Letters in pressMellard J.P., Audoye P. & Loreau M.
(2019) - Seasonal patterns in species diversity across biomes. - Ecology 100(4): e02627Mellard J.P., Audoye P. & Loreau M.
(2019) - Seasonal patterns in species diversity across biomes. - Ecology 100(4): e02627Tekwa E.W., Gonzalez A. & Loreau M.
(2019) - Spatial evolutionary dynamics produce a negative cooperation–population size relationship - Theoretical Population Biology 125: 94-101Wang S., Lamy T., Hallett L.M. & Loreau M.
(2019) - Stability and synchrony across ecological hierarchies in heterogeneous metacommunities: linking theory to data. - Ecography 42: 1200–1211Liautaud K., van Nes E., Barbier M., Scheffer M. & Loreau M.
(2019) - Superorganisms or loose collections of species? A unifying theory of community patterns along environmental gradients. - Ecology Letters 22: 1243-1252Bideault A., Loreau M. & Gravel D.
(2019) - Temperature Modifies Consumer-Resource Interaction Strength Through Its Effects on Biological Rates and Body Mass. - Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7: 45Yuan Z., Ali A., Wang S., Wang X., Lin F., Wang Y., Fang S., Hao Z., Loreau M. & Jiang L.
(2019) - Temporal stability of aboveground biomass is governed by species asynchrony in temperate forests. - Ecological Indicators 107: 105661Arnoldi J.-F., Loreau L. & Haegeman B.
(2019) - The inherent multidimensionality of temporal variability: How common and rare species shape stability patterns. - Ecology Letters 22: 1557–1567Portalier S.M.J., Fussmann G.F., Loreau M. & Cherif M.
(2019) - The mechanics of predator–prey interactions: First principles of physics predict predator–prey size ratios. - Functional Ecology 33: 323-334Zelnik Y., Arnoldi J.-F. & Loreau M.
(2019) - The three regimes of spatial recovery. - Ecology 100(2): e02586Montoya D., Haegeman B., Gaba S., De Mazancourt C., Bretagnolle V. & Loreau M.
(2019) - Trade-offs in the provisioning and stability of ecosystem services in Agroecosystems. - Ecological Applications 29(2): e01853Jaillard B., Deleporte P., Loreau M. and Violle C.
(2018) - A combinatorial analysis using observational data identifies species that govern ecosystem functioning. - PLoS One 13(8):e0201135Yuan Z., Ali A., Wang S., Gazol A., Freckleton R., Wang X., Lin F., Ye J., Zhoua L., Hao Z. and Loreau M.
(2018) - Abiotic and biotic determinants of coarse woody productivity in temperate mixed forests. - Science of the Total Environment 630 - 422–431Yuan Z., Wang S., Ali A., Gazol A., Ruiz-Benito P., Wang X., Lin F., Ye J., Hao Z. and Loreau M.
(2018) - Aboveground carbon storage is driven by functional trait composition and stand structural attributes rather than biodiversity in temperate mixed forests recovering from disturbances - Annals of Forest Science 75:67Zhang Y., Loreau M., He N., Wang J., Pan Q., Bai Y. and Han X.
(2018) - Climate variability decreases species richness and community stability in a temperate grassland - Oecologia 188:183–192Pellissier L., Albouy C., Bascompte J., Farwig N., Graham C., Loreau M., Maglianesi M.A., Melian C.J., Pitteloud C., Roslin T., Rohr r., Saavedra S., Thuiller W., Woodward G., Zimmermann N.E. & Gravel D.
(2018) - Comparing species interaction networks along environmental gradients. - Biological Reviews 93: 785–800Cazalis V., Loreau M. and Henderson K.
(2018) - Do we have to choose between feeding the human population and conserving nature? Modelling the global dependence of people on ecosystem services. - Science of the Total Environment Volume 634,Pages 1463-1474Veldhuis M.P., Berg M.P., Loreau M. and Olff H.
(2018) - Ecological autocatalysis: a central principle in ecosystem organization? - Ecological Monographs 88(3) pp. 304–319.Barbier M., Arnoldi J-F., Bunin G. and Loreau M.
(2018) - Generic assembly patterns in complex ecological communities. - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 115 (9) 2156-2161Jacob S., Laurent E., Haegeman B., Bertrand R., Prunier J.G., Legrand D., Cote J., Chaine A.S., Loreau M., Clobert J. and Schtickzelle N.
(2018) - Habitat choice meets thermal specialization: Competition with specialists may drive suboptimal habitat preferences in generalists - PNAS 11988–11993, vol. 115, no. 47Henderson K. and Loreau M.
(2018) - How ecological feedbacks between human population and land cover influence sustainability. - PLoS Computational Biology 14(8):Arnoldi J.-F., Bideault A., Loreau M. and Haegeman B.
(2018) - How ecosystems recover from pulse perturbations: A theory of short- to long-term responses. - Journal of Theoretical Biology 436: 79–92Clobert J., Chanzy A., Le Galliard J.-F., Chabbi A., Greiveldinger L., Caquet T., Loreau M., Mougin C., Pichot C., Roy J. and Saint-André L.
(2018) - How to Integrate Experimental Research Approaches in Ecological and Environmental Studies: AnaEE France as an Example. - Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution Volume 6 - Article 43Cardinale B.J., Gonzalez A., Allington G.R.H. and Loreau M.
(2018) - Is local biodiversity declining or not? A summary of the debate over analysis of species richness time trends. - Biological Conservation 219 175–183Isbell F., Cowles J., Dee L.E., Loreau M., Reich P.B, Gonzalez A., Hector A. and Schmid B.
(2018) - Quantifying effects of biodiversity on ecosystem functioning across times and places. - Ecology Letters 21: 763–778Zhang Y., He N., Loreau M., Pan Q. and Han X.
(2018) - Scale dependence of the diversity–stability relationship in a temperate grassland - Journal of Ecology 106:1277–1285Gonzalez A., Thompson P. and Loreau M.
(2018) - Spatial ecological networks: planning for sustainability in the long-term. - Science DirectShanafelt D.W., Clobert J., Fenichel E.,P. Hochberg M.E., Kinzig A., Loreau M., Marquet P.A. and Perrings C.
(2018) - Species dispersal and biodiversity in human-dominated metacommunities. - Journal of Theoretical Biology 457: 199–210Shanafelt D.W. and Loreau M.
(2018) - Stability trophic cascades in food chains. - Royal Society Open Science 5: 180995Lafuite A.-S., Denise G. and Loreau M.
(2018) - Sustainable land-use management under biodiversity lag effects. - Ecological Economics 154: 272–281Ghedini G., Loreau M., White C.R. and Marshall D.J.
(2018) - Testing MacArthur’s minimisation principle: do communities minimise energy wastage during succession? - Ecology Letters 21: 1182–1190Zelnik Y.R., Arnoldi J.-F. and Loreau M.
(2018) - The impact of spatial and temporal dimensions of disturbances on ecosystem stability. - Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution Volume 6 - Article 224Thompson P.L., Isbell F., Loreau M., O’Connor M.I. and Gonzalez A
(2018) - The strength of the biodiversity – ecosystem function relationship depends on spatial scale. - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B. 285: 20180038Montoya D., Haegeman B., Gaba S., De Mazancourt C., Bretagnolle V. and Loreau M.
(2018) - Trade-offs in provisioning and stability of multiple ecosystem services in agroecosystems - bioRxiv doi:10.1101/350967Calcagno V., Jarne P., Loreau M., Mouquet N. & David P.
(2017) - Diversity spurs diversification in ecological communities. - Nature Communications 8: 15810Jaillard B., Richon C., Deleporte P., Loreau M. & Violle C.
(2017) - An a posteriori species clustering for quantifying the effects of species interactions on ecosystem functioning. - Methods in Ecology and Evolution 9: 704–715Wang S., Loreau M., Arnoldi J.-F., Fang J., Abd Rahman A., Tao S. & de Mazancourt C.
(2017) - An invariability-area relationship sheds new light on the spatial scaling of ecological stability. - Nature Communications 8: 15211Klemmer A. & Loreau M.
(2017) - Breaking Through Ecosystem Boundaries. - Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America. 98(2): 95-98Pellissier L., Albouy C., Bascompte J., Farwig N., Graham C., Loreau M., Maglianesi-Sandoz M. A., Melian C., Pitteloud C., Roslin T., Rohr R., Saavedra S., Thuiller W., Woodward G., Zimmermann N. E. & Gravel D.
(2017) - Comparing species interaction networks along environmental gradients. - Biological Reviews 93(2): 785-800Haddad N.M., Holt R.D., Fletcher R. J., Loreau M. & Clobert J.
(2017) - Connecting models, data, and concepts to understand fragmentation’s ecosystem-wide effects. - Ecography 40: 1-8Tekwa E.W., Nguyen D., Loreau M. & Gonzalez A.
(2017) - Defector clustering is linked to cooperation in a pathogenic bacterium - Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 284: 20172001Lafuite A.-S., de Mazancourt C. & Loreau M.
(2017) - Delayed behavioural shifts undermine the sustainability of social–ecological systems. - Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 284 : 20171192Tredennick A.T., de Mazancourt C., Loreau M. & Adler P.B.
(2017) - Environmental responses, not species interactions, determine synchrony of dominant species in semiarid grasslands - Ecology 98(4): 971-981Isbell F., Gonzalez A., Loreau M., Cowles J., Díaz S., Hector A., Mace G.M., Wardle D.A., O’Connor M.I. Duffy J.E., Turnbull L.A., Thompson P.L. & Larigauderie A.
(2017) - Linking the influence and dependence of people on biodiversity across scales. - Nature 546: 65Zhang Y., Loreau M., He N., Zhang G. & Han X.
(2017) - Mowing exacerbates the loss of ecosystem stability under nitrogen enrichment in a temperate grassland - Functional Ecology 31: 1637-1646Vallina S.M., Cermeno P., Dutkiewicz S., Loreau M. & Montoya J.M.
(2017) - Phytoplankton functional diversity increases ecosystem productivity and stability. - Ecological Modelling 361: 184-196Carrié R., Andrieu E., Cunningham S.A., Lentini P.E., Loreau M. & Ouin A.
(2017) - Relationships among ecological traits of wild bee communities along gradients of habitat amount and fragmentation - Ecography 40: 85-97Zhang Y., He N., Loreau M., Pan Q. & Han X.
(2017) - Scale dependence of the diversity-stability relationship in a temperate grassland. - Journal of Ecology 106(3): 1277-1285Delsol R., Loreau M. & Haegeman B.
(2017) - The relationship between the spatial scaling of biodiversity and ecosystem stability. - Global Ecology and Biogeography 27: 439-449Lafuite A.-S. & Loreau M.
(2017) - Time-delayed biodiversity feedbacks and the sustainability of social-ecological systems. - Ecological Modelling 351, 96–108Wang S. & Loreau M.
(2016) - Biodiversity and ecosystem stability across scales in metacommunities. - Ecology Letters 19: 510-518Verheyen K., Vanhellemont M., Auge H., Baeten L., Baraloto C., Barsoum N., Bilodeau-Gauthier S., Bruelheide H., Castagneyrol B., Godbold D., Haase J., Hector A., Jactel H., Koricheva J., Loreau M., Mereu S., Messier C., Muys B., Nolet P., Paquette A., Parker J., Perring M., Ponette Q., Potvin C., Reich P., Smith A., Weih M. & Scherer-Lorenzen M.
(2016) - Contributions of a global network of tree diversity experiments to sustainable forest plantations. - Ambio 45: 29–41Thomas T, Moitinho-Silva L., Lurgi M., Björk J.R., Easson C., Astudillo-Garcia C., Olson J.B., Erwin P.M., Lopez-Legentil S., Luter H., Chaves-Fonnegra A., Costa R., Schupp P.J., Steindler L., Erpenbeck D., Gilbert J., Knight R., Ackermann G., Lopez J.V., Taylor M.W., Thacker R.W., Montoya J.M., Hentschel U. & Webster N.S.
(2016) - Diversity, structure and convergent evolution of the global sponge microbiome. - Nature Communications 7: 11870Bertrand R., Riofrio-Dillon G., Lenoir J., Drapier J., De Ruffray P., Gégout J. C., & Loreau M.
(2016) - Ecological constraints increase the climatic debt in forests. - Nature Communications 7: 12643Gonzalez A., Cardinale B.J., Allington G.R.H., Byrnes J., Endsley K.A., Brown D.G., Hooper D.U., Isbell F., O’Connor M.I. & Loreau M.
(2016) - Estimating local biodiversity change: a critique of papers claiming no net loss of local diversity. - Ecology 97: 1949–1960Yuan Z., Wang S., Gazol A., Mellard J., Lin F., Ye J., Hao Z., Wang X. & Loreau M.
(2016) - Multiple metrics of diversity have different effects on temperate forest functioning over succession. - Oecologia 182: 1175-1185Zhang Y., Loreau M., Lü X., He N., Zhang G. & Han X.
(2016) - Nitrogen enrichment weakens ecosystem stability through decreased species asynchrony and population stability in a temperate grassland. - Global Change Biology 22: 1445–1455Craven D., Isbell F., Manning P., Connolly J., Bruelheide H., Ebeling A., Roscher C., van Ruijven J., Weigelt A., Wilsey B., Beierkuhnlein C., de Luca E., Griffin J. N., Hautier Y., Hector A., Jentsch A., Kreyling J., Lanta V., Loreau M., Meyer S.T., Mori A.S., Naeem S., Palmborg C., Polley H.W., Reich P. B., Schmid B., Siebenkäs A., Seabloom E., Thakur M. P., Tilman D., Vogel A. & Eisenhauer N.
(2016) - Plant diversity effects on grassland productivity are robust to both nutrient enrichment and drought. - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B - Biological Sciences 371: 20150277Arnoldi J-F., Loreau M. & Haegeman B.
(2016) - Resilience, reactivity and variability: A mathematical comparison of ecological stability measures. - Journal of Theoretical Biology 389: 47-59Portalier S.M.J., Cherif M., Zhange L., Fussmann G.F. & Loreau M.
(2016) - Size-related effects of physical factors on phytoplankton communities. - Ecological Modelling 323: 41-50Filser J., Faber J.H., Tiunov A.V., Brussaard L., Frouz J., De Deyn G., Uvarov A.V., Berg M.P., Lavelle P., Loreau M., Wall D.H., Querner P., Eijsackers H. & Jiménez J. J.
(2016) - Soil fauna: key to new carbon models. - Soil 2: 565-582Turnbull L. A., Isbell F., Purves D. W., Loreau M. & Hector A.
(2016) - Understanding the value of plant diversity for ecosystem functioning through niche theory. - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B- Biological Sciences 283: 20160536Haegeman B. & Loreau M.
(2015) - A graphical-mechanistic approach to spatial resource competition. - The American Naturalist 185: E1-E13Isbell F., Craven D., Connolly J., Loreau M., Schmid B., Beierkuhnlein C., Bezemer T.M., Bonin C., Bruelheide H., de Luca E., Ebeling A., Griffin J.N., Guo Q., Hautier Y., Hector A., Jentsch A., Kreyling J., Lanta V., Manning P., Meyer S.T., Mori A.S., Naeem S., Niklaus P.A., Polley H.W., Reich P.B., Roscher C., Seabloom E.W., Smith M.D., Thakur M.P., Tilman D., Tracy B.F., van der Putten W.H., van Ruijven J., Weigel, A., Weisser W.W., Wilsey B. & Eisenhauer N.
(2015) - Biodiversity increases the resistance of ecosystem productivity to climate extremes. - Nature 526: 574–577Shanafelt D.W., Dieckmann U., Jonas M., Franklin O., Loreau M. & Perrings C.
(2015) - Biodiversity, productivity, and the spatial insurance hypothesis revisited. - Journal of Theoretical Biology 380: 426–435Auguères A-S. & Loreau M.
(2015) - Can organisms regulate global biogeochemical cycles? - Ecosystems 18: 813–825Wang S., Haegeman B. & Loreau M.
(2015) - Dispersal and metapopulation stability. - Peer J 3: e1295Marleau J., Guichard F. & Loreau M.
(2015) - Emergence of nutrient co-limitation through movement in stoichiometric meta-ecosystems. - Ecology Letters 18: 1163–1173Mellard J.P., de Mazancourt C. & Loreau M.
(2015) - Evolutionary responses to environmental change: trophic interactions affect adaptation and persistence. - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B- Biological Sciences 282: 20141351Tekwa E.W., Gonzalez A. & Loreau M.
(2015) - Local densities connect spatial ecology to game, multilevel selection and inclusive fitness theories of cooperation. - Journal of Theoretical Biology 380: 414–425Prosnier L., Loreau M. & Hulot F.D.
(2015) - Modeling the direct and indirect effects of copper on phytoplankton–zooplankton interactions. - Aquatic Toxicology 162: 73–81Tekwa E.W., Nguyen D., Juncker D., Loreau M. & Gonzalez A.
(2015) - Patchiness in a microhabitat chip affects evolutionary dynamics of bacterial cooperation. - Lab on a Chip 15: 3723–3729Mouquet N., Lagadeuc Y., Devictor V., Doyen L., Duputié A., Eveillard D., Faure D., Garnier E., Gimenez O., Huneman P., Jabot F., Jarne P., Joly D., Julliard R., Kéfi S., Kergoat G. J., Lavorel S., Le Gall L., Meslin L., Morand S., Morin X., Morlon H., Pinay G., Pradel R., Schurr F.M, Thuiller,W. & Loreau M.
(2015) - Predictive ecology in a changing world. - Journal of Applied Ecology 52: 1293–1310Auguères A.-S. & Loreau M.
(2015) - Regulation of Redfield ratios in deep ocean. - Global Biogeochemical Cycles 29: 254-266Revilla T.A., Encinas-Viso F. & Loreau M.
(2015) - Robustness of mutualistic networks under phenological change and habitat destruction. - Oikos 124: 22–32Isbell F., Tilman D., Polasky S. & Loreau M.
(2015) - The biodiversity-dependent ecosystem service debt. - Ecology Letters 18: 119–134Hatton I.A., McCann K.S., Fryxell J.M., Davies T.J., Smerlak M., Sinclair A.R.E. & Loreau M.
(2015) - The predator-prey power law: Biomass scaling across terrestrial and aquatic biomes. - Science 349: 1070Revilla T.A., Encinas-Viso F. & Loreau M.
(2014) - (A bit) Earlier or later is always better: phenological shifts in consumer–resource interactions. - Theoretical Ecology 7: 149–162Mora C., Danovaro R. & Loreau M.
(2014) - Alternative hypotheses to explain why biodiversity–ecosystem functioning relationships are concave-up in some natural ecosystems but concave-down in manipulative experiments. - Scientific Reports 4: 5427Legagneux P., Gauthier G., Lecomte N., Schmidt N.M., Reid D., Cadieux M.-C., Berteaux D., Bêty J., Krebs C.J., Ims R.A., Yoccoz N.G., Morrison R.I.G., Leroux S.J., Loreau M. & Gravel D.
(2014) - Arctic ecosystem structure and functioning shaped by climate and herbivore body size. - Nature Climate Change 4: 379–383Hulot F.D., Lacroix G. & Loreau M.
(2014) - Differential responses of size-based functional groups to bottom-up and top-down perturbations in pelagic food webs: a meta-analysis. - Oikos 123: 1291–1300Wang S. & Loreau M.
(2014) - Ecosystem stability in space: a, b, and g variability. - Ecology Letters 17: 891–901Matias M.G., Gravel D., Guilhaumon F., Desjardins-Proulx P., Loreau M., Münkemüller T. & Mouquet N.
(2014) - Estimates of species extinctions from species–area relationships strongly depend on ecological context. - Ecography 37: 431–442Haegeman B. & Loreau M.
(2014) - General relationships between consumer dispersal, resource dispersal and metacommunity diversity. - Ecology Letters 17: 175–184Vallina S.M., Follows M.J., Dutkiewicz S., Montoya J.M., Cermeno P. & Loreau M.
(2014) - Global relationship between phytoplankton diversity and productivity in the ocean. - Nature Communications 5: 4299Isbell F. & Loreau M.
(2014) - Human impacts on minimum subsets of species critical for maintaining ecosystem structure. - Basic and Applied Ecology 14: 623–629Marleau J., Guichard F. & Loreau M.
(2014) - Meta-ecosystem dynamics and functioning on finite spatial networks. - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B- Biological Sciences 281: 20132094Loreau M.
(2014) - Reconciling utilitarian and non-utilitarian approaches to biodiversity conservation. - Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics 14: 27–32Gross K., Cardinale B.J., Fox J.W., Gonzalez A., Loreau M., Polley H.W., Reich P.B. & van Ruijven J.
(2014) - Species richness and the temporal stability of biomass production: a new analysis of recent biodiversity experiments. - The American Naturalist 183: 1–12Isbell F. & Loreau M.
(2014) - Sustainability of human ecological niche construction. - Ecology and Society 19: 45Sapijanskas J., Paquette A., Potvin C., Kunert N. & Loreau M.
(2014) - Tropical tree diversity enhances light capture through crown plasticity and spatial and temporal niche differences. - Ecology 95: 2479–2492Sapijanskas J., Potvin C. & Loreau M.
(2013) - Beyond shading: Litter production by neighbors contributes to overyielding in tropical trees. - Ecology, 94(4), 2013, pp. 941–952Loreau M. & de Mazancourt C.
(2013) - Biodiversity and ecosystem stability: a synthesis of underlying mechanisms. - Ecology Letters 16, Supplement 1: 106–115Turnbull L.A., Levine J.M., Loreau M. & Hector A.
(2013) - Coexistence, niches, and the effects of biodiversity on ecosystem functioning. - Ecology Letters 16, Supplement 1: 116–127.
Cherif M. & Loreau M.
(2013) - Plant–herbivore–decomposer stoichiometric mismatches and nutrient cycling in ecosystems. - Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 280: 20122453de Mazancourt C., Isbell F., Larocque A., Berendse F., De Luca F., Grace J.B., Haegeman B., Polley H.W. Roscher C., Schmid B. Tilman D., van Ruijven J., Weigelt A., Wilsey B.J. & Loreau M.
(2013) - Predicting ecosystem stability from community composition and biodiversity. - Ecology Letters 16: 617–625Loreau M., Daufresne T., Gonzalez A., Gravel D., Guichard F., Leroux S.J., Loeuille N., Massol F. & Mouquet N.
(2013) - Unifying sources and sinks in ecology and Earth sciences. - Biological Reviews 88: 365–379Lekevicius E. & Loreau M.
(2012) - Adaptability and functional stability in forest ecosystems: a hierarchical conceptual framework. - Ekologija 58: 391–404Cardinale B.J., Duffy J.E., Gonzalez A., Hooper D.U., Perrings C., Venail P., Narwani A., Mace G.M., Tilman D., Wardle D.A., Kinzig A.P., Daily, G.C., Loreau M., Grace J.B., Larigauderie A., Srivastava D.S. & Naeem S.
(2012) - Biodiversity loss and its impact on humanity. - Nature 486: 59–67Leroux S.J. & Loreau M.
(2012) - Dynamics of reciprocal pulsed subsidies in local and meta-ecosystems. - Ecosystems 15: 48–59Pillai P., Gonzalez A. & Loreau M.
(2012) - Evolution of dispersal in a predator-prey metacommunity. - The American Naturalist 179: 204–216Goudard A. & Loreau M.
(2012) - Integrating trait-mediated effects and non-trophic interactions in the study of biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. - Trait-Mediated Indirect Interactions: Ecological and Evolutionary Perspectives, T. Ohgushi, O. J. Schmitz & R. D. Holt Eds, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom pp. 414–432.Long Z.T., Leroux S.J., Faninger T. & Loreau M.
(2012) - Interactive effects of nutrient enrichment and the manipulation of intermediate hosts by parasites on infection prevalence and food web structure. - Ecological Modelling 228: 1–7Loreau M., Sapijanskas J., Isbell F. & Hector A.
(2012) - Niche and fitness differences relate the maintenance of diversity to ecosystem function: comment. - Ecology 93: 1482–1487Fritz H., Loreau M., Chamaillé-Jammes S., Valeix M. & Clobert J.
(2011) - A food web perspective on large herbivore community limitation. - Ecography 34: 196-202Haegeman B. & Loreau M.
(2011) - A mathematical synthesis of niche and neutral theories in community ecology. - Journal of Theoretical Biology 269: 150-165Brännström A., Loeuille N., Loreau M. & Dieckmann U.
(2011) - Emergence and maintenance of biodiversity in an evolutionary food-web model. - Theoretical Ecology 4: 467–478Mora C., Aburto-Oropeza O., Ayala Bocos A., Ayotte P.M., Banks S., Bauman A.G., Beger M., Bessudo S., Booth D.J., Brokovich E., Brooks A., Chabanet P., Cinner J.E., Cortés J., Cruz-Motta J.J., Cupul Magaña A., DeMartini E.E., Edgar G.J., Feary D.A., Ferse S.C.A., Friedlander A.M., Gaston K.J., Gough C., Graham N.A.J., Green A., Guzman H., Hardt M., Kulbicki M., Letourneur Y., López Pérez A., Loreau M., Loya Y., Martinez C., Mascareñas-Osorio I., Morove T., Nadon M.-O., Nakamura Y., Paredes G., Polunin N.V.C., Pratchett M.S., Reyes Bonilla H., Rivera F., Sala E., Sandin S.A., Soler G., Stuart-Smith R., Tessier E., Tittensor D.P., Tupper M., Usseglio P., Vigliola L., Wantiez L., Williams I., Wilson S.K. & Zapata F.A.
(2011) - Global human footprint on the linkage between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in reef fishes. - PLoS Biology 9: e1000606Isbell F., Calcagno V., Hector A., Connolly J., Harpole W.S., Reich P.B., Scherer-Lorenzen M., Schmid B., Tilman D., van Ruijven J., Weigelt A., Wilsey B.J., Zavaleta E.S. & Loreau M.
(2011) - High plant diversity is needed to maintain ecosystem services. - Nature 477: 199-202Calcagno V., Sun C., Schmitz O.J. & Loreau M.
(2011) - Keystone predation and plant species coexistence: the role of carnivore hunting mode. - The American Naturalist 177: E1-E13Pillai P., Gonzalez A. & Loreau M.
(2011) - Metacommunity theory explains the emergence of food web complexity. - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 108: 19293–19298Kylafis G. & Loreau M.
(2011) - Niche construction in the light of niche theory. - Ecology Letters 14: 82-90Pillai P., Loreau M. & Gonzalez A.
(2010) - A patch-dynamic framework for food web metacommunities. - Theoretical Ecology 3: 223–237Sapijanskas J. & Loreau M.
(2010) - Cascading extinctions, functional complementarity, and selection in two-trophic-level model communities: A trait-based mechanistic approach - Journal of Theoretical Biology 267: 375–387Leroux S. & Loreau M.
(2010) - Consumer-mediated recycling and cascading trophic interactions. - Ecology 91(7), pp. 2162–2171Hauzy C., Gauduchon M., Hulot F.D. & Loreau M.
(2010) - Density-dependentdispersalandrelativedispersalaffectthestabilityof predator–preymetacommunities. - Journal of Theoretical Biology 266- 458–469Walther B.A, Larigauderie A. & Loreau M.
(2010) - DIVERSITAS: Biodiversity Science Integrating Research and Policy for Human Well-Being - Coping with Global Environmental Change, Disasters and Security p. 1235Loeuille N. & Loreau M.
(2010) - Emergence of complex food web structure in community evolution models. - Community Ecology Processes, Models, and ApplicationsHector A., Hautier Y., Saner P., Wacker L., Bagchi R., … & Loreau M.
(2010) - General stabilizing effects of plant diversity on grassland productivity through population asynchrony and overyielding. - Ecology 91(8), pp. 2213–2220Loreau M.
(2010) - Linking biodiversity and ecosystems: towards a unifying ecological theory. - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London ser. B. 365, 49–60Marleau J.N., Guichard F., Mallard F. & Loreau M.
(2010) - Nutrient flows between ecosystems can destabilize simple food chains. - Journal of Theoretical Biology 266,162–174Gravel D., Mouquet N., Loreau M. & Guichard F.
(2010) - Patch Dynamics, Persistence, and Species Coexistence in Metaecosystems. - The american naturalist vol. 176, no. 3Gravel D., Guichard F., Loreau M. & Mouquet N.
(2010) - Source and sink dynamics in meta-ecosystems. - Ecology 91(7), pp. 2172–2184Cherif M. & Loreau M.
(2010) - Towards a more biologically realistic use of Droop’s equations to model growth under multiple nutrient limitation. - Oikos 119: 897–907Griffin J. N., O’Gorman E.J., Emmerson M.C., Jenkins S.R., Klein A.-M., Loreau M. & Symstad A.
(2009) - Biodiversity and the stability of ecosystem functioning. - Biodiversity, Ecosystem Functioning, and Human Wellbeing: An Ecological and Economic Perspective.Gonzalez A., Mouquet N. & Loreau M.
(2009) - Biodiversity as spatial insurance: the effects of habitat fragmentation and dispersal on ecosystem functioning. - Biodiversity, Ecosystem Functioning, and Human Wellbeing: An Ecological and Economic Perspective. Chapt. 10Naeem S, Bunker D.E., Hector A., Loreau M., & Perrings C.
(2009) - Can we predict the effects of global change on biodiversity loss and ecosystem functioning? - Biodiversity, Ecosystem Functioning, and Human Wellbeing: An Ecological and Economic Perspective. Chapt. 21Leroux S. & Loreau M.
(2009) - Disentangling multiple predator effects in biodiversity and ecosystem functioning research. - Journal of Animal Ecology 78 , 695–698Sun C. & Loreau M.
(2009) - Dynamics of a three-species food chain model with adaptive traits. - Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 41 : 2812–2819Cardinale B., Srivastava D., Duffy E., Wright J., Downing A., Sankaran M., Jouseau C., Cadotte M.W., Carroll I., Weis J., Hector A. & Loreau M.
(2009) - Effects of biodiversity on the functioning of ecosystems: a summary of 164 experimental manipulations of species richness. - Ecology Vol. 90, No. 3Loreau M.
(2009) - Enjeux de la science et la gouvernance de la biodiversité. - Les Ateliers de l'Ethique Vol. 4 - numéro 1Naeem S, Bunker D.E., Hector A., Loreau M., & Perrings C.
(2009) - Introduction: the ecological and social implications of changing biodiversity. An overview of a decade of biodiversity and ecosystem functioning research. - Biodiversity, Ecosystem Functioning, and Human Wellbeing: An Ecological and Economic Perspective. Chapt. 1Olff H., Alonso D., Berg M.P., Eriksson K., Loreau M., Piersma T. & Rooney N.
(2009) - Parallel ecological networks in ecosystems. - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London ser. B. 364, 1755–1779Hector A., Bell T., Connolly J., Finn J., Fox J., Kirwan L., Loreau M., McLaren J., Schmid B. & Weigelt A.
(2009) - The analysis of biodiversity experiments: from pattern toward mechanism. - Biodiversity, Ecosystem Functioning, and Human Wellbeing: An Ecological and Economic Perspective. Chapt. 7Gonzalez A. & Loreau M.
(2009) - The Causes and Consequences of Compensatory Dynamics in Ecological Communities. - Annu. Rev. Ecol. Evol. Syst. 40:393–414Cardinale B., Duffy E., Srivastava D., Loreau M., Thomas M. & Emmerson M.
(2009) - Towards a food web perspective on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. - Biodiversity, Ecosystem Functioning, and Human Wellbeing, pp.105-120Haegeman B. & Loreau M.
(2009) - Trivial and non-trivial applications of entropy maximization in ecology: a reply to Shipley. - Oikos 118: 1270-1278Cherif M. & Loreau M.
(2009) - When microbes and consumers determine the limiting nutrient of autotrophs: a theoretical analysis. - Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 276, 487–497BOOKS
- Loreau, M. (2023) — Nature That Makes Us Human: Why We Keep Destroying Nature and How We Can Stop Doing So. Oxford University Press, New York, 153 pp.
- Loreau, M. (2022). — Comment l’Erosion de la Biodiversité Met en Péril les Sociétés. Ebook in the Le Virus de la Recherche Collection, Grenoble, 8 pp.
- Loreau, M., Hector, A. & Isbell, F. (Eds) (2022) — The Ecological and Societal Consequences of Biodiversity Loss. ISTE, London, and John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, 353 pp.
- Billé R., Cury P., Loreau M. & Maris V. (2014) — Biodiversité : Vers une Sixième Extinction de Masse. Editions La Ville Brûle, Montreuil, France, 199 pp.
- Loreau M. (2010) — From Populations to Ecosystems: Theoretical Foundations for a New Ecological Synthesis. Monographs in Population Biology, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 297 pp.
- Loreau M. (2010) — The Challenges of Biodiversity Science. Excellence in Ecology, International Ecology Institute, Oldendorf/Luhe, 120 pp.
- Levin S.A., Carpenter S.R., Godfray H.C.J., Kinzig A.P., Loreau M., Losos J.B., Walker B. & Wilcove D.S. (Eds) (2009) — The Princeton Guide to Ecology. Princeton University Press, Princeton, 809 pp.
- Naeem S., Bunker D.E., Hector A., Loreau M. & Perrings C. (Eds) (2009) — Biodiversity, Ecosystem Functioning, and Human Wellbeing: An Ecological and Economic Perspective. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 368 pp.
- Loreau M., Naeem S. & Inchausti P. (Eds) (2002) — Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning: Synthesis and Perspectives. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 294 pp.
- Desender K., Dufrêne M., Loreau M., Luff M.L. & Maelfait J.-P. (Eds) (1994) — Carabid Beetles: Ecology and Evolution. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 474 pp.