Highlights of Research Impact
- Elected a Fellow of the European Science Academy (2018)
- First author of the "most highly-cited research paper" in the field of "climate change" (out of 140,000 papers on climate change science and impacts analyzed by the NGO Carbon Brief in 2015). This paper (Parmesan & Yohe Nature - 2003) was also named a "new hot paper" by Thomson Reuters "Essential Science Indicators" for ranking in the top 0.1% of citations during the first two months after publication.
- Ranked 2nd in "Top-20 Most highly cited authors in climate change research, 1999-2009.” (Thomson Reuters, Essential Science Indicators)
- Named a "highly-cited researcher" for 2017 and 2018 (Clarivite - WoS)
- Named a "Make our Planet Great Again" Laureate (presented by Pres. Macron, Dec. 2017).
- Named a "Brave Thinker" by Atlantic Monthly magazine, along with Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg and Barack Obama (Nov. 2009)
- Elected a Fellow of the Ecological Society of America (2013)
- Recipient of Marsh Award for Climate Change Research, British Ecological Society (2015)
- Awarded the "2013 Distinguished Texas Scientist", Texas Academy of Science
- Authored 12 research papers in the top scientific journals Science and Nature
- Sole author of most cited and most downloaded paper for the high impact scientific journal Annual Reviews in Ecology, Evolution and Systematics. This paper was also named a "New Hot Paper" by Thomson Reuters (Essential Science Indicators) for ranking in the top 0.1% of citations in the first two months after publication..
I frequently am invited to give plenary or keynote talks at international scientific and policy meetings. Selected:
- Plenary speaker, Euroscience Open Forum - ESOF (Toulouse, FR, July 2018)
- Gordon Goodman Memorial Lecture, " The Spectre of Conservation in a Time of Rapid Change", Stockholm Environment Institute, Sweden (Sept, 2018)
- Keynote speaker, NTNU Sustainability Science Conference, Trondheim, Norway (Oct. 2017)
- Keynote speaker, Bolin Days, Bolin Center, Stockholm, Sweden (Nov, 2017)
- Opening Plenary talk, International conference Species on the Move (Tasmania, AU, 2016)
- Closing Plenary talk, Joint Annual meeting of the British Ecological Society and La Société Française d'Ecologie (Lille, FR, 2014)
- Closing Plenary Speaker, international meeting on "Temperature and Life", the 5th International Symposium on the Physiology and Pharmacology of Temperature Regulation (Kruger National Park, South Africa, 2014)
- Colloquium Speaker, OIST Colloquium Series, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (Okinawa 2013)
- Keynote Speaker, Inaugural workshop, Programme on Climate and Biosphere Impacts, Imperial College and Grantham Institute for Climate Change (London 2013)
- Invited Speaker and panel member in final round-table, joint conference organized by Ecology letters and Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), "Ecological Effects of Environmental Change" (Paris 2012)
- Invited Speaker, 13th EMBL|EMBO (European Molecular Biology Laboratory and European Molecular Biology Organization) Science and Society Conference "Biodiversity in the Balance" (Heidelberg 2012)
- Delivered annual Keynote Lecture on "Recent Advances in Ecology" for the annual meeting of the Ecological Society of America (Austin, Texas 2011)
- Plenary Address, Entomological Society of Canada, (Winnipeg 2009)
- Distinguished speaker, Linnaeus 300 year Celebration, Royal Swedish Academy (Stockholm 2007)
Highlights of Impacts at the Science/Policy Interface
My research has been integral to the development of guidelines for detecting changes in wild species over the past century and for attributing those responses to climate change. My influence on the "detection and attribution" guidelines for biological systems is exemplified in Lead Authorship on the "Methods and Tools" chapter for IPCC 3rd Assessment Report (2001, WGII), co-author of "Guidelines for Detection and Attribution" in advance of the IPCC 5th Assessment report, Contributing Authorships in subsequent relevant chapters (ch. 4 "Ecosystems", ch.18 "Detection and Attribution" and ch. 30 "Oceans") in the IPCC 5th Assessment Report (2014, WGII), and CLA of ch.2 "Terrestrial and Freshwater Ecosystems" for IPCC 6th AR.
Because climate change research has immediate policy relevance, I have been heavily involved at both the national and international levels in reports, panels and workshops operating at the interface of science, policy and conservation. I've also worked with international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to discuss the conservation implications of climate change. These discussions include developing strategies for reducing negative impacts on global biodiversity and for preserving rare and endangered species and ecosystems.
Selected activities, events and talks at science/policy interface:
Named as an Official Contributor by the Nobel Committee in awarding the Nobel Peace Prize to IPCC in 2007
- IPCC: Coordinating Lead Author 6th AR, Contributing Author 5th AR, Lead Author 3rd AR.
- Letter from Greta Thunberg and young climate activists following the IPPC commitment (August 2019).
- Plenary speaker at pre-COP21 science meeting "Our Common Future under Climate Change", organized by UNESCO, Future Earth, and ICSU (Paris 2015)
- Excerpts from my talk were highlighted in the CFUCC film shown at COP21 in Paris 2015 (at 4:32, 17 min total): Video link
- Speaker at the "Environmental Seminars on the Hill" (White House Complex), American Meteorological Society (Washington D.C. 2009)
- Speaker at COP-15 Climate Conference, IUCN Side Event “Adaptation Measures for Biodiversity Conservation,” (Copenhagen 2009)
- Member of the Science Advisory Board for the US Global Change Research Program (2011-2014)
- Lead Author & Reviewer, U.S. National Climate Assessment and products (2011-2013)
- Appointed National Academy of Sciences Board of Life Sciences (2008-2014)
- Member US Climate Change Science Program, Office of the White House, Lead Author of Product 3.3 "Climate extremes." (2006-2008); Lead Author National Climate Assessment Climate Change and Agriculture: Effects and Adaptation (2013).
- Appointed to the National Research Council (National Academy of Sciences) committees. Authored assessments on NEON: the National Ecological Observatory Network (2003), on Ecological Impacts of Climate Change in our Nation's Parks (2008) and on the Committee on Value and Sustainability of Biological Field Stations, Marine Laboratories, and Natural Reserves in 21st Century Science, Education, and Public Outreach (2014).
- Gave plenary talk for celebration of "Climate Science, 50 Years Later: Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the First Official Climate-Change Warning to a U.S. President", hosted by American Association for the Advancement of Science and Carnegie Institute (Washington D.C. 2015). "What we know about impacts to species." Video-link - my talk is at 2:05:20; panel discussion is at 2:35:34
- Speaker and panel discussant, Symposium "After Copenhagen", LBJ School of Public Affairs, Univ. of Texas, (Austin, Texas 2010)
- National Conservation Achievement Award, Science Category, National Wildlife Federation (2007)
- International award for "Outstanding Woman Working on Climate Change Issues," by the IUCN (the World Conservation Union), Geneva, Switzerland (2007).
- Named in “Who’s Who of Women and the Environment,” United Nations Environment Program (2007).
Highlights of Outreach and Media Impacts
My outreach activities are varied and include public lectures, training workshops for governmental agencies and the political sector, writing and being interviewed for school and university textbooks as well as general educational material for adults and children and interviews with media. I have provided briefs and testimonies for governmental and legal bodies, and participated in a 2-day Congressional Course to teach senior US congressional staff about global warming impacts. In these talks, I present the general climate science behind the global warming issue as well as my own work on the global impacts of climate change.
In addition to working with conservation NGOs, I have been working with a broader set of organizations that are committed to confronting climate change through action and/or public communication as part of their missions. These include being a science advisor for Interfaith Power and Light, whose 11,000 member congregations have committed to becoming carbon-neutral, and for Texas Impact, established in 1973 to be a voice of religious social concern to the Texas Legislature.
My scientific publications frequently receive considerable media attention. A search on Google for “Camille Parmesan” routinely returns > 15,000 hits. These include tv news spots, radio interviews, newspaper and magazine articles, and web-based articles & blogs.
Below are some selected outreach activities.
- I regularly give public and educational outreach lectures to both adult and child audiences. Highlights include:
- Gordon Goodman Lecture, Stockholm Environment Institute (Sept. 2018) "The Spectre of Conservation in a Time of Rapid Change." Full lecture video on-line.
- Clovelly Lecture " Responses of Wild Life to Man-made Climate Change: Challenges and Solutions", Organized by the Clovelly Think Tank on World Affairs, London, UK (Oct. 2018)
- Evening Public Lecture, Arnold Arboretum Director's Series, Harvard University. "Responses to anthropogenic climate change: predicting the future requires knowing the past" (Boston 2016)
- Evening Public lecture, Dean's Seminar Series, Monmouth University. "Responses of Wild Plants and Animals to Man-Made Climate Change: Challenges and Solutions in a Time of Rapid Global Change" (New Jersey 2016). Full lecture video on-line.
- Evening Public Lecture, Frontiers of Biology Lecture-Book Series, Princeton University. "Life in a Warmer World: Nature is Responding to Climate Change .... Should You?" (Princeton 2015)
- Evening Public Lecture, Linnean Society Series, "Biodiversity and Climate Change - Connecting the Past to the Future" (Plymouth 2014). Full lecture video on-line.
- Interviewed and filmed in the field for BBC film series "The State of the Planet," hosted by Sir David Attenborough, British Broadcasting Corporation, (aired November 2000, in three parts).
- Member, AAAS committee on Climate Science Communication (2013). We published a white paper designed for the average citizen. It had over 50,000 views within the first few weeks of publications and received wide media attention with over 400 pieces of coverage, including the New York Times, Washington Post, Associated Press, Time Magazine and National Public Radio. "What We Know: the Reality, Risks and Responses to Climate Change"
- Participant in the Scientists/Evangelical Alaska Expedition, organized by the Center for Global Change and the Environment, Harvard Medical School and PBS. Documentary of expedition “God and Global Warming" aired on Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) Oct. 2007.
- Authored policy briefs and lay publications, e.g.:
- IUCN Issues Brief (2017): Impacts and effects of ocean warming on human health (disease). IUCN publications, Gland, Switzerland. Product derived from Parmesan C, Attrill M. (2016).
- Parmesan C. & Skevington S. (2010) - Human Health and Biodiversity. UNESCO/SCOPE Policy Brief Series.
- Parmesan C. (2007) - Extinction or Evolution? Gincana 3, UNEP & Convention on Biological Diversity, pp. 25.
- Profiled in Sally Ride’s Cool Careers in Environmental Sciences (2009)- Series on people in scientific careers.
- Contributed essay to Sally Ride Science website for “Our Changing Climate”, A Featured Blog for Fall 2007. The Sally Ride Science Corporate Mission is to bring more girls into technical fields through innovative and inspirational educational programs and products.
- Profiled (text & video) for elementary school book, How We Know What We Know About Our Changing Climate: Scientists and Kids Explore Global Warming. (Lynne Cherry and Gary Braasch), Dawn Publications (2008). Winner of 17 national book awards and recommended by the U.S.A. National Science Teachers Association.
- Notable magazine and newspaper profiles:
- Guardian Sunday Observer, Q&A with John Vidal "Camille Parmesan: 'Trump's extremism on climate change has brought people together'.
- France 3 TV on MOPGA award
- Washington Post: Dec 11, 2017
- Science et Vie, “Forced Migrations”, Boris Bellanger, March 2009.
- Audubon Magazine, Family Section, April 2010.
- The Guardian, “A home from home: saving species from climate change,” Suzanne Goldenberg, Feb. 12, 2010.
- Scientific American, “Insights: Escape from the Killing Fields”, David Appell, March 9, 2009.
- National Wildlife magazine, “Out of Sync” by Laura Tangley, April/May 2005
- Audubon Magazine “Madam Butterfly”, Alex Shoumatoff, Sept/Oct, 2005
- Other notable videos and radio interviews:
- Nature video on The tale of the Edith's checkerspot
- "Creative Conservation in a Changing Climate", Interview on You-Tube video
- “Global Warming: Impacts on Wildlife and Society”, Interview on You-Tube
- Skeptical Scientists and the Global Change Institute at U Queensland, "Speaking to skeptics"
- “Why I became a biologist”, Interview on You-Tube video
- Official COP15 (UNFCC) interview
- So You've Got Climate Change: Living in a Warmer World, video interview series by Texas Impact (in 6 parts, Search YouTube for "So you've got climate change" to see all 6).
- ACCESS News (oriented towards deaf audiences), KLRU Austin Texas, aired Oct. 23, 2011:
- ABC News, Nature’s Edge Notebooks, World News Webcast “Unnatural Selection”, Bill Blakemore, Thursday July 24, 2008
- Australian Broadcasting Corporation “Science Show” (July 31, 2010)
- Living on Earth “The Future of the Ecological Landscape” segment (Jan. 8, 2010)
- New Zealand Public Radio “Nine to Noon” Show (July 31, 2008)
- Earth and Sky "Radical Conservation Methods Needed" (May 17, 2009)
- Earth and Sky "How to Deal with Climate-related Depression" (Feb. 2009)
Brief Biography
My research focuses on the impacts of climate change on wild plants and animals. Early work detailed behavioral, ecological and evolutionary aspects of insect/plant interactions. My research on biological impacts of anthropogenic climate change in natural systems spans from detailed field-based work on individual butterfly species and communities to synthetic analyses of global impacts on a broad range of plants and animals across terrestrial and marine biomes. I have co-authored assessments of climate change impacts on natural systems at national and global levels, as well as on related impacts on agricultural insect pests and on human health, particularly through changes in wild animal vectors and reservoirs of diseases.
Scientific awards: I was ranked the second most highly cited author in the field of Climate Change for the decade 1999-2009 by Thomson Reuters "Essential Science Indicators." I was named the "2013 Distinguished Scientist" by the Texas Academy of Sciences, and am an elected a Fellow of the Ecological Society of America (ESA) and of the European Academy of Sciences (EurASc). In a survey of 140,000 studies, Parmesan and Yohe (Nature 2003) was ranked the most highly cited research paper on Climate Change (Carbon Brief, 2015).
I work actively with governmental agencies and NGOs to help develop conservation assessment and planning tools aimed at preserving biodiversity in the face of climate change. For this work I was awarded the Conservation Achievement Award in Science by the National Wildlife Federation, named "Outstanding Woman Working on Climate Change," by IUCN, and named as a “Who’s Who of Women and the Environment” by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). I have worked with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change for 20+ years, am currently a Coordinating Lead Author for the IPCC 6th Assessment Report, and was an official named Contributor to IPCC receiving the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007.
Link to Featured Researcher profile
Gladys Barragan-Jason , Maxime Cauchoix, Paula A. Diaz-Valencia, Arielle Syssau-Vaccarella, Solène Hemet, Camilo Cardozo, Suzanne M. Skevington, Philipp Heeb, Camille Parmesan
(2024) - Human–nature connectedness and sustainability across lifetimes: A comparative cross-sectional study in France and Colombia - People and Nature Barragan‐Jason, G., Cauchoix, M., Diaz‐Valencia, P. A., Syssau‐Vaccarella, A., Hemet, S., Cardozo, C., ... & Parmesan, C. (2024). Human–nature connectedness and sustainability across lifetimes: A comparative cross‐sectional study in France and Colombia. People and Nature.Barragan-Jason, G., Loreau, M., de Mazancourt, C., Singer, M. C. & Parmesan, C.
(2023) - Psychological and physical connections with nature improve both human well-being and nature conservation : a systematic review of meta-analyses - Biological Conservation 277: 109842Barragan-Jason, G., de Mazancourt, C., Parmesan, C., Singer, M. C. & Loreau, M.
(2022) - Human-nature connectedness as a pathway to sustainability: a global meta-analysis - Conservation LettersParmesan C, Singer MC.
(2022) - Mosaics of climatic stress across species' ranges: trade-offs cause adaptive evolution to limits of climatic tolerance - Phil Trans Roy Soc B 377 (1848)Parmesan C.
(2021) - AR6ch2 Table 2.S.1 Attribution Observed - IPCC AR6 Chapter 2Parmesan C.
(2021) - AR6ch2 Table 2.S.2 Uncertainty Projected Impacts - IPCC AR6 Chapter 2Singer M.C., Parmesan C.
(2021) - Colonizations cause diversification of host preferences: A mechanism explaining increased generalization at range boundaries expanding under climate change - GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY 27:3505-3518Author : Strutz S.E., Supervisors : Parmesan C., Phelps S.
(2021) - Dissertation :Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Emergence in Texas: Changing Patterns of Disease and Hosts - Barragan-Jason G., de Mazancourt C., Parmesan C., Singer M., Loreau M.
Pörtner, H.O., Scholes, R.J., Agard, J., Archer, E., Arneth, A., Bai, X., Barnes, D., Burrows, M., Chan, L., Cheung, W.L., Diamond, S., Donatti, C., Duarte, C., Eisenhauer, N., Foden, W., Gasalla, M., Handa, C., Hickler, T., Hoegh-Guldberg, O., Ichii, K., Jacob, U., Insarov, G., Kiessling, W., Leadley, P., Leemans, R., Levin, L., Lim, M., Maharaj, S., Managi, S., Marquet, P., McElwee, P., Midgley, G., Oberdorff, T., Obura, D., Osman, E., Pandit, R., Pascual, U., Pires, A. P. F., Popp, A., Reyes-García, V., Sankaran, M., Settele, J., Shin, Y. J., Sintayehu, D. W., Smith, P., Steiner, N., Strassburg, B., Sukumar, R., Trisos, C., Val, A.L., Wu, J., Aldrian, E., Parmesan, C., Pichs-Madruga, R., Roberts, D.C., Rogers, A.D., Díaz, S., Fischer, M., Hashimoto, S., Lavorel, S., Wu, N., Ngo, H.T.
(2021) - Scientific outcome of the IPBES-IPCC co-sponsored workshop on biodiversity and climate change. - IPBES secretariat, Bonn, Germany, doi:10.5281/zenodo.4659158Parmesan C.
(2021) - Table 2.S.3 Projected vulnerabilities and risks of ecosystems to biome shifts - IPCC AR6 Chapter 2Mainali K., Babu Shrestha B., Kumar Sharma R., Adhikari A., Gurarie E., Singer M. & Parmesan C.
(2020) - Contrasting responses to climate change at Himalayan treelines revealed by population demographics of two dominant species. - Ecology and Evolution 10: 1209–1222Parmesan C.
(2020) - Diseases- Additional document - IPCC AR6 Chapter 2Singer M.C. & Parmesan C.
(2019) - Butterflies embrace maladaptation and raise fitness in colonizing novel host. - Evolutionary Applications 1:17Duffy P.B, Field C.B, Diffenbaugh N.S, Doney S.C, Dutton Z., Goodman S., Heinzerling L., Hsiang S., Lobell D.B, Mickley L.J, Myers S., Natali S.M., Parmesan C., Tierney S. & Park Williams A.
(2019) - Strengthened scientific support for the Endangerment Finding for atmospheric greenhouse gases. - Science 363, eaat5982Advani N.K., Parmesan C. & Singer M.C.
(2019) - Takeoff temperatures in Melitaea cinxia butterflies from latitudinal and elevational range limits: a potential adaptation to solar irradiance: Takeoff temperatures in butterflies. - Ecological Entomology 44: 389-396Singer M.C. and Parmesan C.
(2018) - Lethal trap created by adaptive evolutionary response to an exotic resource - Nature 557:238–241Parmesan P., Hanley M.E & Singer M.C.
(2018) - Model vs. experiment to predict crop losses. - Science 362(6419): 112